3/12 notes

build the bridge test survey: possible errors

  • question: what are some reasons why you would sign up?

    • this question provides a multiple choice (select all) option but doesnt have an option for “would not apply at all” in case someone is severly against it or something

  • indicate the degree to which the action will build trust?

    • there are too many too go through. could create bias of people just choosing down the same path.

  • which of the following sources do you use for health related information (check all that apply)

    • it says to check all that apply but doesn let you pick more than one option.

  • do you have anything you would like to add?

    • possibly provide what things someone could add like questions, concerns, comments. maybe a possible one sentence example. i would skip as. i wouldnt know what direction to go in for this question

a: surrounding businesses or workplaces

b: pet stores,

c: collection stores, online forums, at conventions

d: purchasers,

marketing research methods lecture

why sample?

  • pragmatic reasons

  • accurate and reliable results

  • destruction of the test unit

why sample: pragmatic reasons

  • compare conducting the survey will all 39,000,000 consumers, aged 15-24. versus, conducting the survey with a representative sample of 5,000 consumers, aged 15-24

  • time and money

why sample: accurate and reliable results

  • conducting survey will all 39,000,000 consumers, aged 15-24.

  • versus, conducting the survey with representative sample of 5,000 consumers, aged 15-24.

    • sample of 5,000 can be better managed to decrease errors is data collection and analysis

  • thus, it will be more accurate and reliable

why sample: destruction of the test unit

  • by only targeted marketing mix element on a sample, you can refine/fix it so that the entire target sees a perfect vision of this marketing mix element

why sample: destruction of the test unit (non marketing example)

  • blood test

  • the patient is the test unit (what we are testing)

  • cant suck all of the blood out or the patient will die

  • therefore we can only take a sample

  • we dont kill the patient or dont have destruction of the test unit

why sample: destruction of the test unit

  • coke is testing the taste of new Coke NRG

  • coke NRG is the test unit

  • if coke tests its new coke NRG on all 19,000,000 males in 15-25 in the US and it is not formulated correctly, the brand extension will be damaged with the entire target

    • in essence, there will be destruction of the test unit (coke NRG) with the target

    • therefore it is better to test the formulation on a sample (versus everyone)

some sampling terms

  • population

  • sample

  • census

some population terms: population

  • population: the complete set of what you want to measure

    • coke NRG is targeted at males 15-24 in the US

    • population: all 19,000,000 males 15-24 in the US

some sampling terms: sample

  • sample: subset of the population

    • coke NRG is targeted at males 15-24 in the US

    • sample: 2,500 males 15-24 in the US

some sampling terms: census

  • census: when you conduct research with the entire population

    • coke NRG is target at males 15-25 in the US

  • census: coke conducts research with all 19,000,000 males 15-25 in the US


  • we take the research results of our sample and apply them to the population

  • coke takes the survey resuts on coke NRG that they obtained from the sample and apply it to the whole population

    • example: if the representative sample did not like the taste of coke NRG, it can be assumed that the entire target would not like the taste of coke NRG

the sampling process

  1. define the target population

  2. identify the sampling frame

  3. choose the type of sample

  4. select sample size

1- define the population target population

  • be as specific as possible

define the target population

  • administrators at CSUF want. totest student satisfaction with the regestration process

  • in thinking about what types of students should be included in the sample, what should they be thinking about?

  • stop here and write down a few specification

define target population

  • full time/part time

  • male/female

  • age

  • years in program

  • CSUF (main campus/Irvine)

  • which department

  • grad versus undergrad

  • in-state vs. out of state
