French 1 - Week 13 notes
Group 1: feminine form ends in “e” (pronounce preceding consonant)
blond(e), court(e) = short, grand(e), laid(e) = ugly, petit(e), vert(e), gris(e)
Group 2: feminine form ends in “e” but pronunciation is the same
bleu(e), joli(e) = pretty, noir(e)
Group 3: feminine form end in “e” but vowel is pronounced differently
brun/brune = dark-haired
Group 4: masculine and feminine forms are the same
jeune = young, raide = straight
Group 5: unique adjectives
marron = brown (not used for hair): does not change for feminine or plural
châtain = brown-haired: changes for plural only (châtains)
Most adjectives will add an “s” to make them plural:
Les garçons sont petits. Les filles sont petites.
Irregular adjectives
beau/belle (beautiful), nouveau/nouvelle (new)
beau belle beaux belles
nouveau nouvelle nouveaux nouvelles
vieux/vieille (old)
vieux vieille vieux vieilles
heureux/heureuse (happy)
heureux heureuse heureux heureuses
curieux/curieuse, nerveux/nerveuse, sérieux/sérieuse, malheureux/malheureuse, roux/rousse (red for hair),
Regular plural forms: add “s”
blanc/blanche (white), bon/bonne (good), gros/grosse (big), fier/fière (proud)
e.g. bon bonne bons bonnes
Most adjectives follow nouns. These adjectives are exceptions:
Beau, bon, grand, gros, jeune, joli, long, nouveau, petit, vieux
Special masculine adjective forms if the noun begins with a vowel:
Bel - Ce chien est un bel animal. (This dog is a pretty animal)
Vieil - Mon grand-père est un vieil homme. (silent “h”)
Nouvel - Pierre est un nouvel ami