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Living Earth FALL FINAL

Living Earth Notes

Unit 1- Macromolecules: What are the building blocks of all living things?

Target 1.1 Monomers and Polymers-

  • Monomer - Building blocks in our bodies that make up larger molecules

    • Amino acids

    • Monosaccharide

    • Nucleotide

    • Molecules that are monomers: glycerol and saturated fatty acids

    • Polymer - Larger molecules in our bodies that have a specific function based on their structure

      • Nucleic acid

      • Polypeptide (protein)

      • Polysaccharides (carbs)

    • Polymers are made of a chain of a repeating structure (monomers)

    • Monomers to Polymers




Polysaccharide (carbs)

Amino Acid



Nucleic Acid

Fatty Acid and Glycerol (not monomers) (molecule)

Lipid (not a polymer) (macromolecule)

  • Dehydration synthesis - macromolecules being made when water molecules are removed

  • Hydrolysis - macromolecules being broken down from a water molecule

Ongoing assessment-

  • Monomer- Building blocks in our bodies that make up larger molecules called polymers

    • Monosaccharides

    • Amino Acids

    • Nucleotide

  • Fatty Acid and Glycerol- molecule and not a monomer

  • Polymer- Larger molecules in our bodies that have a specific function based on their structure

    • Nucleic acid

    • Polypeptide (protein)

    • Polysaccharides (carbs)

  • Lipid- macromolecule and not a monomer

  • Dehydration synthesis - macromolecules being made when water molecules are removed

  • Hydrolysis - macromolecules being broken down from a water molecule

Target 1.2 Structure and Function-

  • Carbohydrates - a quick source of energy

    • Structure and Function: Less bonds, easier to break down for more energy

    • Elements: CHO

    • Carb Ratio: 1 C: 2 H: 1 O

    • Shape: hexagon ⬢

  • Protein - Enzymes (digestion/cell processes), Immune System (antibodies), Movement (muscles), Structure (hair/nails), and Sending signals (hormones)

    • Structure and Function: Variable R group: different amino acids have different functions! R group can connect in different orders to make different proteins

    • Elements: CHON(S)

    • Shape plus sign +

  • Lipid - stored (as fat) in the body, providing insulation for your organs and long-term energy.

    • Functions (food): Insulates our bodies (keeps us warm), Cushions/protects organs and joints, Makes cell membranes fluid and flexible, and Long-term energy storage

    • Structure and Function: It has more bonds to break so it has more energy but takes longer

    • Elements: CHO(P)

    • Shape: lightning bolt or squiggly

  • Nucleic Acid - Has the “recipe” to make things in your body → the recipe is your genes

    • Parts: Phosphate group,(Center) ribose sugar, Nitrogenous base

    • Structure and Function: Nitrogenous bases hold the actual information. Phosphate and sugar backbone protect the info

    • Elements: CHONP

    • 3 parts, 3 Shapes: phosphate (plus +), ribose (pentagon ⬟), and base (hexagon ⬣)

Target 1.3 Parts of the Cell-

  • Need2Know

    • What does the nucleus do? How does it’s structure help it function?

    • What does the mitochondria do? How does it’s structure help it function?

    • What does the chloroplast do? How does it’s structure help it function?

  • Notes

Unit 2- Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration: What makes root beer fizzy?

Target 2.1 Photosynthesis-

  • Targets

    • Photosynthesis equation - 6CO2 + 6H2O + Sunlight/Energy → C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6O2

    • Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplast

    • Light reaction occurs in thylakoid

    • Calvin cycle occurs in stroma

    • Glucose is the stored energy created by photosynthesis

    • ATP is the chemical energy that is used

    • The light reaction creates O2 from the H2O and the molecules are broken up into oxygen (hydrolysis)

    • Use usable energy (ATP) to convert CO2 and create glucose

      • Uses ATP and not sunlight because there is no sunlight

    • Light reaction uses H2O

    • Calvin cycle uses CO2

  • Notes

    • Light Reaction -

      • Inputs - Sunlight, H2O, NADP+, ADP

      • Outputs - O2, NADPH, ATP

      • Turns light energy into chemical energy

    • Calvin Cycle

      • Inputs - CO2, NADPH, ATP

      • Outputs - Glucose, NADP+, ADP

      • Calvin Cycle no sunlight Light INDEPENDENT REACTION

      • CO2 enters

      • ATP & NADPH from Light Reaction is used to break and rearrange CO2 into another carbon molecule → Glucose! C6H12O6

