2.Nomenclature and Structure of Carbonyl Group

I. Aldehydes and ketones

  • Aldehydes and ketones are the simplest and most important carbonyl

There are two systems of nomenclature of aldehydes and ketones.

(a) Common names

  • Aldehydes and ketones are often called by their common names instead of IUPAC names.

  • The common names of most aldehydes are derived from the common names of the corresponding carboxylic acids by replacing the endingic of acid with aldehyde.

  • At the same time, the names reflect the Latin or Greek term for the original source of the acid or aldehyde.

  • The location of the substituent in the carbon chain is indicated by Greek letters a, b, g, d, etc.

  • The a-carbon being the one directly linked to the aldehyde group, b- carbon the next, and so on. For example

  • the common names of ketones are derived by naming two alkyl or aryl groups bonded to the carbonyl group.

  • The locations of substituents are indicated by Greek letters, a a¢, b b¢ and so on beginning with the carbon atoms next to the carbonyl group, indicated as aa¢.

  • Some ketones have historical common names, the simplest dimethyl ketone is called acetone.

  • Alkyl phenyl ketones are usually named by adding the name of acyl group as prefix to the word phenone. For example(b) IUPAC names

  • The IUPAC names of open chain aliphatic aldehydes and ketones are derived from the names of the corresponding alkanes by replacing the ending –e with –al and –one respectively.

  • In case of aldehydes the longest carbon chain is numbered starting from the carbon of the aldehyde group

  • in case of ketones the numbering begins from the end nearer to the carbonyl group.

  • The substituents are prefixed in alphabetical order along with numerals indicating their positions in the carbon chain.

  • The same applies to cyclic ketones, where the carbonyl carbon is numbered one.

  • When the aldehyde group is attached to a ring, the suffix carbaldehyde is added after the full name of the cycloalkane.

  • The numbering of the ring carbon atoms start from the carbon atom attached to the aldehyde group.

  • The name of the simplest aromatic aldehyde carrying the aldehyde group on a benzene ring is benzenecarbaldehyde.

  • However, the common name benzaldehyde is also accepted by IUPAC. Other aromatic aldehydes are hence named as substituted benzaldehydes.

  • Structure of the Carbonyl Group

  • The carbonyl carbon atom is sp2-hybridised and forms three sigma (s) bonds.

  • The fourth valence electron of carbon remains in its p-orbital and forms a p-bond with oxygen by overlap with p-orbital of an oxygen.

  • In addition, the oxygen atom also has two non bonding electron pairs.

  • Thus, the carbonyl carbon and the three atoms attached to it lie in the same plane and the p-electron cloud is above and below this plane.

  • The bond angles are approximately 120° as expected of a trigonal coplanar structure (Figure 8.1).

  • The carbon-oxygen double bond is polarised due to higher electronegativity of oxygen relative to carbon.

  • Hence, the carbonyl carbon is an electrophilic (Lewis acid), and carbonyl oxygen, a nucleophilic (Lewis base) centre.

  • Carbonyl compounds have substantial dipole moments and are polar than ethers. The high polarity of the carbonyl group is explained on the basis of resonance involving a neutral

(A) and a dipolar (B) structures as shown.