
Indirect Forms of Slavery

  • Modern Policies and Indirect Slavery

    • Indirect slavery manifests through policies in systems like the court and prison system.

Rise of Ku Klux Klan (1871)

  • Background

    • Occurred during the era of the black vote in the South.

    • Intimidation tactics were used against black voters and politicians.

  • Violent Tactics

    • Strategies included hunting, whipping, beating, and lynching to suppress participation in Congress.

  • Infiltration of Police Departments

    • KKK members infiltrated police forces to protect white interests and carry out Fourth Amendment violations.

    • Established a connection between white supremacists and police enforcement.

Ongoing Issues with White Supremacy and Police

  • Recent Incidents

    • A Michigan police officer was terminated for displaying a KKK application at his home.

    • Instances of police officers fist-bumping Proud Boys.

    • Investigative reports on white supremacy gangs within police departments like San Diego.

  • Current Challenges

    • Addressing and rooting out white supremacy within modern policing continues to be an ongoing struggle.

Slave Patrols and Privatized Policing

  • Historical Overview

    • Slave patrols in the South during the 1700s-1800s provided poor protection compared to emerging public police.

    • Rise of privatized policing aligns with industrial capitalism and strikes, especially in Boston.

  • Emergence of Private Policing

    • Growth of privatized policing services catering to elite interests during the industrial boom.

    • Private policing was not bound by public accountability.

    • Notable examples included security guards tasked with breaking up strikes.

Function of Private Policing

  • Main Purpose

    • Privatized police were hired primarily to protect private property and interests of corporations.

    • They lacked the regulatory oversight that public policing was subjected to.

Pinkerton National Detective Agency

  • Foundation and Role

    • Established in the 1850s in Chicago, began providing protective services for corporations.

    • Shifted focus post-Civil War from espionage to strike protection.

  • Tactics Used for Strike Suppression

    • Labor Espionage: Infiltrating workplaces to gather intelligence on worker grievances.

    • Strike Breakers (Scabs): Hired to cross picket lines against striking workers.

    • Strike Guards: Tasked with protecting private property and managing strikers.

    • Strike Missionaries: Aimed to dissuade workers from striking through infiltration.

Notable Strikes Involving Pinkertons

  • Haymarket Square Riot

    • Occurred in the late 1860s to 1870s.

  • Homestead Strike

    • In the 1880s and 1892, resulted in violent clashes and significant injuries and fatalities.

    • Led to the arrest of many protesters, with severe police reprisals.

    • Ultimately resulted in the establishment and formalization of the Chicago Police Department, which expanded its size and role in quelling labor unrest.

Conclusion: Historical Context and Legacy of Policing

  • Continuing Legacy

    • As policing evolved, it increasingly focused on protecting property, particularly the interests of the elite.

    • Ongoing issues of police being used to quell protests and protect properties remain relevant today.
