ESS - Units 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1

Perspective - point of view influenced by;

  • personal assumptions

  • economic status

  • ethical beliefs

  • personal values

  • cultural environment

Pragmatism - evolution of something in reference to it's practical use

Types of values: 

Moral, Personal, Societal 


  • indigenous values: traditional knowledge based on concepts passed down through generations

  • instrumental values: usefulness something has for humans

    • providing a good/service for human development

  • Intrinsic value:

    • value something has in itself, regardless of use or benefit to others

    • inherent value something holds

Types of world views: 

  • imperialist -> sacred bond between humans and god, nature is separate. Science is used to control nature (technocentric)

  • stewardship -> humans are responsible for environment, we can manage and exploit it. Human duty to treat it respectfully and sustainably

  • romantic -> nature is valuable to humans due to being beautiful and unadulterated

  • utilitarian -> greatest good is happiness and freedom from suffering, actions with outcomes that benefit the greatest number of humans is morally right. Nature must have value for humans

Environmental Value systems:


-> all environmental issues can be solved through technology -> believe in unlimited economic growth

-> faith in tech + industry, HUMANS CONTROL NATURE

-> environmental issues are scientific problems to be solved


-> humans are central and most important, nature has to serve human needs

-> humans are only thing with intrinsic value

-> other things are valued for what they provide to humans


-> natural world is most important and has intrinsic value

-> humans are subject to nature, NOT IN CONTROL OF IT

-> nature is self-reliant, should be respected

Cultural Theory:

  • suggestion that individual beliefs are influenced by the surrounding group

    • people align environmental views with cultural group views

Chapter 1.2 - Systems

System - group of interacting or interdependent parts forming an integrated whole

Two views on systems: holistic vs reductionist

Holistic View

  • looks at system as a whole

  • how different parts are interconnected 

Reductionist View

  • divides systems into parts

  • looks at different parts separately

Parts of a system:

  • storages, flows, boundaries

    • flows have tranfers and transformations

  • also need a function/purpose and emergent properties

3 Types of systems:

  • open (eg. pond)

  • closed (eg. Biosphere 2)

  • isolated (eg. theoretically the Universe)

Earths systems:

  • biosphere

  • hydrosphere

  • cryosphere

  • geosphere

  • atmosphere

  • anthroposphere

Gaia Hypothesis:

  • Earth is a self regulation system naturally searching for state of homeostasis

  • albedo → level of light reflected away from a surface

Negative feedback loops:

  • procedure to keep systems in balance (at equilibrium)

Positive feedback loops:

  • when a disturbance to a system triggers a chain reaction that increases the disturbance, causes rapid + extreme changes in a system

Tipping points:

  • usually in a positive feedback loop

    • point when system can no longer recover

    • rapid + extreme changes lead to new equilibrium point

☆ steady-state equilibrium -> ecosystem maintains relatively stable conditions over time

☆ new equilibrium reached -> occurs when system develops over time to add new factors into system

☆ ecological succession -> different species developing and overtaking system from each other, species die out / evolve -> changes interactions in entire community

Emergent properties:

  • properties that appear only when different parts of a system are connected

  • affected by various factors:

    • non-linear interactions

    • feedback loops

    • hierarchy of emergence

    • scientific understanding

Resiliance of systems:

  • ability of a system to absorb disturbances + return to equilibrium

  • Other factors:

    • species biodiversity

    • size of ecosystem / storages

    • speed of human response

    • genetic diversity

    • complexity

    • rate of reproduction

    • presence of feedback systems

Chapter 1.3 - Sustainability

Sustainability - "approach that guides towards a world of balance, harmony, and resilience"

focus on 3 key elements: ESG (environment, society, governance+economy)

Environmental sustainability:

  • use and management of natural resources allowing for replacement, recovery, and regeneration

Natural capital:

  • value gained from natural resources as goods or services, which produce natural income

Natural income: 

  • sustainable annual yield gotten from natural resources

ecosystem restoration -> opportunity to halt degradation of an ecosystem through sustainable practices

Social sustainability:

  • focus on social equity, environmental justice and human well-being

  • cultural sustainability -> preservation of indigenous languages, cultural knowledge, and heritage


"practice of looking to nature for inspiration to solve problems in a regenerative way"

Examples of social sustainability:

  • universal healthcare, community-led green spaces (eg. gardens), indigenous rights + land management, affordable housing initiatives

Economic sustainability:

  • efficient use of resources, minimise waste, protect ecosystems, relies on environmental sustainability and social elements

Sustainable development:

has 3 pillars (equal values) -> social development, economic growth, environmental protection

Overexploitation of natural resources → damages ecosystems


economic development measured in GDP per year

Green GDP

Green GDP = GDP - Environmental cost

Env. justice:

right of all people to live in pollution-free environment and have equitable access to natural resources


  • access to clean and sustainable resources, wealth, and technology within nations and internationally

Environmentalism - protection and conservation of nature

Scales of action:

  • Individual level

  • Business level

  • Community level

  • City level

  • Country level

  • Global level

Sustainability indicators:

anything used to describe and measure components of the environement (eg. GDP, HDI, poverty index, etc)

Ecological footprint:

