Definition by College Board
Includes computer or program code
Examples: self-driving cars, phone apps, smartwatches
Not computing innovations
Internet cables, Bluetooth technology
Changes in society
Internet as utility or luxury
Commerce changes
E-commerce, online storefronts, crowdfunding
News consumption changes
Definition and function
Server explanation
Advantages of cloud computing
Portability, off-site storage
Privacy concerns, data transmission issues
Definition and causes
Lack of internet access in rural areas
Efforts to bridge the digital divide
Definition and components
Ownership and control
Bandwidth and scalability
Distinction from the World Wide Web
Definition and purpose
Application Layer standards
Link Layer and Internet Layer standards
IP address and its significance
Internet Protocol versions (IPv4 and IPv6)
Domain name system (DNS) function
Importance of understanding innovative technologies and their impact
Role of internet and communication protocols in modern society
Cryptography is about securing information from third parties.
Encryption converts data into a code to prevent unauthorized access.
Decryption reverses encryption to reveal the original text.
Caesar Cipher
Example of encryption method.
Key: change every letter by 13.
Example: "free pizza in the cafeteria" encrypted as "serr cvmmn va gur pnsrgrevn".
Types of Encryption
Symmetric Key Encryption: uses one key for both encryption and decryption.
Types of Encryption
Public Key Encryption: uses a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption.
Sender needs recipient's public key to encrypt but recipient uses private key to decrypt.
Public Key Encryption
Recipient knows both public and private keys.
Sender only knows recipient's public key.
Certificate Authorities
Issue digital certificates certifying ownership of a public key.
Measures to protect computers from unauthorized access.
Includes encryption, passwords, and multi-factor authentication.
Multi-Factor Authentication requires multiple pieces of evidence for access.
Net Neutrality
Ensures free and open access to information on the internet.
ISPs should not control access to websites.
Ongoing debate and legal actions on net neutrality.
Distributed Computing
Programs run on multiple devices for complex problems.
Parallel Computing breaks programs into smaller pieces for faster processing.
Sequential vs. Parallel
Sequential: steps performed in order.
Parallel: some steps performed simultaneously.
Closed Source vs. Open Source
Closed Source: privately owned and proprietary.
Open Source: publicly available and free to use.
Creative Commons Licensing allows specified use of works.
Keylogging and Rogue Access Point
Keylogging: records keystrokes for data retrieval.
Rogue Access Point: gives unauthorized network access.
Algorithmic Efficiency
Measure of computational resources used by an algorithm.
Efficiency varies with input size.
Polynomial and linear efficiencies run in reasonable time.
Problems algorithms aim to solve.
Decision and Optimization problems.
Some problems are undecidable.
Undecidable Problems
Halting Problem: cannot determine if programs will halt.
Some problems have no algorithmic solution for all instances.
Method for deriving approximate solutions.
Not perfect but provides a sufficient result.
Traveling Salesman Problem
Requires massive computing power for exhaustive search.
Heuristic solutions offer quicker but not optimal results.
Overflow Errors
Occur when a program calculates a number outside the allocated range.
Different from rounding errors caused by