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table: religious experience

religious experience: brief desc

how the experience shaped the formation of the faith

does each account suggest they encountered God?

your interpretation

Muhammed: Night of Power - Islam

Angel Gabriel commanded Muh to recite Arabic words over 23 years which came together to create the Qur’an (recitation)

this experience directly formulated Islam’s Holy Book, the Qur’an

the accounts suggest that he encountered and angel of God, but not God directly

Guru Nanak: Bathing in the River - Sikhism

entered divine trance beside the river, given cup of nectar by God, who commanded him to teach others to repeat His Name. Taught that all were equal, regardless of how they worshipped God or what religion they followed.

spread the word of His Name, taught that the best way to show their love for God was by praising His Name

yes, he encountered

God directly, who instructed him

Moses Burning Bush - Judaism

Moses sees a bush on fire, but not being consumed, and so he is attracted to it. God speaks to him from the bush, instructing him on how he will rescue Israel from slavery under the Egyptians.

acted as a cessation to religious oppression

yes, this account talks of Moses speaking to the bush that was God

Peter, James & John: the Transfiguration - Christianity

Jesus transfigured and spoke to two dead prophets, Moses n Elijah, before God spoke

Yes, there was an encounter, as God’s voice could be heard


table: religious experience

religious experience: brief desc

how the experience shaped the formation of the faith

does each account suggest they encountered God?

your interpretation

Muhammed: Night of Power - Islam

Angel Gabriel commanded Muh to recite Arabic words over 23 years which came together to create the Qur’an (recitation)

this experience directly formulated Islam’s Holy Book, the Qur’an

the accounts suggest that he encountered and angel of God, but not God directly

Guru Nanak: Bathing in the River - Sikhism

entered divine trance beside the river, given cup of nectar by God, who commanded him to teach others to repeat His Name. Taught that all were equal, regardless of how they worshipped God or what religion they followed.

spread the word of His Name, taught that the best way to show their love for God was by praising His Name

yes, he encountered

God directly, who instructed him

Moses Burning Bush - Judaism

Moses sees a bush on fire, but not being consumed, and so he is attracted to it. God speaks to him from the bush, instructing him on how he will rescue Israel from slavery under the Egyptians.

acted as a cessation to religious oppression

yes, this account talks of Moses speaking to the bush that was God

Peter, James & John: the Transfiguration - Christianity

Jesus transfigured and spoke to two dead prophets, Moses n Elijah, before God spoke

Yes, there was an encounter, as God’s voice could be heard