      • Use chemical energy to “fix” CO2 and create glucose

    • Photosynthesis - the process which plants utilize energy from the sun to make glucose (stored) into atp (chemical/usable energy)


      • Scale

      • Units

      • Label

      • Title

      • Accuracy

      • Neatness

Target 2.2 Cellular Respiration-

  • Targets

    • O2 + C6H12O6 → CO2 + H2O + Energy (ATP)

    • Glycolysis

      • Location: cytoplasm

      • Anaerobic (no oxygen)

      • Inputs: 1 glucose

      • Outputs: 2 pyruvates, 2 ATP, 2 NADH

    • Krebs

      • Location: Mitochondrial Matrix

      • Aerobic (oxygen)

      • Inputs: Pyruvate

      • 6 Carbon, NADH, FADH2, 2 ATP

      • Happens twice because 2 pyruvate molecules are produced for each glucose

    • Electron Transport Chain

      • Location: Inner membrane

      • Aerobic (oxygen)

      • Inputs: FADH2, NADH, oxygen

      • Outputs: 34 ATP and H2O

    • NAD+ and FAD are electron carriers

      • They pick up electrons from one molecule and drop them off with another

      • They accept electrons and move them as part of the electron transport chain, transferring the electron, and the energy it represents, to power the cell.

    • Total 38 ATPs produced

    • Krebs cycle produces carbon dioxide

    • ETC produces oxygen

    • Glycolysis produces ATP

  • Notes

    • Glycolysis - Breaks down glucose into two molecules of pyruvate

      • Cells extract energy from glucose into ATP

    • Krebs Cycle - Completes the breakdown of glucose

      • Glycolysis produces two pyruvic acid molecules per glucose molecule with two hydrogen carrying NADH molecules and the Krebs cycle produces NADH. They each give up electrons and hydrogen ions so there is enough energy to make two ATP molecules

    • Electron Transport Chain - A sequence of electron carrier molecules (membrane proteins) that shuttle electrons during the redox reactions that release energy used to make ATP.

      • NADH and FADH2 release hydrogen ions and are transported across the inner mitochondrial membrane with the help of electrons which is why there is large production of ATP

  • Ongoing assessment

    • Cellular respiration equation- O2 + C6H12O6 → CO2 + H2O + Energy (ATP)

    • Cellular respiration products- water and carbon dioxide

      • ATP, H2O, and CO2

        • Water and carbon dioxide are by-products

      • ATP is important because the body needs ATP to perform body functions

    • NAD+ and FAD are the electron carriers

      • They accept electrons and move them for the electron transport chain, which transferring the electron (powers the cells)

    • The The process by which oxygen is used during the product of most of the ATP from cellular (aerobic) respiration

    • ETC needs oxygen because it is a cellular respiration. It is an aerobic process that requires oxygen to work more efficiently.

    • Almost all living organisms carry out glycolysis as part of their metabolism. Glycolysis occurs in all tissues and is important for energy in the brain and also in contracting skeletal muscle.

Target 2.3 Fermentation-

  • Targets

    • Glycolysis does not need oxygen

    • The uses NADH to make NAD+ because there is no oxygen

      • Recycles the energy

      • Making a little ATP when there is no oxygen available for ETC

    • Fermentation can create lactic acid OR ethanol as a byproduct

    • All living cells do glycolysis and can do fermentation

Aerobic Respiration

Anaerobic Respiration/ Fermentation

Processes within it

ETC & Krebs

Glycolysis + NAD+ Regeneration




Amt of ATP?


Not much!


Make LOTS of ATP

Regenerate NAD+ to make ATP until oxygen is present

Different Types


Lactic AcidAlcoholic

Unit 3- Homeostasis/Cell Cycle

Target 3.1 Homeostasis-

  • Need2Know

    • Homeostasis - the ability of the body to maintain relatively stable internal conditions (internal environment) even though the outside world (external environment) is changing

    • Homeostasis - the capability of a living organism's interdependent body systems to respond to external change in order to maintain a stable internal environment that is optimal for survival.

