Genetics: the study of inheritance (genes, DNA, chromosomes)
Genes:units that code fro traits
Heredity: the passing of traits from parents to offspring
Allele: “option” for a gene
Types of traits
species traits - all members of the species have certian genes eg; the ability to walk requiresthe correct traits
individual triats - makes you different from others eg; eye, colour, hait colour, taco tongue
-experimented with pea plants
-stamen(male reproductive organ in plants) produces pollen→ transferred to the pistil(female part of plants) where egg is produced→ fertilization occurs, producing the seed
Self Pollination
-plant transfers pollination to its own pistils; offspring are genetically identical to parent
Cross Pollination
-pollen is transferred from 1 plant to another; offspring may look different from parent
Mendels hypothesis/laws/princibles
inherited traits are controlled by facotrs(genes) occur in pairs
one factor in a pair may mask the other
a pair of factors is seperated when gametes form, so heterozygotes produce equal number of gametes that have different alleles
factors from a pair are seperated and distributed independetly of the way other facotrs are distributed
Homozygote: GG/gg
Heterozygote: Gg
homo=same, hetero= different
Genotype: the actual genes in an organism eg; TT, Tt, tt
Phenotype: the physical presentation/expression of a gene
TT→(pure) tall Homosygous Dominant
tt→ (pure) short Homosygous Recessive
Tt → (hybrid) tall Homosygous Dominant
Alleles are different forms of a gene that have different effects on a trait eg; T an t are both alleles fot height will not affect colour
-help determine the probability of an offspring having a certian genotype or phenotype
-based on parental phenotype
-probability-branch of math associated wiht predicting the results of chance events
ex; a homosygous tall is crossed with a homozygous short pea plant (TTxtt) ___
ex; of a heterozgous plant crossed with a heterozygous plant ____
-single trait gene crosses - 1 pair of contrasting traits
ex; seed shape Round is dominant (R), Wrinkled in recessive (r)
pure round x pure wrinkled ___
Genotypes: all Rr (ratio) or 100% Rr
Phenotypes: all Round or 100% round
F1 cross: Heterozygous round (Rr) x Hybrid (Rr) ___
Genotypes: 1RR, 2Rr, 1rr / 25% : 50% : 25%
phenotypes: 3 round, 1 wrinkle / 75% round : 25% wrinkled
- cross an organism of an unknown gentotype with a HOMOZYGOUS RECESSIVE INDIVIDUAL
- resultining ratio will allow you to determine the genotype of the unknown individual
*only works if pattern of inheritance follows simple medelian genetics
ex; purple floweres are domnant to white flowers, purple flower couls be PP or Pp ___
*if ratio is 1 : 1 we know the individual is heterozygous/hybrid
*if ratio is 100% we know the individual must be homosygous/pure
Incomlete Dominance: hybrid phenotype is a mix (shows as inbetween) of the pure breeding phenotypes
ex; snap dragons
RR → Red
Rr → Pink
rr → White
F1 cross Rr x Rr ___
2 Rr
1 rr
1 RR
True Breeding Strain: Breed together and ALWAYS get the same thing you started with
*offspring will always resemble parents in that trait
RR x RR rr x rr Rr x Rr
RR rr 1 : 2 : 1
True True hybrid
Codominance: both alleles are expressed in an individual
ex; human blood test A, B, AB, O
Multiple Alleles: more than 2 alleles exist for a trait
ex: human blood type
Ia Ib io Type A = AA or AO
a and b are codominant with each other B = BB or BO
a and b are dominat over o AB = AB
O = OO
Carrier: hybrid, contian usually a disease that is recessive for you ex; fruit fly eye colour
selective breeding: crossing desired traits to produce an offspring with certain characteristics
*includes inbreeding→ similair traits to produce offspring with certain characteristics
Breeding ex; pure breed dogs
Hybridization- blending different raits to produce new offsring like apple tree
probability: study of outcomes
rule #1 each event is individual
#2 product rule- the chance of more than 1 event occuring simultaneously us equal to the product of the events accuring seperatly
-2 trait crosses
*these traits are independant
ex; coed shape (R,r) and seed colour (Y,y)
-making gametes: foiling ___
Round: RR or Rr Yellow: YY or Yy
Wrinkled: rr Green: yy
P1 RRyy x rrYY (round/green) x (wrinkled/yellow)
Gametes: Ry, and rY
Genotypes: all RrYy
Phenotypes: all round + yellow seeds
F1 cross ___
9:3:3:1 ratio
9 round/yellow
3 round green
3 wrinkled yellow
1 wrinkled green
-different genes can interact to control the phenotype expression of a single characteristic
eg; skin tone, eye colour, height, h=kernelll colour of wheat
Epistasis: interaction between 2 genes that modify the phenotypic expression of the other
*can result in phenotypic ratios form dihybrid crosses to deviate from the 9:3:3:1 ratio
eg; albanism in humans - a single gene that masks all other genes related to skin, eye, hair colour
eg; fur colour in dogs
