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Theology Quiz Topics for 8/30/24

What is a soul (nephesh)

  • A nephesh is a living being.

What does spirit mean?

  • Spirit can be translated as “breath” which indicates that a being is alive. Spirit could refer to my physical or spiritual life.

Angels, Satan

  • Angels = Servants and messengers of God.

  • Satan/Devil = Fallen Angel (accuser slanderer).

What does the image of God mean?

  • The image of God refers to the fact that humans reflected God’s holiness , his will, and his love.

  • We are Gods children.

How are humans set apart from animals?

  • Humans are the final finishing touch of God’s creation and God took his time and used “his hands” and “material” to create man and woman.

The curse of sin

  • The serpent - God cursed the serpent to be the lowest of animals, to eat dust and to crawl on its belly.

  • Satan - God promised that Satan will be crushed by the “seed” of a woman.

  • Woman - Child birth will be cursed.

  • Man - Work will n longer be a pleasure but a pain.

  • Sin means “To fall short of God’s standards” due to temptation from the would around us.

How does God show mercy?

  • God shows his mercy by giving us a second chance. He gave Adam and Eve a chance to confess. Even though they blew his chance he still saved them.

What does the Messiah/Christ mean?

  • The word “Messiah” means “anointed one” and God promised thought he prophets he’d send an ultimate delivered who’d crush the serpents head once and for all. Jesus of Nazareth is identified as “Christ” or the “Messiah”.

Memory Work

  • Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.

  • Romans 1:20 - For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Books of the Bible (Old Testament)

Theology Quiz Topics for 8/30/24

What is a soul (nephesh)

  • A nephesh is a living being.

What does spirit mean?

  • Spirit can be translated as “breath” which indicates that a being is alive. Spirit could refer to my physical or spiritual life.

Angels, Satan

  • Angels = Servants and messengers of God.

  • Satan/Devil = Fallen Angel (accuser slanderer).

What does the image of God mean?

  • The image of God refers to the fact that humans reflected God’s holiness , his will, and his love.

  • We are Gods children.

How are humans set apart from animals?

  • Humans are the final finishing touch of God’s creation and God took his time and used “his hands” and “material” to create man and woman.

The curse of sin

  • The serpent - God cursed the serpent to be the lowest of animals, to eat dust and to crawl on its belly.

  • Satan - God promised that Satan will be crushed by the “seed” of a woman.

  • Woman - Child birth will be cursed.

  • Man - Work will n longer be a pleasure but a pain.

  • Sin means “To fall short of God’s standards” due to temptation from the would around us.

How does God show mercy?

  • God shows his mercy by giving us a second chance. He gave Adam and Eve a chance to confess. Even though they blew his chance he still saved them.

What does the Messiah/Christ mean?

  • The word “Messiah” means “anointed one” and God promised thought he prophets he’d send an ultimate delivered who’d crush the serpents head once and for all. Jesus of Nazareth is identified as “Christ” or the “Messiah”.

Memory Work

  • Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.

  • Romans 1:20 - For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Books of the Bible (Old Testament)