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Chinese revolution events & figures

Early Republican Era (1912-1928)
  • 1912: Establishment of the Republic of China after the Xinhai Revolution

    • Statistic: Overthrew 2,000 years of imperial rule.

  • 1916: Death of Yuan Shikai, leading to warlord era

    • Statistic: China was fragmented into territories controlled by various warlords.

  • Historian Quote: "The death of Yuan Shikai marked the beginning of a period of fragmentation and division in China." - Immanuel Hsu

  • Historical Figure Quote: "The republic is my child; I will not allow anyone to harm it." - Sun Yixian

First United Front (1923-1927)
  • 1923: Formation of the First United Front between Kuomintang (KMT) and Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

    • Statistic: The KMT received financial and military aid from the Soviet Union.

  • 1926-1928: Northern Expedition to end warlord rule

    • Statistic: The Northern Expedition mobilized approximately 100,000 troops.

  • Historian Quote: "The Northern Expedition was a campaign to unify China under the Kuomintang's control." - Jonathan Spence

  • Historical Figure Quote: "We must unite all the revolutionary forces to defeat the warlords." - Sun Yixian

Shanghai Massacre (1927)
  • April 12, 1927: Chiang Kai-shek orders purge of Communists in Shanghai

    • Statistic: Approximately 5,000 Communists and their sympathizers were killed.

  • Historian Quote: "The Shanghai Massacre marked the end of the First United Front and the beginning of a bitter civil war." - Rana Mitter

  • Historical Figure Quote: "I would check the tide of the Red menace, even if it means bloodshed." - Chiang Kai-shek

Jiangxi Soviet (1931-1934)
  • 1931: Establishment of the Jiangxi Soviet by the CCP

    • Statistic: At its peak, the Jiangxi Soviet governed over 3 million people and controlled 30,000 square kilometers of territory.

  • Historian Quote: "The Jiangxi Soviet became a laboratory for revolutionary policies and practices." - Phillip Short

  • Historical Figure Quote: "We must create a model area of revolution that will inspire the masses." - Mao Zedong

Nationalist Decade (1928-1937)
  • 1928-1937: Period of relative stability and modernization under the KMT

    • Statistic: Industrial output grew by 9% per year.

  • Historian Quote: "The Nationalist Decade was a time of reconstruction and modernization, but also of persistent internal strife." - James Sheridan

  • Historical Figure Quote: "Our goal is to create a modern and strong China." - Chiang Kai-shek

Long March (1934-1935)
  • 1934-1935: Strategic retreat of the Red Army from Jiangxi to Shaanxi

    • Statistic: The Long March covered approximately 9,000 kilometers and took over a year to complete.

    • Statistic: Only about 8,000 of the original 86,000 Red Army soldiers survived.

  • Historian Quote: "The Long March was a defining moment in Chinese Communist history, symbolizing resilience and determination." - John King Fairbank

  • Historical Figure Quote: "The Long March is a manifesto, a propaganda force, a seeding-machine." - Mao Zedong

Japanese Occupation of Manchuria (1931)
  • 1931: Japan invades and occupies Manchuria

    • Statistic: Manchuria had rich natural resources and a population of about 30 million.

  • Historian Quote: "The occupation of Manchuria marked the beginning of Japan's aggressive expansion in Asia." - E. Bruce Reynolds

  • Historical Figure Quote: "China is a piece of meat on a chopping block, ready to be carved up by the powers." - Chiang Kai-shek

Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945)
  • 1937-1945: Full-scale war between China and Japan

    • Statistic: The war resulted in an estimated 20 million Chinese civilian deaths.

    • Statistic: Over 80 million Chinese were made refugees.

  • Historian Quote: "The Sino-Japanese War devastated China but also galvanized its people to resist foreign aggression." - Jay Taylor

  • Historical Figure Quote: "We will fight to the end, no matter the cost." - Chiang Kai-shek

Yan’an Soviet (1935-1948)
  • 1935-1948: Base of Communist operations in Yan’an

    • Statistic: The Yan’an Soviet attracted thousands of intellectuals and young people to the Communist cause.