Bbww x bbWw G P
B → black bbWw 2 White
b → brown BbWw 1 black
W → prevent pigment bbww 1 brown
w → doesnt prevent pigment Bbww
Complementary interaction - 2 gene pairs produce a trait that neigher could produce by themselves
ex; chicken combs
P1 RRpp x rrPP
f1 gen: RrPp
f2 cross ____
9 wlanut
3 rose
3 pea
1 single
pleiotropic genes: 1 gene that appects many characteristics like marfan syndrome
Lethal alleles: gene/allele that leads to the death of an individual, can be dominant or recessive like huntingtons disease(dom)
-deecrtive huntington protein in the brain
Symptoms: involuntary movements, decline in thinking/rational reasoning, mood changes
*eg; adreanaleukodystrohy (ADL) → recessive+sexlinked
-damage of myelin sheeth in neurons
Mutation: change in the genetic code
gene (point) mutation → base in DNA has changed, like a genetic typo
chromosomal mutation → caused by nondisjunction, crossing over, or less of some/all of a chromosome
Causes: Chemicals, Radiation, Temperatire, Replication errors
a. somatic - affects body cells
-a new trait may appear
*is not passing onto an offspring
b. germline - affect reproductive cells
-does not get passed to an offspring
causes: chemicals, radiation, temperatire, replication errors
traits can be altered/changed due to environmental effects like himilayan hair colour
-normal = white with black nose, ears, tail, and feet
*remove a bit of white hair and cool the area wiht an ice pack, the new hair growth will be black
Conclusion: hair grown on warm body is white colour, extremity is black
Gene action: when genes interact with environment
*phenotypes are often a blend of nature (gene) and nature (environment)
1. Fraternal → develop from 2 differnet eggs fertilized by 2 diff sperm ___
-genetically these are siblings - genes are still very different
Idenitcal → develop froma single fertalized egg that splits into 2 cells
-genetcally identical - genes are the same
-chance event after vertilization
antigens A,B, none
4 possible blood types (phenotypes)
Rh factor
-Rh protein may (+) or may not (-) be present on RBCS
-Rh+ people→ no anti-Rh antibodies
Rh- people → also have o nati-Rh antibodies, but likely can acquire them
can cause issues during childbirth
Rh+ dominant over Rh-
Females have XX Males have X (Y)
-2 copies of x linked genes 1 copy of x linked genes
*if both Xs were active in the female, theyd produce 2x as much protein in comparison to males
to compensate, 1 X chromosome is (randomly) inactivated in every single cell
-all genes on that chromosome are inactive
-inactivated chromosome is highly condensed; called a barrbody
the road to discovering DNA as the genetic material (1800s)
Fredrich Mieschur
discovered DNA in 1869
“nuklien” because it was found in the nucleus in the cells
walter flemming
introduces the term “chromatin”
nuclein + chromatin turned out to be the same thing
by the 1900s it was understood that chromatin consisted of DNA and proteins
major dissent to which was 2 genetic material
PAT levine thought SNA was too simple
4 bases (adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine) were not enough to determine lifes code
“tetranucleitide hypothesis” protein was more liley genetic material - diversity fo amino acids +combinations leads to much more complex folding patterns
DNA vs Protein : which one?
hereditary molecule must be able to … control protein and enzyme production
why enzymes? necessary catalysts that enable cells to survuve long enough to produce by assisting chemical reactions
why protein? they maje up enzymes, necessary building blocks to cell structure
self replicate accuratly
hereditary material must be able to copy itseld accuratly so the daughter cells can continue to function properly
Change (mutability)
becuase organisms (at the population level) change over time (adapt) → their genetic material must be able to change, especially is this change is passed from generation to generation
be found in nuclues
- without a nucleus a cell cant undergo division
used pnenimococcus bacteria (causes pneumonia)
smooth (s)→ smooth coats, caused pneumonia in mice
rough (R) →rough coats, did not cuase pneuomonia in mice
heat killed both S and R strains
when injecting mice with the heat killed bacteria they didnt get pneuomonia
then when injecting with heat killed S type and living R type the mouse got pneumonia
the bacteria isolated from the mouse was licing S type
the living R type bacteria which was normally non-violent combined with somethig from the heat killed s type was transofrmed to give virulent s type off spring
-Adapted Griffithis experiment to isolate and control more variables to find the transforming princible
transormation did not occur if DNA wasnt present
transformation did not occur if enzymes were used that destroyed DNA molecule
transformation COULD occur even if proteins were denatured
therefore DNA is the molecule that controls hereditary