Bibleology-doctrine of the Bible
Theology-doctrine of God
Inspiration-God breathed
Holy-set apart/sanctified
Revelation-God’s disclosing to man things about Himself
Illumination-God’s teaching the Christian the truths of God’s Word
Transendence-above God’s creation
Immanence-involved w/ His creation
Eternity-no beginning or ending
Infinity-no limitation in space
Omniscience-all knowing
Omnipotence-all powerful
Holiness-seperation from sin/evil
Righteousness-always do right
Love-concern for welfare of others
Mercy-compassion for sinners
Grace-giving what we don’t deserve
Truth-cannot lie
Goodness-bountiful dealing with man
Books in the Bible-66
New Testament-27
Old Testament-39
God gave the words to the writers
Partial-contains the word of God
Conceptual-inspiration of thoughts
Encounter-becomes God word when it speaks to you
Human writers of Scripture-40
Canonicity-A book’s right to be included in the Bible
Hitites-discovery of this empire confirmed the historical accuracy of the Bible
Determiner of Canonicity-God
Moses-wrote first 5 books of the Bible
Apocrapha-books written between the OT and NT
Greek-original language of NT
2 Tim 3:16-17-rejects all four false views of inspiration
Appocrapha-false bc no claim of inspiration;contradiction
Psalm 22-speaks of crucification;casting lots
Historical Prophesy-destruction of Jerusalem;Peter’s death
Inerrancy-no error
Scientific Accuracy-round earth;always night and day/seasons;Life in the blood
Belshazzar-confirmed accuracy of the Bible
Division of OT in Jesus’s day-3
Verbal-by word
Graphe-to write
True or False: spelling is important-True
Last book in Jesus’s day-2 Chronicles
References to OT by Jesus35
Tittle-smallest apendage in Hebrew
Jesus authenticated the OT
Requirements of OT writers-Prophetic authority
1947-Dead sea scrolls
Writing was advanced enough for the pentatuach
Leviticus-90% quotes from God
Proofs of canonicity-authentic,dynamic, prophetic, accepted, preserved
1500-time to write the Bible
Deceptivity of cults-partial truths
Best way to combat cults-study scripture
Inspiration of the Bible-plenary verbal inspiration
Inspired-most accurate account
Mechanical dictation-mindless writers
Thus sayeth the Lord-3800x
Writers recoqnized the inspiration of the scriptures
Destruction of Bibles decreed by Diocletian-A.D 303
Isaiah 7:14-Virgin birth of Christ
Reasons to study the scripture-God says to,to know God’s Word, God tells us what to know
Micah 5:2-birthplace of Christ
Canon-measuring rod, rule, standerd
Proofs of inspiration-God claims it, transforms lives, inerrancy, indestructibility,scientific accuracy, prophesiy, historical accuracy
Zachariah 12:10-death at calvery