nekpijn graad III:
identificatie van sensorische symptomen in de arm, zoals paresthesieën, gevoelloosheid, verminderde tastzin;
identificatie van beperkte cervicale range of motion (ROM), gedefinieerd als een rotatie < 60 graden of een
beperkte en pijnlijke rotatie;
Spurling’s test en/of tractie/distractietest;
Upper Limb Tension Test (ULTT)
Physical Examination
Abnormal reflexes
Muscle weakness
Loss of sensation
Severe neck pain
Radiating pain down arms
Numbness or tingling in hands
Medical History
Previous neck injury
History of cancer
Recent infection or fever
Risk Factors
Age over 50
History of osteoporosis
Prolonged steroid use
Additional Tests
CT scan
Referral to specialist
Pain management
Physical therapy
By identifying these red flags, healthcare providers can promptly diagnose and treat cervical spine issues.
Tension Type Headache Signs:
Dull, aching pain
Mild to moderate intensity
Bilateral location
Not aggravated by routine physical activity
Sensitivity = TP / (TP + FN) Specificity = TN / (TN + FP)
Definition of Reliability in Statistics: Reliability refers to the consistency and stability of a measure or test over time, ensuring that it produces similar results under consistent conditions.