      • An inability to maintain homeostasis may lead to death or diseases such as: diabetes, dehydration, hyperthermia, and even allergic reactions

      • It is important to maintain the body despite the environment changingl

    • Negative feedback loop - maknintains homeostasis (stabilizes) by reversing the effect of the stim. ulus —> more normal

      • Example: When the body temperature increases, the body sweats to cool down the body

    • Positive Feedback loop - Takes the body away from homeostasis —> more extreme adding more of the stimulus

      • Rare in a healthy body

      • Example: giving birth, adds more contractions to get the baby out

    • Body systems - circulatory, respiratory, nervous, muscular

      • Circulatory- pumps blood, blood has glucose and oxygen and also removes CO2

      • Respiratory- breathes in O2 and breathe out CO2

      • Nervous- sends signals to the body to coordinate movement of muscles and signaling cells to do specific jobs

      • Muscular - allows you to move because of cellular respiration!

      • They are interdependent and rely on each other to function. Without one, they all fail

        • Respiratory system gives oxygen throughout the body

        • Nervous system sends and receives signals to the body

  • Ongoing assessment

    • a) What is the hierarchical organization of interacting systems?

    • b) How would a problem in one level impact levels above it?

    • What is homeostasis?

    • What is the function of the nervous system? Name organ(s) involved.

    • Define the feedback loop.

    • Draw a diagram of an example of this feedback loop.

    • Negative Feedback Loop

    • Define the feedback loop.

    • Draw a diagram of an example of this feedback loop.

    • Positive Feedback Loop

    • Mastery Question: Design an experiment to test the following question: How does varying levels of exercise impact body temperature?

    • Independent Variable: Dependent Variable:

    • Control Group: Experimental Group(s)

    • Hypothesis:

    • Procedures:

Target 3.2 Cell Cycle/Mitosis-

  • Mitosis Phases

    • Interphase (messy) (before mitosis) - growth and active phase. DNA in chromatin condenses

      • Happens 90% of time

    • Prophase - paired with chromatins to organize DNA

    • Metaphase (middle) - chromosomes are lined in the middle divided

    • Anaphase (away) - sister chromatids are separated and pulled apart

    • Telophase (almost separate) - chromosomes are at ends and unwinding

    • Cytokinesis (after mitosis) - making two identical cells

    • S phase is where DNA replicates CP: if something goes wrong during the cell cycle, it can cause cancer/disease

    • Chromosome: “Wound up” DNA that forms during Mitosis

    • Chromatin: Long “stringy” DNA in the nucleus

    • Chromatid: Copy of a chromosome aka sister chromatids

    • Centromere: Where two chromatids connect in a chromosome

Target 3.3 DNA Replication-

  • Need2Know

    • Enzymes/Proteins

      • Helicase - unzips the helix of DNA to separate strands

      • DNA Polymerase - adds all of the new nucleotides to the daughter strand to form a double strand

      • Ligase - Glues together any part of the sugar-phosphate backbone that is not bonded after replication is done

    • Why is DNA replication important?

    • DNA Replication - the process where one DNA molecule produces two identical DNA molecules, occurs before the cell divides.

      • Essential because the two new daughter cells must contain the same genetic information/DNA as the parent cell.

      • The two duplicated cells must be the same

    • Semi-conservative replication - produces two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand (one old/one new)

      • The daughter cells has a “reference” to copy from the parent cell and copies it

    • DNA replicates in 5’ to 3’

      • Replicates 5’ to 3’ because it is Antiparallel (goes in opposite directions).

    • Base pairs

    • Adenine (A) and thymine (T)

    • cytosine (C) and guanine (G) pair together

    • Chargaff's rule- DNA from any cell of all organisms should have a 1:1 ratio (base Pair Rule) (A and T, C and G) and add up to 100%

    • DNA Replication Steps

      • Initiation (start) - DNA synthesis is started at origin and NDA unwinds into two strands

        • Helicase used

      • Elongation - the daughter strands is paired with parent

        • 5’ to 3’ direction

        • DNA Polymerase used

      • Termination (end) - one parent strand and a daughter strand binds together

        • Ligase used

Living Earth FALL FINAL

Living Earth Notes

Unit 1- Macromolecules: What are the building blocks of all living things?

