Pre-culture for Rome, North of Rome, Romans took over everything, sculptures survived and descriptions, but building were lost due to them being made of wood and mudbrick. Language influenced by Greeks, a lot of Greek influence due to trade with Greeks
Temple of Minerva (Temple of Athena)
Pediment and columns (tuscan order, not fluted)
Sculptures on roof
Not open all around, one entrance and people can enter
Mudbrick, Wood
Sculptures made of terracotta (could mold terracotta)
3 different doors = 3 different rooms for gods
Apollo from Temple of Minerva
Not Greece = Not super wet drapery, Not nude, Stump, Coming out at us
Archaic similarities = Stance, hair, broad shoulders
Terracotta - orangish color
Move dynamically through space
Vulka of VI??? Sculptor??
Sarcophagus of the Spouses
Tomb Art - Ashes inside
Celebration of life - reclining on banquet couch
Hand gestures
Goofy archaic smile, broad shoulders
Clothed, emphasis waist up, unrealistic turn of body
Hint at Etruscan women having more freedom
Burial Chamber, Tombs of the Reliefs
Rock-cut tomb
Husband and wife buried together
Buried with domestic items, not riches
Reserve columns (dug out, no structural purpose)
Entire family would be buried in here
Ton of ecropoli
Stuco relief - fine plaster to make decoration with
Tomb of the Triclinium
Wealthy families had more decorations (painted)
Banquet scene (partying, dancing, music)
Gaurdian figures
Couple - woman has pale skin and man has darker skin, muscular thighs, dancing, large hands
Capitoline Wolf (“ Etruscan She-Wolf”)
Myth - Nursing romelous and remis - founders of rome
Sculpture in the Round
Best known Estruscan stature
Fine metal workers
Life size
Chimera of Arezzo
Greek monster (lion head and body, serpent tail, goat horns, she can maybe breath fire)
Wounded by hunter
Sculpture in the round