The Carbon Cycle

The Carbon Cycle


  • Photosynthesis- Fixation of atmospheric CO2 by plants using sunlight energy and its conversion to carbohydrates, releasing oxygen as its product.

  • Feeding- Organic compounds passed along food chains.

  • Sedimentation- Deposition of skeletons of marine animals on sea bed.

  • Carbon Resovoirs- Places where carbon atoms exist, Atmosphere, living things, organic matter, fossil fuels, rocks, oceans.

  • Combustion- Release of C02 when organic substances are burned.

  • Decomposition- Breakdown of organic matter, releasing CO2 in anaerobic conditions, CH4 in anaerobic conditions.

  • Fossilisation- Incomplete decomposition leading to the formation of fossil fuels.

  • Respiration- Release of energy from high energy substances releasing CO2 into the atmosphere.


Changes to the form of Carbon


CO2 → Carbohydrates in plants

Respiration & Decomposition

C6H12O6→ CO2 in all living things


C + O2 → CO2


C + Ca → CaCO3 in limestone

Human Impacts

  • Combustion of fossil fuels has released CO2.

  • Intensive agriculture, cattle (CH4)

  • Deforestation, reduces carbon fixation.

  • Mining & Processing coal oil and gas releasing methane.

  • Ploughing increases decomposition (CO2)

  • Padi fields flood the spill, increases anaerobic respiration.

The Greenhouse Effect

  • The natural ‘trapping in’ of heat by greenhouse gases in the troposphere.

  • Occurs in the lower atmosphere.

  • CO2→ Respiration, decomposition, Combustion of fossil fuels.

  • Oxides of Nitrogen → Volcanoes, Combustion of fossil fuels.

  • Methane → Decomposition, anaerobic respiration, Marshes, intensive Farming, Rice Fields, Landfill sites.

Consequences of Climate Change

  • Sea level rise → Ice melting, thermal expansion

  • Change in Climate Pattern → Hurricanes, Wind patterns, Precipitation.

  • Ocean Current → ‘El Nino’, hot water spreads to South America, collapses food chains, Changes to gulf stream.

  • Ocean pH → CO2 dissolves into water, oceans become more acidic, algal blooms, coral bleaching.

The Nitrogen Cycle

  • Nitrogen is found in all amino acids and nitrogenous bases.

  • Nitrogen is taken up by roots as ammonium and nitrate ions. The uptakes are linked with protein synthesis of nucleic acids.

  • Nitrogen Fixaton → Nitrogen fixing bacteria in the soil convert Nitrogen gas into ammonium ions and in symbiotic bacteria, organic acids and amino acids. Live in root nodules of legumes.

  • N2 → NH4 → Organic Acids → Amino Acids.

  • Reaction is catalysed by nitrogenase enzymes, will not work under oxidation.

  • SOme ammonium ions and amino acids are converted into the vascular tissues of the hosts plants and roots.

  • Rhizobium → Legumes. Uses nitrogenase to fix N2. Nitrogenase is inhibited by oxygen so it is surrounded by leghaemoglobin.

  • Ammonification → Bacteria and fungi decompose dead organisms and animal products leaving Nitrogen into the plants.


  • Denitrification → NO3 → N2

  • Nitrification → NH3 → NO2.

  • NO2 → NO3

  • N2 Fixation→ Rhizobium in plant nodules, Azobacter in the soil.

  • Ammonification → Bacteria and fungi.

  • Rhizobium → Symbiotic relationship with legumes, inhibited by oxygen, plant produces leghaemoglobin so N2 fixation can happen.

  • Ammonification → break down proteins into ammonium ions.

  • Nitrification → aerobic bacteria add nitrites and nitrates to the soil in oxidation reaction. Nitrobacter and Nitrosomonas.

  • Denitrification → Anaerobic bacteria convert nitrates om the soil to nitrogen in reduction reactions.