Target 1.1 Monomers and Polymers-

  • Monomer - Building blocks in our bodies that make up larger molecules

    • Amino acids

    • Monosaccharide

    • Nucleotide

    • Molecules that are monomers: glycerol and saturated fatty acids

    • Polymer - Larger molecules in our bodies that have a specific function based on their structure

      • Nucleic acid

      • Polypeptide (protein)

      • Polysaccharides (carbs)

    • Polymers are made of a chain of a repeating structure (monomers)

    • Monomers to Polymers




Polysaccharide (carbs)

Amino Acid



Nucleic Acid

Fatty Acid and Glycerol (not monomers) (molecule)

Lipid (not a polymer) (macromolecule)

  • Dehydration synthesis - macromolecules being made when water molecules are removed

  • Hydrolysis - macromolecules being broken down from a water molecule

Ongoing assessment-

  • Monomer- Building blocks in our bodies that make up larger molecules called polymers

    • Monosaccharides

    • Amino Acids

    • Nucleotide

  • Fatty Acid and Glycerol- molecule and not a monomer

  • Polymer- Larger molecules in our bodies that have a specific function based on their structure

    • Nucleic acid

    • Polypeptide (protein)

    • Polysaccharides (carbs)

  • Lipid- macromolecule and not a monomer

  • Dehydration synthesis - macromolecules being made when water molecules are removed

  • Hydrolysis - macromolecules being broken down from a water molecule

Target 1.2 Structure and Function-

  • Carbohydrates - a quick source of energy

    • Structure and Function: Less bonds, easier to break down for more energy

    • Elements: CHO

    • Carb Ratio: 1 C: 2 H: 1 O

    • Shape: hexagon ⬢

  • Protein - Enzymes (digestion/cell processes), Immune System (antibodies), Movement (muscles), Structure (hair/nails), and Sending signals (hormones)

    • Structure and Function: Variable R group: different amino acids have different functions! R group can connect in different orders to make different proteins

    • Elements: CHON(S)

    • Shape plus sign +

  • Lipid - stored (as fat) in the body, providing insulation for your organs and long-term energy.

    • Functions (food): Insulates our bodies (keeps us warm), Cushions/protects organs and joints, Makes cell membranes fluid and flexible, and Long-term energy storage

    • Structure and Function: It has more bonds to break so it has more energy but takes longer

    • Elements: CHO(P)

    • Shape: lightning bolt or squiggly

  • Nucleic Acid - Has the “recipe” to make things in your body → the recipe is your genes

    • Parts: Phosphate group,(Center) ribose sugar, Nitrogenous base

    • Structure and Function: Nitrogenous bases hold the actual information. Phosphate and sugar backbone protect the info

    • Elements: CHONP

    • 3 parts, 3 Shapes: phosphate (plus +), ribose (pentagon ⬟), and base (hexagon ⬣)

Target 1.3 Parts of the Cell-

  • Need2Know

    • What does the nucleus do? How does it’s structure help it function?

    • What does the mitochondria do? How does it’s structure help it function?

    • What does the chloroplast do? How does it’s structure help it function?

  • Notes

Unit 2- Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration: What makes root beer fizzy?

Target 2.1 Photosynthesis-

  • Targets

    • Photosynthesis equation - 6CO2 + 6H2O + Sunlight/Energy → C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6O2

    • Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplast

    • Light reaction occurs in thylakoid

    • Calvin cycle occurs in stroma

    • Glucose is the stored energy created by photosynthesis

    • ATP is the chemical energy that is used

    • The light reaction creates O2 from the H2O and the molecules are broken up into oxygen (hydrolysis)

    • Use usable energy (ATP) to convert CO2 and create glucose

      • Uses ATP and not sunlight because there is no sunlight

    • Light reaction uses H2O

    • Calvin cycle uses CO2

  • Notes

    • Light Reaction -

      • Inputs - Sunlight, H2O, NADP+, ADP

      • Outputs - O2, NADPH, ATP

      • Turns light energy into chemical energy

    • Calvin Cycle

      • Inputs - CO2, NADPH, ATP

      • Outputs - Glucose, NADP+, ADP

      • Calvin Cycle no sunlight Light INDEPENDENT REACTION

      • CO2 enters

      • ATP & NADPH from Light Reaction is used to break and rearrange CO2 into another carbon molecule → Glucose! C6H12O6

