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Learn to Lead Chapter One Review

  • A warrior is an individual who makes sacrifices for their team and achieves their own goals. The warrior spirit is a condition of the heart which involves doing these and defending your personal honor.

Benefits of a Warrior Spirit:

  1. Clear Conscience - Freedom from shame and embarrassment

  2. Good Reputation - Symbol of trust and respect

  3. Environment of Trust and Respect - Makes life more rewarding

Core Values: Four basic qualities CAP expects all members to display at all times

The Core Values of Civil Air Patrol:

  1. Integrity - The willingness to do what is right, even when no one is looking

  2. Volunteer Service - All about “selflessness”, difference between giving and taking

  3. Excellence - No matter what challenge is facing you, you will give your best effort

  4. Respect - Someone who is respectful treats others as they would like to be treated

Self-Awareness: The ability to monitor and judge your own actions

Self-Discipline: The ability to direct your thoughts, emotions, and actions towards a meaningful purpose

  • You can strengthen self-discipline by strengthening your work habits to do something that is not necessarily “fun”

Attitude: The state of mind that lies behind your every action

  • Attitudes are contagious because it is a visible representation of your thoughts and emotions at a given point of time; everybody around you can see, hear, and sense it.

  • A positive attitude begins with the realization that attitude is a choice.

Oath: A solemn promise

  • All military customs and courtesies are rooted in basic politeness and respect

  • Military customs and courtesies are never a mark of inferiority or servility because nobody is better than another. It helps bolster team spirit as everybody feels more safe and comfortable in an environment with the foundation of mutual respect for all teammates.

  • The salute comes from times of chivalry in which two knights would raise their right hand as a sign of trust and respect.

  • The uniform is a vehicle for learning self-discipline, personal responsibility, and self-respect. One person’s conduct reflects on everyone else in the group.

  • We wear the uniform because Civil Air Patrol and the Air Force allows us to wear them, which comes with a special obligation to wear it properly and with pride.

  • A unit’s performance on the drill field is a measure of the cadets’ sense of self-discipline.

Chain of Command: Order of authority

  • A chain of command re-enforces the idea that everyone is held accountable to another leader.

  • “Jumping the chain” occurs when an individual takes an issue to a higher-level leader, without consulting their immediate supervisors.


Learn to Lead Chapter One Review

  • A warrior is an individual who makes sacrifices for their team and achieves their own goals. The warrior spirit is a condition of the heart which involves doing these and defending your personal honor.

Benefits of a Warrior Spirit:

  1. Clear Conscience - Freedom from shame and embarrassment

  2. Good Reputation - Symbol of trust and respect

  3. Environment of Trust and Respect - Makes life more rewarding

Core Values: Four basic qualities CAP expects all members to display at all times

The Core Values of Civil Air Patrol:

  1. Integrity - The willingness to do what is right, even when no one is looking

  2. Volunteer Service - All about “selflessness”, difference between giving and taking

  3. Excellence - No matter what challenge is facing you, you will give your best effort

  4. Respect - Someone who is respectful treats others as they would like to be treated

Self-Awareness: The ability to monitor and judge your own actions

Self-Discipline: The ability to direct your thoughts, emotions, and actions towards a meaningful purpose

  • You can strengthen self-discipline by strengthening your work habits to do something that is not necessarily “fun”

Attitude: The state of mind that lies behind your every action

  • Attitudes are contagious because it is a visible representation of your thoughts and emotions at a given point of time; everybody around you can see, hear, and sense it.

  • A positive attitude begins with the realization that attitude is a choice.

Oath: A solemn promise

  • All military customs and courtesies are rooted in basic politeness and respect

  • Military customs and courtesies are never a mark of inferiority or servility because nobody is better than another. It helps bolster team spirit as everybody feels more safe and comfortable in an environment with the foundation of mutual respect for all teammates.

  • The salute comes from times of chivalry in which two knights would raise their right hand as a sign of trust and respect.

  • The uniform is a vehicle for learning self-discipline, personal responsibility, and self-respect. One person’s conduct reflects on everyone else in the group.

  • We wear the uniform because Civil Air Patrol and the Air Force allows us to wear them, which comes with a special obligation to wear it properly and with pride.

  • A unit’s performance on the drill field is a measure of the cadets’ sense of self-discipline.

Chain of Command: Order of authority

  • A chain of command re-enforces the idea that everyone is held accountable to another leader.

  • “Jumping the chain” occurs when an individual takes an issue to a higher-level leader, without consulting their immediate supervisors.