Unit 3 - Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

Required Cases

  • Engel v Vitale

    • New York established a school prayer at the beginning of the day but it was optional and it didn't promote any specific religion, children could opt out of it if parents signed a form

    • Court ruled in favor of Engel 

    • Violation of the Establishment Clause 

    • Establishment Clause says that Congress can't make laws about religion 

  • Wisconsin v Yoder

    • An Amish family wants to take their children out after completing the 8th grade because going to high school goes against their Amish religious beliefs 

    • Violated Wisconsin law that says children must go to school until 16 

    • An Amish family was fined 5 per child

    • Amish family took it upon the Supreme Court 

    • An Amish family said that their free exercise of religion was being broken

    • Yoder won because the court said that the state can't violate their first amendment right 

  • Schenck v US

    • 1917 - Congress passed the Espionage Act to outlaw any hindrances to military recruitment 

    • Schenk didn’t like the military draft, he wrote to young men telling them to resist the military draft

    • He go arrested for breaking the espionage act

    • Supreme Court ruled against him saying that this First Amendment right wasn't violated 

  • Tinker v Des Moines

    • The Tinker family wanted to wear arm bands to show their support for the Vietnam War Christmas treaty, the school then made a policy that said if they see anyone with a symbolic arm band they will be suspended, the Tinker family got suspended and the school got sued.

    • Clause: Free Speech Clause 

    • Decision: Tinkers won because they didn't cause any disruption to the school, and students were able to learn.

  • New York Times v US

    • This case is about the freedom of the press

    • NYT claimed that Nixon's invocation of prior restraint violated their first amendment right 

    • The Nixon administration argued that those documents threatened national security 

    • Court agreed with NYT claiming that Nixon's restraining order was unconstitutional 

  • McDonald v Chicago

    • McDonald argued that Chicago's  restrictive gun laws infringed on the people's right to own guns 

    • City of Chicago argued that the restrictive gun laws were necessary to uphold public order and safety

    • Court ruled that the gun laws were a violation of the 2nd Amendment 

  • Gideon v Wainwright

    • Gideon committed a crime and then was convicted in Florida 

    • He couldn't afford a lawyer and the state refused to give him one 

    • Florida has a law that states that a lawyer would only be provided in capital cases, and Gideon didn't qualify for representation provided by the state.

    • Case based on the 6th amendment 

    • The court ruled in Gideon's favor 

  • Roe v Wade (not required for AP test anymore)

  • Brown v Board of Education

Big Ideas and Concepts

  • Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

    • Individual rights protected by law from government interference

    • They’re outlined in the Bill of Rights 

  • Liberty and Order

    • Protecting and ensuring individual rights and freedoms, while protecting the general public and maintaining social stability and public safety 

  • Due Process/Rights of the Accused

    • A process that ensures fair treatment through the judicial system 

    • Rooted in the 5th and 14th amendment 

  • 1st Amendment

    • Religion

      • Establishment Clause

      • Free Exercise Clause

    • Speech

      • Time, Place, and Manner Restrictions

    • Press

      • Prior Restraint

  • 1st Amendment 

    • Protects the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition.

  • 2nd Amendment 

    • Protects the right to keep and bear arms

  • 3rd amendment 

    • Protects citizens from having soldiers quartered in their homes

  • 4th amendment 

    • Protects against unreasonable searches and seizures of personal property and effects

  • 5th amendment 

    • Deals with the rights of citizens when they are accused of crimes

  • 6th amendment 

    • Explains how the process will go when a person is accused of a crime, and explains the protection to which they are entitled

  • 7th amendment 

    • Guarantees the right to a trial by jury 

  • 8th amendment 

    • Protects against cruel and unusual punishment and excessive bail

  • 9th amendment 

    • If there are other rights not mentioned in the first ten amendments,s their exclusion from the list does not mean such rights are not protected 

  • 10th amendment

    • Any powers not granted to the federal government belong exclusively to the states.

  • 14th Amendment

    • Selective Incorporation

    • Due Process Clause

    • Equal Protection Clause

  • Black Civil Rights Movement

  • Women’s Liberation/Civil Rights Movement

  • The movement sought to address inequalities faced by women in various aspects of society, including employment, education, and reproductive rights.