      • Use chemical energy to “fix” CO2 and create glucose

    • Photosynthesis - the process which plants utilize energy from the sun to make glucose (stored) into atp (chemical/usable energy)


      • Scale

      • Units

      • Label

      • Title

      • Accuracy

      • Neatness

Target 2.2 Cellular Respiration-

  • Targets

    • O2 + C6H12O6 → CO2 + H2O + Energy (ATP)

    • Glycolysis

      • Location: cytoplasm

      • Anaerobic (no oxygen)

      • Inputs: 1 glucose

      • Outputs: 2 pyruvates, 2 ATP, 2 NADH

    • Krebs

      • Location: Mitochondrial Matrix

      • Aerobic (oxygen)

      • Inputs: Pyruvate

      • 6 Carbon, NADH, FADH2, 2 ATP

      • Happens twice because 2 pyruvate molecules are produced for each glucose

    • Electron Transport Chain

      • Location: Inner membrane

      • Aerobic (oxygen)

      • Inputs: FADH2, NADH, oxygen

      • Outputs: 34 ATP and H2O

    • NAD+ and FAD are electron carriers

      • They pick up electrons from one molecule and drop them off with another

      • They accept electrons and move them as part of the electron transport chain, transferring the electron, and the energy it represents, to power the cell.

    • Total 38 ATPs produced

    • Krebs cycle produces carbon dioxide

    • ETC produces oxygen

    • Glycolysis produces ATP

  • Notes

    • Glycolysis - Breaks down glucose into two molecules of pyruvate

      • Cells extract energy from glucose into ATP

    • Krebs Cycle - Completes the breakdown of glucose

      • Glycolysis produces two pyruvic acid molecules per glucose molecule with two hydrogen carrying NADH molecules and the Krebs cycle produces NADH. They each give up electrons and hydrogen ions so there is enough energy to make two ATP molecules

    • Electron Transport Chain - A sequence of electron carrier molecules (membrane proteins) that shuttle electrons during the redox reactions that release energy used to make ATP.

      • NADH and FADH2 release hydrogen ions and are transported across the inner mitochondrial membrane with the help of electrons which is why there is large production of ATP

  • Ongoing assessment

    • Cellular respiration equation- O2 + C6H12O6 → CO2 + H2O + Energy (ATP)

    • Cellular respiration products- water and carbon dioxide

      • ATP, H2O, and CO2

        • Water and carbon dioxide are by-products

      • ATP is important because the body needs ATP to perform body functions

    • NAD+ and FAD are the electron carriers

      • They accept electrons and move them for the electron transport chain, which transferring the electron (powers the cells)

    • The The process by which oxygen is used during the product of most of the ATP from cellular (aerobic) respiration

    • ETC needs oxygen because it is a cellular respiration. It is an aerobic process that requires oxygen to work more efficiently.

    • Almost all living organisms carry out glycolysis as part of their metabolism. Glycolysis occurs in all tissues and is important for energy in the brain and also in contracting skeletal muscle.

Target 2.3 Fermentation-

  • Targets

    • Glycolysis does not need oxygen

    • The uses NADH to make NAD+ because there is no oxygen

      • Recycles the energy

      • Making a little ATP when there is no oxygen available for ETC

    • Fermentation can create lactic acid OR ethanol as a byproduct

    • All living cells do glycolysis and can do fermentation

Aerobic Respiration

Anaerobic Respiration/ Fermentation

Processes within it

ETC & Krebs

Glycolysis + NAD+ Regeneration




Amt of ATP?


Not much!


Make LOTS of ATP

Regenerate NAD+ to make ATP until oxygen is present

Different Types


Lactic AcidAlcoholic

Unit 3- Homeostasis/Cell Cycle

Target 3.1 Homeostasis-

  • Need2Know

    • Homeostasis - the ability of the body to maintain relatively stable internal conditions (internal environment) even though the outside world (external environment) is changing

    • Homeostasis - the capability of a living organism's interdependent body systems to respond to external change in order to maintain a stable internal environment that is optimal for survival.

