Chapitre préliminaire pdf-compressed

Chapitre Préliminaire


  • Compétence 1: Understanding the French language and culture.

  • Compétence 2: Ability to engage with francophone communities.

  • Compétence 3: Skills in communicating in French effectively.

  • Compétence 4: Developing cultural awareness and sensitivity.


  • How many French speakers are there worldwide?

Global French Speakers

  • Approximate Count: 220 million French speakers globally.

    • 33.33% of French speakers reside in France.

    • 66.66% of French speakers are found outside of France across 40 countries.

Distribution of Francophones by Continent

  • Question: Which continent has the highest number of francophones?

    • Options: North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania.

    • Answer: Africa.

Group Activity: Map Presentation

  • Task: Divide into groups; each assigned a continent.

    • Create a map showcasing countries where French is spoken.

    • Include country names and relevant information.

    • Prepare to present maps to the class to enhance understanding of French's global reach.

Countries and Regions with French as an Official Language

  • French is spoken in various continents including:

    • North America: United States, Quebec, Haiti, etc.

    • South America: French Guiana.

    • Europe: France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Andorra.

    • Africa: Various countries including Tunisia, Algeria, Senegal, and more.

    • Asia: Lebanon, etc.

    • Oceania: French Polynesia.

  • Indicates regions where French is either an official or administrative language.

Cultural Influence of French Language

  • Examines whether French linguistic or cultural influences extend to five continents.


  • Notable point: Kinshasa is the second-largest francophone city in the world, following Paris.

The Term "Maghreb"

  • Refers to Northern African region including Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia.

  • While French is spoken here, Arabic is the predominant official language.

French in South America

  • Key Question: In which four locations in South America or the Caribbean is French spoken?

French Polynesia

  • A notable region where French is the official language located in the Pacific Ocean.

Greetings (Compétence 1)

Formal Greetings

  • Bonjour: Good morning; Bonsoir: Good evening.

    • Other notable formal salutations include asking someone's name and how they are doing.

Informal Greetings

  • Salut: Hi; often used in casual interactions.

Key Vocabulary for Greetings

  • Monsieur (Mr.), Madame (Mrs.), and Mademoiselle (Miss).

  • Abbreviations: M. for Monsieur, Mme for Madame, Mlle for Mademoiselle.

Conversation Practice

  • Dialogues demonstrating how to exchange names and inquire about someone's well-being in a formal setting.

  • Note on pronunciation and language structure, particularly in questions and responses.

Additional Greetings and Responses

  • Expressions such as:

    • "Comment allez-vous?" (How are you?)

    • Responses include: "Je vais très bien, merci!" (I’m doing very well, thank you!).

Pronunciation Guidelines

  • Explanation of pronunciation rules in French, including casual and formal speech forms.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Noting that final unaccented e's and silent letters in French can lead to pronunciation challenges.

Vocabulary: Numbers (Compétence 2)

  • 1 to 20: Un, Deux, Trois, Quatre, Cinq, etc.

  • Understanding and using numbers in different contexts.

Time in French (Compétence 3)

Telling Time

  • Key phrases for asking and stating the time.

    • Example: "Il est..." (It is...) to indicate time.

  • Practice exercises related to giving and understanding various times.

Weekdays and Schedules (Compétence 2)

  • Discussing weekly schedules and activities on specific days.

  • Structure: "Je travaille..." (I work on...) followed by the days of the week.

  • Note: Days are not capitalized in French.

Dialogue Practice (Compétence 3)

  • Exercises for crafting dialogues about personal schedules and routines.

  • Role-play scenarios to enhance conversational skills and understanding.

Interactive Activities

  • Encourage group work to reinforce greetings and exchanges in different contexts.

  • Use phrases such as:

    • "Je m'appelle..." (I am called...)

    • Role-play varying situations using formal and informal greetings.

Cultural Notes

  • Key aspects of French culture and lifestyle that shape the understanding of the language.

  • Learning cultural sensitivities is important for effective communication.

Final Activities

  • Review of all discussed elements with a practical application through conversation practice and interactive feedback.
