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Unit 3: (Language and Religion)

Indo-European Language Family:

  • Spread throughout Europe, the Americas, South Asia, and parts of SW Asia

  • Largest language family in the world

Universalizing Religion: A religion that tries to convert new members

  • spread through expansion and relocation diffusion

    • Migration, missionaries

  • Christianity:

    • Hearth: Jerusalem, Israel

    • Largest religion in the world

      • 2.6 billion followers

    • Practiced in Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, Americas

  • Islam:

    • Hearth: Mecca, Saudi Arabia

    • Fastest growing religion

    • Practiced in SW Asia, North Africa, Central Asia

    • Uses mosques to worship

    • Monotheistic

  • Buddhism:

    • Hearth: India

    • Practiced in SE Asia and East Asia

      • spread through: Buddhist missionaries, Silk Road, Immigration

    • Nontheistic

    • Worship in stupas

  • Sikhism:

    • Practiced in India

    • Use Gurdwaras for worship

    • Hearth: Punjab region

    • Syncretism of Islam and Hinduism

      • Monotheistic (Islam)

      • Reincarnation (Hinduism)

Ethnic Religion: religion that is generally found near the hearth or spread through relocation diffusion

  • Hinduism:

    • Hearth: Indus River Valley

    • Worshiped with mandirs

    • Practiced in Mauritius, Nepal, India

    • Polytheistic, Reincarnation, Karma

  • Judaism:

    • Hearth: Jerusalem, Israel

    • Practiced in Israel

    • Practiced in synagogues

    • monotheistic, uses Hebrew

Unit 3: (Language and Religion)

Indo-European Language Family:

  • Spread throughout Europe, the Americas, South Asia, and parts of SW Asia

  • Largest language family in the world

Universalizing Religion: A religion that tries to convert new members

  • spread through expansion and relocation diffusion

    • Migration, missionaries

  • Christianity:

    • Hearth: Jerusalem, Israel

    • Largest religion in the world

      • 2.6 billion followers

    • Practiced in Sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, Americas

  • Islam:

    • Hearth: Mecca, Saudi Arabia

    • Fastest growing religion

    • Practiced in SW Asia, North Africa, Central Asia

    • Uses mosques to worship

    • Monotheistic

  • Buddhism:

    • Hearth: India

    • Practiced in SE Asia and East Asia

      • spread through: Buddhist missionaries, Silk Road, Immigration

    • Nontheistic

    • Worship in stupas

  • Sikhism:

    • Practiced in India

    • Use Gurdwaras for worship

    • Hearth: Punjab region

    • Syncretism of Islam and Hinduism

      • Monotheistic (Islam)

      • Reincarnation (Hinduism)

Ethnic Religion: religion that is generally found near the hearth or spread through relocation diffusion

  • Hinduism:

    • Hearth: Indus River Valley

    • Worshiped with mandirs

    • Practiced in Mauritius, Nepal, India

    • Polytheistic, Reincarnation, Karma

  • Judaism:

    • Hearth: Jerusalem, Israel

    • Practiced in Israel

    • Practiced in synagogues

    • monotheistic, uses Hebrew