  • EF is hypothetical area of land and water required to provide resources needed to a population

  • if EF is bigger than resources available -> unsustainable population

Carbon footprint:

amount of greenhouse gases emitted (can be direct, indirect, embodied)

Water footprint:

amount of freshwater used to produce a product (green water, blue water, grey water)


  • capacity a biologically productive area has to generate renewable resources

Crowdsourcing -> obtaining data from large group via internet / social media

Sustainability frameworks and models:



Common ground between governments, business, and organisations

Universal goals for all countries

Uses quantitative data to mark progress


SGDs are not well connected between environment, society, and economy

Lack of context between countries, doesn't address inequity of implementing SDGs

Some do not have adequate measures so they can't be effectively reached

Planetary Boundary model


Uses science based limits to Earths systems

Focuses on complexities of systems, need to focus on more than just climate change

Guides public action and policy making


Focuses only on ecological systems

Assessment of boundaries change as new tech + data is available

Only useful at global scale, not local / country scale

Doughnut Economics model


Includes ecological and social elements

Global awareness of model

Can be used at different scales to support sustainability


Rejects goal of economic growth, isolating governmental + business goals

Work in progress meaning some parts are still unclear

Quite broad in some regards due to no policies being proposed

Circular Economy


Recycling of materials improves sustainable practices

Keeps greenhouse gas emissions low

Improves life cycle of products and reduces waste

Reduces pollution


Difficult to transition to due to lack of funds or unprofitable model

Lack of regulations on businesses or governments to use circular economy

Pollution and waste are likely to continue

Chapter 2.1 - Individuals to Ecosystems

Ecosystem - community of living species and non-living components that interact

  • parts of an ecosystem:

    • community

    • population

    • individual


  • group of organisms sharing specific characteristics that can breed and produce fertile offspring

  • can evolve into new species

Classification of species

  • taxonomy is used to classify species -> give them one common name

Tools for classification:

  1. Dichotomous keys:

  • Series of questions used to determine physical characteristics of an organism

  1. Comparisons with known specimens:

  • comparing the new specimen against a known one to identify new species

  1. DNA surveys:

  • looking at the structure of DNA and comparing it against known species

Biotic -> living components and organism (animals, plants, fungi, etc)

Abiotic -> non-living components (rocks, water, sunlight, temperature)

Ecological Niche:

  • particular set of abiotic and biotic factors which an organism / population depends on

Identical niches

  • 2 species with same niche cannot live in same habitat (too much competition)

  • example: Eurasian red squirrel vs Eastern grey squirrel compete for food

Population Interactions:





Bacteria infecting a human -> done to survive and reproduce, spread throughout the body

COVID-19 virus


Uses the host body for resources, feeds off another organism but without killing host

Tapeworms and humans


Relationship between organisms where both species benefit

Clownfish and sea anemones


Relationship between organisms where one species benefits and the other has no change (stays neutral)

Hippo and heron (bird)


Relationship between organisms where one species benefits and kills the other species for food (Preditor vs prey)

Lions and zebras


Organism that only eats plants

Monarch caterpillars and milkweed plants

Carrying capacity:

  • maximum population number and ecosystem can support based on availability of resources (abiotic and biotic components)

  • creates a logistical graph

Population size:

  • regulated by density-dependent factors and negative feedback loops

Density-dependent factors - get worse as population increases:

  • Competition for resources

  • predation and herbivory

  • disease and parasites

J Curve:

  • if there is no limiting factor = exponential growth in population

  • assumptions: unlimited resources, no competition, no environmental constraints

ways to calculate carrying capacity:

  • 1 / ecological footprint = ~carrying capacity

How to estimate population abundance:

  1. Random sampling -> unbiased measure of population, good for large populations

  2. Systematic sampling -> when there is a regular pattern or clustering in population

  3. Transect sampling -> analyse population changes along environmental features

Estimation of population size:

  • Capture M amount of individuals -> mark them -> release them

  • Recapture N amount of individuals -> separate from already marked R individuals 

  • (M * N) / R = estimated population size

Community Stability and Diversity

High diversity communities - more stable:

  • wide variety of species -> complex food web

  • interconnectivity between species provides resilience against disturbances

  • many alternatives

Low diversity communities - less stable:

  • simpler food web

  • less resilient, disturbance has bigger effect on ecosystem

  • few alternatives

Trophic connections:

outside level: decomposers -> bacteria and fungi (break down dead organisms + waste materials into nutrients for producers to use)


  • location in which a community, species, population, or organism lives

  • each species has particular habitat requirements based on ecological niche


  • function as open systems -> exchange of matter and energy

Inputs of an ecosystem:

  • solar radiation (energy source)

  • organic matter

  • inorganic nutrients

Processes (transformations in an ecosystem):

  • photosynthesis

  • nutrient cycling

Outputs of an ecosystem:

  • heat (dissipated energy)

  • dead organic matter

  • gases released into the atmosphere


  • inherent central attribute of ecosystems, has balance of inputs and outputs

example of a sustainable ecosystem: Tropical rainforests

Human impacts on biodiversity:

  • overharvesting

  • poaching + illegal wildlife trade

  • climate change

  • pollution

  • invasive species
