a- not, without, away, from
act- do, drive
able- able to be
acro- height, top
anim- spirit, life
acious- having the quality of
amphi- both, around
aqua- water
acity- the quality of
an- not, without
aud (audi)- hear
al- of, related to
ana- back, against
avi (avia)- bird
ance- state, quality, act
andr/o- man, male
brev (brevi)- short
aneous- having the quality of
ant/i- against, opposite
capt (cept)- take, hold
ant- that which
ab- away, from
carni- flesh, meat
ary- of, related to, belongs to
ac (ad)- to, toward, near
cede (ceed, cess)- go, yield
ate- to make, to act
bene- good, well
celer- fast
ation- an action or process
bi- two
claim (clam)- call out, shout
cide- kill
cent- hundred
clud (clus)- close
ence- state, quality, act
circum- around
cogn (cogni)- know
ent- like, related to
com(con, cor)- with, together
cred- believe
er- that which
contra- against, opposite
cumul- mass, heap
ferous- producing
counter- against, opposite
dict- speak
fy- to do, to make
de- away, down
duct- lead
ible- able to be
di- apart, away, not
dur- harden, to last, lasting
ic (id)- like, related to
dis- apart, opposite of
enni- year
ice- one who, that which
e- out, away, from
equ- (equi) equal, fair
ile- of, related to
en- in, into
fract- (frag) break
ine- like, related to
ex- out, away, from
gress- step
ion- state, quality, act
extro- outside of
herbi- grass
ity- state, quality, act
il- in, into
juven- young
ive- performing/tending towards
im- in, into, not
later- side
ize- to make, to act
in- in, into, not
loqu- speak
ment- that which
infra- beneath
lumin- light
ous- having the quality of
inter- between
manu- hand
tion- state, quality, act
intro- within
mar- sea
trix- feminine
mis- bad, wrong
memor/i- remember
ulous- having the quality of
ob (op)- against
miss (mitt)- send, let go
ure- process, condition
per- through
mob (mot, mov)- move
y- state, quality, act
post- after
nom/in- name
pre- before
nov- new
pro- for, before, forward
pos- (posit) place, put
re- back, again
pugn/a- fight
retro- backward
rupt- break, burst
se- apart
scrib- (script) write, written
sub- (sur-) under
sect- cut
tra- across, through
son- sound
ultra- beyond
spec/t- look, examine
uni- one
struct- build
tact- touch
tempor- time
termin/a- end, limit
tort- twist
tract- drag, draw out, pull
ven/t- come
ver/i- truth
vers- (vert) turn
vinc- conquer
vis- see
viv- live, life
voc/i- voice, call
vol (voli)- will, wish
vor (vour)- eat
a- not, without
agr/o- field
ac- related to, pertaining to
acro- height, top
andr/o- man, male
ad- group
amphi- both, around
anthrop- mankind, man
al- like, related to
an- not, without
arch- first, chief, rule
ant- one who, that which
ana- back, against
arthr- joint
asia- state, quality, act
ant/i- against, opposite
astr/o- star, heavens
ate- to make, to act
bi- two
auto- self
cide- kill
de- away, down, not
biblio- book
er- one who, that which
dia- through, across
bio- life
esis- action, process
en- in, into
bronch/o- throat, airways
ia- condition
epi- on, outside
caco- bad
ic- like, related to
exo- outside
cardi/o- heart
ics- related to science
hyper- over, above
centr/o- center
ion- state, condition, action
hypo- under, below
cephal- head, brain
ism- act, state, condition
iso- equal
chrom/o- color
ist- one who
pan- all
chron/o- time
itis- inflammation
peri- around
clast- break
ium- chemical element
sym- with, together
cosm- universe, harmony
oid- resembling (looks like)
syn- with, together
crac- government, rule
ology- study of, science
tri- three
cycl/o- circle
on- quality, state
dem/o- people
osis- condition
derm- skin
ous- having the quality of
dermat/o- skin
phile- love, loving
entom- insect
sis- action, process
eu- good, well
y- state, quality, act
gam- united, joined
gen/o- birth, produce, race
geo- earth, ground
gram- write, written
graph- write, written
gyn- woman, female
gynec/o- woman, female
gyno- woman, female
heli/o- sun
hemat- blood
homo- same
hydr/o- water
icono- image
ideo- idea
klept/o- to steal
lith/o- stone
log/o- word, reason
macro- large, great
mania- obsession, loss of reason
meso- middle
meter- measure
metr/o- measure
micro- small
mis/o- to hate
mono- one
morph- form
myri- countless
naut- sailor, ship
neo- new, recent
nom/o- law, order
onym- name, word
ops- eye, vision
opt/o- eye, vision
pachy- thick
paleo- ancient, old
path/o- feeling, disease
phil/o- love, loving
phob- fear
phon/o- sound
pod/o- foot
poly- many
pseud/o- FALSE
psych/o- mind, spirit
scop/e- look, view
somat/o- body
tele- from afar
thanas- death
the/o- god
therap- treatment
therm/o- heat
xen/o- foreign, strange