1. Functions of the Respiratory System
Gas exchange – Oxygen in, carbon dioxide out.
Regulation of blood pH – By controlling CO₂ levels.
Voice production – Air moving through the larynx produces sound.
Olfaction – Smell receptors in the nasal cavity detect odors.
Protection – Mucus, cilia, and other structures help filter and clean incoming air.
2. Conducting Division of the Respiratory System
The conducting division carries air to and from the lungs.
Also filters, moistens, and warms the air.
NO gas exchange occurs here.
Structures (in order of airflow):
Nasal cavity – Contains nasal conchae that increase surface area and warm, humidify, and clean the air.
Pharynx – Shared with digestive system; divided into:
Nasopharynx – Only for air passage.
Oropharynx – Air and food passage; lined with stratified squamous epithelium for protection.
Laryngopharynx – Air and food passage; connects to esophagus and larynx.
Larynx – "Voice box"; contains vocal cords.
Epiglottis – Prevents food from entering the trachea during swallowing.
Thyroid cartilage – Protects vocal cords; Adam’s apple.
Cricoid cartilage – Complete ring of cartilage below the thyroid cartilage.
True vocal cords – Produce sound; controlled by muscles.
Trachea – "Windpipe"; lined with ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium and goblet cells (produce mucus).
C-shaped cartilage rings – Keep airway open.
Bronchi – Branch off from the trachea into the lungs.
Primary (main) bronchi – One to each lung.
Secondary (lobar) bronchi – One to each lobe (3 on right, 2 on left).
Tertiary (segmental) bronchi – Smaller branches.
Bronchioles – Smallest airways; contain smooth muscle to regulate airflow.
3. Respiratory Division of the Respiratory System
Site of gas exchange.
Respiratory bronchioles
Alveolar ducts
Alveolar sacs
Alveoli – Tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs.
Type I cells – Simple squamous epithelium for gas exchange.
Type II cells – Produce surfactant (reduces surface tension).
Macrophages – Immune defense.
4. Pulmonary Ventilation (Breathing)
Diaphragm and external intercostals contract → Thoracic cavity expands → Lung pressure decreases → Air moves in.
Diaphragm and intercostals relax → Thoracic cavity shrinks → Lung pressure increases → Air moves out.
Forced Exhalation:
Internal intercostals and abdominal muscles contract.
5. How Air is Filtered, Warmed, and Moistened
Nasal conchae – Increase surface area and create turbulence.
Mucus and cilia – Trap debris and sweep it toward the pharynx.
Blood vessels in nasal cavity – Warm the air.
Goblet cells – Secrete mucus to moisten the air.
6. How Sound is Produced
Air passing over vocal cords → Vibration → Sound.
Pitch – Controlled by tension of vocal cords.
Volume – Controlled by force of air passing over vocal cords.
7. Protection of the Respiratory System
Nasal hairs – Trap large particles.
Mucus and cilia – Trap and move debris.
Coughing and sneezing – Expel irritants.
Epiglottis – Prevents food from entering the trachea.
1. Functions of the Digestive System
Ingestion – Bringing food into the body.
Digestion – Breaking down food into smaller molecules.
Mechanical digestion – Chewing, churning, segmentation.
Chemical digestion – Enzymes and acids break down molecules.
Absorption – Nutrients absorbed into blood or lymph.
Defecation – Elimination of waste.
2. GI Tract Organs vs. Accessory Organs
GI Tract Organs – Part of the digestive tube:
Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anus.
Accessory Organs – Not part of the tube; secrete substances into it:
Salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, pancreas.
3. How Food Moves Through the GI Tract
Ingestion → Mouth
Mastication – Chewing (mechanical digestion).
Peristalsis – Wave-like contractions that move food.
Churning – Mixing of food with stomach juices.
Segmentation – Back-and-forth mixing in the intestines.
Defecation – Elimination of waste.
4. Layers of the GI Tract Wall
Mucosa – Inner layer; secretes mucus and enzymes.
Submucosa – Blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves.
Muscularis propria – Muscle layer; controls peristalsis and segmentation.
Circular layer – Inner.
Longitudinal layer – Outer.
Oblique layer – Only in stomach.
Serosa – Slippery covering in the abdomen.
Adventitia – Anchors organs outside the abdominal cavity.
5. Stomach Secretions and Function
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) – Kills bacteria and activates enzymes.
Pepsin – Digests proteins.
Mucus – Protects stomach lining.
Gastrin – Hormone that regulates digestion.
6. Parts of the Small Intestine
Duodenum – Mixing station; receives bile and pancreatic enzymes.
Jejunum – Main site for nutrient absorption.
Ileum – Absorbs remaining nutrients; contains Peyer’s patches (immune function).
7. Structures That Increase Surface Area
Plicae circulares – Circular folds.
Villi – Finger-like projections.
Microvilli – Brush border on epithelial cells.
8. Salivary Glands and Functions
Parotid, sublingual, submandibular – Secrete saliva.
Moistens food
Begins starch digestion (amylase)
Cleans mouth
Helps with taste
9. Pancreas Functions
Digestive enzymes
Bicarbonate (neutralizes acid)
Insulin and glucagon
10. Liver Functions
Detoxifies blood
Makes bile
Stores glucose
Makes plasma proteins
Breaks down red blood cells
11. Bile
Function: Emulsifies fats.
Made in: Liver
Stored in: Gallbladder
Secreted into: Duodenum
12. Peritoneum and Mesenteries
Peritoneum: Serous membrane around abdominal organs.
Mesentery: Anchors intestines; contains blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves.