Untitled Flashcards Set

Key Terms & Definitions
  1. Well-Positioned Channel - (A) Channel members support the strategy the manufacturer uses to gain differential advantage.

  2. Post-Channel Design Strategic Question - (C) How to use the marketing mix.

  3. Channel Design View - (B) One component in the firm’s attempt to gain differential advantage.

  4. Competitive Advantage via Distribution - (B) Long-lived.

  5. Distribution Intensity & Channel Relationship - (C) Looser.

  6. Mass Market Distribution Strategy - (B) Broad coverage of the market.

  7. Manufacturer Payment for Shelf Space - (E) Slotting allowance.

  8. Corporate Level Planning Focus - (A) Communicating corporate guidelines, business definition, and mission.

  9. Channel Member Performance Evaluation - (C) Provision for evaluation is made in the design and management of the channel.

  10. Motivating Channel Members - (C) Are very diverse in approach.

  11. False Statement About Channel & Marketing Strategy - (E) The marketing channel strategy focuses on product, price, and promotion.

  12. Non-Essential Distribution Decision - (A) Which individual should be chosen as channel manager.

  13. Target Market Focused Marketing Strategy - (D) Selective or exclusive distribution.

  14. Basic Channel Design Variable - (A) The target market.

  15. Distribution Objectives Setting - (D) With an eye toward objectives and policies of the firm.

  16. Distant Manufacturers & Distribution Costs - (B) The use of intermediaries will decrease distribution costs.

  17. Heuristics in Channel Design - (C) A rough reflection of fairly typical relationships among variables affecting channel structure.

  18. Geographically Dispersed Markets - (D) The more difficult and expensive is distribution.

  19. Intermediary Variables - (A) Size, expertise, and cost.

  20. Effect of Shortening Channel - (A) Increase the amount of capital necessary for distribution.

  21. Problem with Financial Approach to Channel Design - (B) Obtaining accurate estimates of future revenues and costs from alternative channel structures.

  22. Weighted Factor Score Meaning - (C) A quantitative representation of management’s judgment on the merits of a particular channel alternative.

  23. Definition of Intensity - (A) Refers to the number of intermediaries at each level of the marketing channel.

  24. Markets Requiring More Intermediaries - (A) Markets requiring many contacts.

  25. Preferred for Short Channels - (D) Firms that desire a high level of channel control.

  26. Congruency of Distribution Objectives - (B) The other elements of the marketing mix.

  27. Channel Design Strategy Focus - (B) As a means for gaining differential advantage.

  28. Sources for Prospective Channel Members - (D) All of the above.

  29. Market Coverage Criterion - (C) Market coverage.

  30. Effect of Intensive Distribution on Selection - (B) Less emphasis is placed on selection.

  31. Manufacturer’s Commitment to Channel Members - (D) Offering a management assistance program.

  32. Best Way to Obtain Information on Potential Intermediaries - (B) Conducting surveys.

  33. Channel Member Selection & Structure - (C) Is sometimes necessary even though the basic channel structure remains the same.

  34. Trade Shows & Finding Channel Members - (D) Are generally useful sources for finding new channel members.

  35. Manufacturers with Most Channel Inquiries - (B) Those who advertise most heavily.

  36. Not a Good Inducement for Channel Members - (A) Friendly relationships.

  37. Channel Member Selection Criteria - (D) A changing environment may require the firm to alter its emphasis.

  38. Bucklin’s Distance & Lot Size Model - (B) More expensive.

  39. Efficient Congestion Concept - (B) Increase the level of efficiency.

  40. Most Complex Market Dimension - (D) Market behavior.

  41. Distribution Task Least Promoted by Congestion - (D) Negotiations.

  42. Shopping Goods Store Location Importance - (A) Less important than what.

  43. Channel Structure & Manufacturer Control - (B) Decreases.

  44. Definition of Market Size - (C) The number of buyers in a given market.

  45. Managing Seasonal Demand Variations - (A) Include the willingness to buy off-season as a channel member selection criteria.

  46. Four Subdimensions of Market Behavior - (C) How, when, and where the market buys, and who does the buying.

  47. Industrial Buying Decision Participants - (C) Buying center.

  48. Channel Manager’s Market Geography Responsibilities - (A) Delineate the geographic location of target markets.

  49. Main Focus of Channel Design Strategy - (E) A competitive sustainable advantage.

  50. Market Location Changes & Channel Manager Actions - (C) Modifications in channel structure may be needed.