  • Historian Quote: "Yan’an became the cradle of the Chinese Communist revolution, where Mao’s ideas were developed and spread." - Stuart Schram

  • Historical Figure Quote: "In Yan’an, we have found our revolutionary base, our hope for China." - Mao Zedong

Xian Incident and Second United Front (1936-1937)
  • 1936: Chiang Kai-shek kidnapped by his own generals in Xian

    • Statistic: The Xian Incident forced the KMT and CCP to form the Second United Front against Japan.

  • Historian Quote: "The Xian Incident was a pivotal moment that temporarily united China against the Japanese threat." - Odd Arne Westad

  • Historical Figure Quote: "We must set aside our differences to fight the greater enemy." - Zhou Enlai

Civil War (1946-1949)
  • 1946-1949: Civil war between KMT and CCP resumes after WWII

    • Statistic: The CCP emerged victorious, leading to the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949.

    • Statistic: An estimated 1.5 million soldiers and 6 million civilians were killed during the civil war.

  • Historian Quote: "The civil war was a brutal struggle for power that reshaped China’s future." - Lucian Pye

  • Historical Figure Quote: "The people’s revolution has triumphed; a new China is born." - Mao Zedong

Ideas Challenging the Existing Order

Sun Yixian’s (Sun Yat-sen’s) Three Principles of the People
  • Principles: Nationalism, democracy, and livelihood

  • Historian Quote: "Sun's Three Principles provided a visionary blueprint for China's modernization." - Maurice Meisner

  • Historical Figure Quote: "The Three Principles are the foundation for building a new China." - Sun Yixian

New Culture Movement (1910s-1920s)
  • Ideas: Promotion of science, democracy, and anti-Confucianism

    • Statistic: Movement influenced thousands of students and intellectuals.

  • Historian Quote: "The New Culture Movement was a cultural awakening that challenged traditional values." - Jerome B. Grieder

  • Historical Figure Quote: "Science and democracy are the twin pillars of progress." - Chen Duxiu

Mao Zedong Thought (Maoism)
  • Ideas: Peasant-based revolution, guerrilla warfare, continuous revolution

  • Historian Quote: "Maoism emphasized the importance of peasant support and self-reliance." - Roderick MacFarquhar

  • Historical Figure Quote: "The peasants are the sea; we are the fish. The sea is our habitat." - Mao Zedong

Role of Individuals

Yuan Shikai (Yuan Shih-k’ai)
  • Role: Military leader and first President of the Republic of China

  • Statistic: Tried to restore monarchy in China in 1915, proclaiming himself Emperor.

  • Historian Quote: "Yuan Shikai's ambition to become Emperor alienated many of his supporters." - Jonathan Fenby

  • Historical Figure Quote: "To save the nation, we must establish a strong central authority." - Yuan Shikai

Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen)
  • Role: Leader of the Xinhai Revolution and founder of the Republic of China

  • Statistic: Founded the Kuomintang (KMT) in 1919.

  • Historian Quote: "Sun Yat-sen is revered as the father of modern China." - C. Martin Wilbur

  • Historical Figure Quote: "The revolution is not yet successful; comrades must still strive." - Sun Yixian

Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek)
  • Role: Leader of the Kuomintang (KMT) and head of the Nationalist government

  • Statistic: Led the Northern Expedition with a peak force of 250,000 troops.

  • Historian Quote: "Chiang Kai-shek’s authoritarian rule alienated many and led to his eventual downfall." - Jay Taylor

  • Historical Figure Quote: "Our nation is in peril, and only through unity can we save it." - Chiang Kai-shek

Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung)
  • Role: Leader of the Chinese Communist Party and architect of the People's Republic of China

  • Statistic: Led the Long March,


Chinese revolution events & figures

Early Republican Era (1912-1928)
  • 1912: Establishment of the Republic of China after the Xinhai Revolution

    • Statistic: Overthrew 2,000 years of imperial rule.

