3/10/25 - Environmental Education

Tblisi Declaration - 1977:

  • UN organized an intergovernmental conference of environmental education.

    • 1. to foster clear awareness of, and concern about, economic, social, political, and ecological interdependence in urban/rural areas.

    • 2. To provide every person with opportunities to gain skills needed to protect/improve the environment.

    • 3. To create new patterns of behavior of individuals

Environmental generational amnesia:

  • Environmental degradation increases with each generation.

  • Each generation takes the condition of the environment in their childhood as the norm.

Nature deficit disorder:

  • Children spend less time outdoors, resulting in various behavioral problems.

  • Causes: parental fear, addiction to technology, real/perceived lack of access to natural places.

  • Alienation from nature and its associated costs:

    • Loss of freedom

    • Loss of fantasy play

    • Diminished use of senses

    • Diminished attention spans

    • Higher rates of physical/emotional illness
