theology chapter 3

Apocalyptic- A Greek word for “revelation.” It also refers to highly symbolic literature that contains apparitions about the future and the final judgment. This form of literature was used to give hope to a persecuted God's people

catholic- universal.(with a lowercase c)

Didache- a Greek word that means “teaching.” In a Christian context, this term refers to the earliest known writing in Christianity aside from the New Testament.

Epistle -  A letter. In the New Testament, epistles are letters intended for public reading

Galilee - A large region in the north of the modern nation of Israel, north of Samaria at the time of Jesus

Gospel - A word meaning “Good News”. Gospel refers to three distinct but interrelated concepts: Jesus Christ himself is the Gospel; his message is the gospel; and the four written accounts of his life, death, resurrection, and ascension in the New Testament are the Gospel

Judges- Military leaders who led Old Testament Israelite tribes in battles with their oppressors

Kerygma- The core or essential message of the Gospel that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Law- The Law helped the Israelites live in conformity to God’s will. There are 613 laws listed in the last four books of the Pentateuch

Pentateuch - a Greek term for the first five books of the Bible

Remnant - a name for the exiles and former exiles who remained faithful to god during the time of the Babylonian Captivity and who were expected to restore Jerusalem 