  • 1916: Death of Yuan Shikai, leading to warlord era

    • Statistic: China was fragmented into territories controlled by various warlords.

  • Historian Quote: "The death of Yuan Shikai marked the beginning of a period of fragmentation and division in China." - Immanuel Hsu

  • Historical Figure Quote: "The republic is my child; I will not allow anyone to harm it." - Sun Yixian

First United Front (1923-1927)
  • 1923: Formation of the First United Front between Kuomintang (KMT) and Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

    • Statistic: The KMT received financial and military aid from the Soviet Union.

  • 1926-1928: Northern Expedition to end warlord rule

    • Statistic: The Northern Expedition mobilized approximately 100,000 troops.

  • Historian Quote: "The Northern Expedition was a campaign to unify China under the Kuomintang's control." - Jonathan Spence

  • Historical Figure Quote: "We must unite all the revolutionary forces to defeat the warlords." - Sun Yixian

Shanghai Massacre (1927)
  • April 12, 1927: Chiang Kai-shek orders purge of Communists in Shanghai

    • Statistic: Approximately 5,000 Communists and their sympathizers were killed.

  • Historian Quote: "The Shanghai Massacre marked the end of the First United Front and the beginning of a bitter civil war." - Rana Mitter

  • Historical Figure Quote: "I would check the tide of the Red menace, even if it means bloodshed." - Chiang Kai-shek

Jiangxi Soviet (1931-1934)
  • 1931: Establishment of the Jiangxi Soviet by the CCP

    • Statistic: At its peak, the Jiangxi Soviet governed over 3 million people and controlled 30,000 square kilometers of territory.

  • Historian Quote: "The Jiangxi Soviet became a laboratory for revolutionary policies and practices." - Phillip Short

  • Historical Figure Quote: "We must create a model area of revolution that will inspire the masses." - Mao Zedong

Nationalist Decade (1928-1937)
  • 1928-1937: Period of relative stability and modernization under the KMT

    • Statistic: Industrial output grew by 9% per year.

  • Historian Quote: "The Nationalist Decade was a time of reconstruction and modernization, but also of persistent internal strife." - James Sheridan

  • Historical Figure Quote: "Our goal is to create a modern and strong China." - Chiang Kai-shek

Long March (1934-1935)
  • 1934-1935: Strategic retreat of the Red Army from Jiangxi to Shaanxi

    • Statistic: The Long March covered approximately 9,000 kilometers and took over a year to complete.

    • Statistic: Only about 8,000 of the original 86,000 Red Army soldiers survived.

  • Historian Quote: "The Long March was a defining moment in Chinese Communist history, symbolizing resilience and determination." - John King Fairbank

  • Historical Figure Quote: "The Long March is a manifesto, a propaganda force, a seeding-machine." - Mao Zedong

Japanese Occupation of Manchuria (1931)
  • 1931: Japan invades and occupies Manchuria

    • Statistic: Manchuria had rich natural resources and a population of about 30 million.

  • Historian Quote: "The occupation of Manchuria marked the beginning of Japan's aggressive expansion in Asia." - E. Bruce Reynolds

  • Historical Figure Quote: "China is a piece of meat on a chopping block, ready to be carved up by the powers." - Chiang Kai-shek

Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945)
  • 1937-1945: Full-scale war between China and Japan

    • Statistic: The war resulted in an estimated 20 million Chinese civilian deaths.

    • Statistic: Over 80 million Chinese were made refugees.

  • Historian Quote: "The Sino-Japanese War devastated China but also galvanized its people to resist foreign aggression." - Jay Taylor

  • Historical Figure Quote: "We will fight to the end, no matter the cost." - Chiang Kai-shek

Yan’an Soviet (1935-1948)
  • 1935-1948: Base of Communist operations in Yan’an

    • Statistic: The Yan’an Soviet attracted thousands of intellectuals and young people to the Communist cause.

