Tobacco Use

  1. Smoking is the number 1 preventable cause of death.

  1. What is nicotine?

Comes from tobacco plants, it is the most addictive substance on the market. Nicotine is the drug (stimulant) found in the tobacco leaf that makes tobacco products so addictive. 

  1. What are some effects of smoking?




  • Smelly hair and breath

  • Stained teeth and fingers

  • Lose sense of taste and smell

  • Winkles

  • Changes in lifestyle (less oxygen)

  • Kill family members with second-hand smoke

  • Cost

  • Effects on children if a family member dies

  • Addictive

  1. List six areas of the body that are affected by tobacco.  For each area, provide three examples of how it is affected.

Brain -  anxiousness, addictive, headaches, dizziness 

Mouth - lessens taste ability 

Heart - increase heart rate + blood pressure

Lungs - lung diseases, cough, lung cancer

Skin - dry yellow wrinkles 

Muscles - more pain less oxygen and blood

  1. What is a carcinogen?

Cancer causing agent

  1. Identify TWO advantages and disadvantages to using e-cigarettes.



E-liquid is free of carcinogens

Cause reactions


Still has health risks

No secondhand smoke

Batteries could explode

Nicotine free e-liquids

Don't taste the same + stigma remains

  1. What is the difference between “snuff” and “spit”?


  • Smokeless Tobacco is known as ‘snuff’ (inhaled)

  • ‘Spit’ / ‘chewing tobacco’ is held in the mouth between the teeth and the cheek

  • Produces a black, tarry substance when combined with saliva

  • Absorbed into the bloodstream through the lining in the mouth making it more addictive

  • Bone and gum loss are associated with chewing tobacco

  • Popular among athletes and teens (baseball and hockey players)

Snuff is inhaled while spit sits on the gums of your teeth

  1. What dangers are associated with “spit”?

Gum disease, bone, throat, and tongue cancer, bone loss, and you can become heavily addicted.
