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Civics Quiz 4

Triangular trade routes (Atlantic Slave Trade)- Trade route from Europe to Africa to the north and south Americas. Traded raw materials goods, and enslaved people kidnapped from Africa.

Middle Passage-the horrific journey Africans Americans forced to take across the Atlantic under unhuman conditions

Abolitionists- People who did not believe in slavery and tried to stop it and help enslaved people.

cotton gin- This invention made it easier to produce more cotton, making more slaves needed. Very dangerous.

Secede- To break away

Dred Scott v. Sandford 1857- DS fights in court for his freedom but the court sides 7-2 with slaveholder Sandford. They said that because DS was not a citizen he couldn’t sue. When he was a citizen he grew up there.

Underground Railroad- A network of people offering escaped enslaved people help and shelter on their journey to freedom.

Frederick Douglass- escaped slavery to become an abolitionist leader.

Harriet Tubman- underground railroad, “Moses” led people to freedom.

William Still-Underground railroad, PA anti-slavery society. He kept records on everyone he met which was very dangerous in case they were ever found. He kept these if there was a chance of people meeting their family if they were separated previously.

Fugitive Slave Laws- If enslaved people escape, they must be returned to their owners

Questions to study from your notes and HW:

Explain how the Constitution failed to address slavery- The ⅗ compromise which increased the political power of pro-slavery states. They made a law to stop importing slaves but you could still have slaves. Fugitive slave laws.

In what ways did the northern states benefit from slavery?-material goods were sent to the north and stuff for factories, and banks and insurance companies profited off plantation owners and their laborers

What were some strategies conductors used to help people escape slavery on the Underground Railroad?- Getting help- they would sing songs to signify when to come out and when not to. 

Timing- She would leave on Saturdays because the newspaper for missing people would not go out over the weekend.

Disguises & hiding- They would change their appearances and hide for as long as they needed to.

Codes & and secret passageways- They used words to tell if it was safe or not

$ freedom- so-called ‘stockholders’ would raise money for food, water, and clothes for the escaped slaves.

Fighting Brown-  saved slaves by killing their holders.

How did people fight against slavery?- Some did it violently like Nat Turner by killing their slaveholders and their neighbors and some did it without violence and took it to court.

Civics Quiz 4

Triangular trade routes (Atlantic Slave Trade)- Trade route from Europe to Africa to the north and south Americas. Traded raw materials goods, and enslaved people kidnapped from Africa.

Middle Passage-the horrific journey Africans Americans forced to take across the Atlantic under unhuman conditions

Abolitionists- People who did not believe in slavery and tried to stop it and help enslaved people.

cotton gin- This invention made it easier to produce more cotton, making more slaves needed. Very dangerous.

Secede- To break away

Dred Scott v. Sandford 1857- DS fights in court for his freedom but the court sides 7-2 with slaveholder Sandford. They said that because DS was not a citizen he couldn’t sue. When he was a citizen he grew up there.

Underground Railroad- A network of people offering escaped enslaved people help and shelter on their journey to freedom.

Frederick Douglass- escaped slavery to become an abolitionist leader.

Harriet Tubman- underground railroad, “Moses” led people to freedom.

William Still-Underground railroad, PA anti-slavery society. He kept records on everyone he met which was very dangerous in case they were ever found. He kept these if there was a chance of people meeting their family if they were separated previously.

Fugitive Slave Laws- If enslaved people escape, they must be returned to their owners

Questions to study from your notes and HW:

Explain how the Constitution failed to address slavery- The ⅗ compromise which increased the political power of pro-slavery states. They made a law to stop importing slaves but you could still have slaves. Fugitive slave laws.

In what ways did the northern states benefit from slavery?-material goods were sent to the north and stuff for factories, and banks and insurance companies profited off plantation owners and their laborers

What were some strategies conductors used to help people escape slavery on the Underground Railroad?- Getting help- they would sing songs to signify when to come out and when not to. 

Timing- She would leave on Saturdays because the newspaper for missing people would not go out over the weekend.

Disguises & hiding- They would change their appearances and hide for as long as they needed to.

Codes & and secret passageways- They used words to tell if it was safe or not

$ freedom- so-called ‘stockholders’ would raise money for food, water, and clothes for the escaped slaves.

Fighting Brown-  saved slaves by killing their holders.

How did people fight against slavery?- Some did it violently like Nat Turner by killing their slaveholders and their neighbors and some did it without violence and took it to court.