Ch. 1 - The Capitalist Revolution

Outline: Capitalism and Economic Systems

1.1 How Capitalism Revolutionized Our Lives

  • Definition of GDP per capita and its role in comparing living standards.

  • Explanation of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) as the total value of produced outputs in a year.

1.2 Measuring Income and Living Standards

  • GDP per capita calculation: total goods and services produced divided by population.

  • GDP reflects the market value of final goods and services in a specified period.

  • Relationship between GDP value and total income of citizens.

Disposable Income

  • Definition: earnings minus transfers made to others.

Valuing Government Goods and Services

  • Inclusion of government-produced goods/services in GDP:

    • Schooling

    • National defense

    • Law enforcement

The Starting Point: Nominal GDP

  • Method of estimating market value using current prices of goods/services.

Real GDP and Price Changes Over Time

  • Importance of measuring real GDP to assess economic growth.

  • Comparison of nominal and real GDP.

International Prices and Purchasing Power

  • Use of PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) to adjust GDP per capita for price differences.

  • How PPP provides a more accurate comparison of economies.

1.3 Growth in Income

  • Explanation of growth rate and its representation using a ratio scale.

1.4 The Permanent Technology

  • Definition of technology in economics: machinery and processes that convert inputs into outputs.

1.6 Capitalism Defined: Private Property, Markets, and Firms

  • Description of capitalism as an economic system with specific institutions.

  • Economic system definition: organization of production and distribution of goods/services.


  • Rules and customs regulating production/distribution across families, businesses, and governments.

Capital Goods

  • Definition: private property used in producing goods and services.

Market Transactions

  • Characteristics that distinguish markets from other transfer methods:

    • Reciprocation of exchanges

    • Voluntary participation

    • Competition

Characteristics of Firms

  • Definition: organization of production with distinct ownership and profit motives.

Defining Capitalism Precisely

  • Overview of capitalism as a category of systems with varying characteristics across countries.

1.7 Capitalism as an Economic System

  • Role of private property and markets in firm operations.

  • Nature of production relying on privately owned inputs and decentralized market processes.

1.8 The Gains from Specialization

  • Explanation of how markets enhance labor productivity through specialization.

1.9 Capitalism, Causation, and Historical Context

  • Definition of natural experiments in economics to understand independent differences.

1.10 Varieties of Capitalism: Institutions, Government, and the Economy

Developmental State

  • Definition and characteristics.

When is Capitalism Dynamic?

  • Conditions for sustained growth in living standards:

    • Economic and Political conditions.

    • Factors that hinder dynamism in capitalism.

1.11 Economics and the Economy

  • Definition of economics and its scope regarding interactions, production, and changes over time.