      • An inability to maintain homeostasis may lead to death or diseases such as: diabetes, dehydration, hyperthermia, and even allergic reactions

      • It is important to maintain the body despite the environment changingl

    • Negative feedback loop - maknintains homeostasis (stabilizes) by reversing the effect of the stim. ulus —> more normal

      • Example: When the body temperature increases, the body sweats to cool down the body

    • Positive Feedback loop - Takes the body away from homeostasis —> more extreme adding more of the stimulus

      • Rare in a healthy body

      • Example: giving birth, adds more contractions to get the baby out

    • Body systems - circulatory, respiratory, nervous, muscular

      • Circulatory- pumps blood, blood has glucose and oxygen and also removes CO2

      • Respiratory- breathes in O2 and breathe out CO2

      • Nervous- sends signals to the body to coordinate movement of muscles and signaling cells to do specific jobs

      • Muscular - allows you to move because of cellular respiration!

      • They are interdependent and rely on each other to function. Without one, they all fail

        • Respiratory system gives oxygen throughout the body

        • Nervous system sends and receives signals to the body

  • Ongoing assessment

    • a) What is the hierarchical organization of interacting systems?

    • b) How would a problem in one level impact levels above it?

    • What is homeostasis?

    • What is the function of the nervous system? Name organ(s) involved.

    • Define the feedback loop.

    • Draw a diagram of an example of this feedback loop.

    • Negative Feedback Loop

    • Define the feedback loop.

    • Draw a diagram of an example of this feedback loop.

    • Positive Feedback Loop

    • Mastery Question: Design an experiment to test the following question: How does varying levels of exercise impact body temperature?

    • Independent Variable: Dependent Variable:

    • Control Group: Experimental Group(s)

    • Hypothesis:

    • Procedures:

Target 3.2 Cell Cycle/Mitosis-

  • Mitosis Phases

    • Interphase (messy) (before mitosis) - growth and active phase. DNA in chromatin condenses

      • Happens 90% of time

    • Prophase - paired with chromatins to organize DNA

    • Metaphase (middle) - chromosomes are lined in the middle divided

    • Anaphase (away) - sister chromatids are separated and pulled apart

    • Telophase (almost separate) - chromosomes are at ends and unwinding

    • Cytokinesis (after mitosis) - making two identical cells

    • S phase is where DNA replicates CP: if something goes wrong during the cell cycle, it can cause cancer/disease

    • Chromosome: “Wound up” DNA that forms during Mitosis

    • Chromatin: Long “stringy” DNA in the nucleus

    • Chromatid: Copy of a chromosome aka sister chromatids

    • Centromere: Where two chromatids connect in a chromosome

Target 3.3 DNA Replication-

  • Need2Know

    • Enzymes/Proteins

      • Helicase - unzips the helix of DNA to separate strands

      • DNA Polymerase - adds all of the new nucleotides to the daughter strand to form a double strand

      • Ligase - Glues together any part of the sugar-phosphate backbone that is not bonded after replication is done

    • Why is DNA replication important?

    • DNA Replication - the process where one DNA molecule produces two identical DNA molecules, occurs before the cell divides.

      • Essential because the two new daughter cells must contain the same genetic information/DNA as the parent cell.

      • The two duplicated cells must be the same

    • Semi-conservative replication - produces two copies that each contained one of the original strands and one new strand (one old/one new)

      • The daughter cells has a “reference” to copy from the parent cell and copies it

    • DNA replicates in 5’ to 3’

      • Replicates 5’ to 3’ because it is Antiparallel (goes in opposite directions).

    • Base pairs

    • Adenine (A) and thymine (T)

    • cytosine (C) and guanine (G) pair together

    • Chargaff's rule- DNA from any cell of all organisms should have a 1:1 ratio (base Pair Rule) (A and T, C and G) and add up to 100%

    • DNA Replication Steps

      • Initiation (start) - DNA synthesis is started at origin and NDA unwinds into two strands

        • Helicase used

      • Elongation - the daughter strands is paired with parent

        • 5’ to 3’ direction

        • DNA Polymerase used

      • Termination (end) - one parent strand and a daughter strand binds together

        • Ligase used