  • Historian Quote: "Yan’an became the cradle of the Chinese Communist revolution, where Mao’s ideas were developed and spread." - Stuart Schram

  • Historical Figure Quote: "In Yan’an, we have found our revolutionary base, our hope for China." - Mao Zedong

Xian Incident and Second United Front (1936-1937)
  • 1936: Chiang Kai-shek kidnapped by his own generals in Xian

    • Statistic: The Xian Incident forced the KMT and CCP to form the Second United Front against Japan.

  • Historian Quote: "The Xian Incident was a pivotal moment that temporarily united China against the Japanese threat." - Odd Arne Westad

  • Historical Figure Quote: "We must set aside our differences to fight the greater enemy." - Zhou Enlai

Civil War (1946-1949)
  • 1946-1949: Civil war between KMT and CCP resumes after WWII

    • Statistic: The CCP emerged victorious, leading to the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 1949.

    • Statistic: An estimated 1.5 million soldiers and 6 million civilians were killed during the civil war.

  • Historian Quote: "The civil war was a brutal struggle for power that reshaped China’s future." - Lucian Pye

  • Historical Figure Quote: "The people’s revolution has triumphed; a new China is born." - Mao Zedong

Ideas Challenging the Existing Order

Sun Yixian’s (Sun Yat-sen’s) Three Principles of the People
  • Principles: Nationalism, democracy, and livelihood

  • Historian Quote: "Sun's Three Principles provided a visionary blueprint for China's modernization." - Maurice Meisner

  • Historical Figure Quote: "The Three Principles are the foundation for building a new China." - Sun Yixian

New Culture Movement (1910s-1920s)
  • Ideas: Promotion of science, democracy, and anti-Confucianism

    • Statistic: Movement influenced thousands of students and intellectuals.

  • Historian Quote: "The New Culture Movement was a cultural awakening that challenged traditional values." - Jerome B. Grieder

  • Historical Figure Quote: "Science and democracy are the twin pillars of progress." - Chen Duxiu

Mao Zedong Thought (Maoism)
  • Ideas: Peasant-based revolution, guerrilla warfare, continuous revolution

  • Historian Quote: "Maoism emphasized the importance of peasant support and self-reliance." - Roderick MacFarquhar

  • Historical Figure Quote: "The peasants are the sea; we are the fish. The sea is our habitat." - Mao Zedong

Role of Individuals

Yuan Shikai (Yuan Shih-k’ai)
  • Role: Military leader and first President of the Republic of China

  • Statistic: Tried to restore monarchy in China in 1915, proclaiming himself Emperor.

  • Historian Quote: "Yuan Shikai's ambition to become Emperor alienated many of his supporters." - Jonathan Fenby

  • Historical Figure Quote: "To save the nation, we must establish a strong central authority." - Yuan Shikai

Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen)
  • Role: Leader of the Xinhai Revolution and founder of the Republic of China

  • Statistic: Founded the Kuomintang (KMT) in 1919.

  • Historian Quote: "Sun Yat-sen is revered as the father of modern China." - C. Martin Wilbur

  • Historical Figure Quote: "The revolution is not yet successful; comrades must still strive." - Sun Yixian

Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek)
  • Role: Leader of the Kuomintang (KMT) and head of the Nationalist government

  • Statistic: Led the Northern Expedition with a peak force of 250,000 troops.

  • Historian Quote: "Chiang Kai-shek’s authoritarian rule alienated many and led to his eventual downfall." - Jay Taylor

  • Historical Figure Quote: "Our nation is in peril, and only through unity can we save it." - Chiang Kai-shek

Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung)
  • Role: Leader of the Chinese Communist Party and architect of the People's Republic of China

  • Statistic: Led the Long March,