9. Decolonization.pptx

Settler Colonialism

  • Definition:

    • Colonization by replacement.

Key Concepts of Settler Colonialism

  • Centers on the control and capture of:

    • Territory (Land)

    • Culture

    • Consciousness


  • Multiple Perspectives

Insights from Tuck & Yang

  • "Decolonization is not a metaphor" - Key Takeaways:

    1. Decolonization should focus on the repatriation of Indigenous land and life.

    2. It should not be leveraged as a metaphor for other social justice goals.

Defining Decolonization (According to Tuck & Yang)

  • Aims to change the world’s order through a historically-situated and ongoing process:

    • Varies at different historical moments.

  • Is distinct from social justice, critical methodologies, or merely shifting settler perspectives.

  • Relates to Indigenous sovereignty, underscoring what sets Indigenous peoples apart from other racial minorities.

  • Requires acknowledgment of Indigenous sovereignty and their contributions.

Concerns Regarding Decolonization as a Metaphor

  • Issues Identified by Tuck and Yang:

    • It separates the concept of colonization, particularly settler colonialism, from Indigeneity.

    • Utilizing decolonization as a metaphor can create “settler moves to innocence.”

Settler Moves to Innocence

  • Definition:

    • Strategies employed to alleviate guilt without relinquishing land, power, or privilege.

Challenges to Framing Decolonization

  • Examination of how framing decolonization affects public understanding and engagement.

The Decolonial Ideal (According to Tuck & Yang)

  • Decolonization entails:

    • Transforming the global order rather than just exchanging positions of power.

    • Accountable to Indigenous sovereignty and future prospects, rather than to settlers.

    • Genuine decolonization necessitates the repatriation of land to sovereign Native tribes and dismantling of the imperial metropole.

Kuyaam: A Cultural Reference

  • Meaning:

    • The Tongva word for "guest."

Decolonization through Kuuyam

  • Conceptual Significance:

    • Can disrupt settler colonialism by:

      • Rebalancing the environment.

      • Recapturing Indigenous perspectives.

      • Supporting cultural revitalization including respect for diverse gender identities.

    • Aims to abolish institutionalized hierarchies based on race, origin, gender, and sexuality.

    • Promotes non-hierarchical relationships transcending differences.

    • envisions a future where all recognize land and water as sacred sources of life (Reference: Sepulveda, "Our Sacred Waters").

Final Thoughts

  • Upcoming guest lecture will focus on language reclamation as a concrete method of decolonization.
