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Ostwald-Folin Pipette - glass pipette with an oval bulb near the tip and is used for viscous fluids

What is integrated in an air displacement pipette? A Piston

Shift - represents six or more consecutive control values that distribute themselves on one side of the mean

Gauge 21 - standard venipuncture needle for routine venipuncture on adult patients with normal veins or for syringe blood culture collection

Ambient Temperature, Altitude - environmental factor that affects evacuated tube draw volume

Calcium, Albumin - analytes that ebcome elevated if the patient suddenyly changes position from supine to upright just before blood collection

10mL bleach + 90mL water - 100mL of 10% solution

Fasting and 2 Hours - times of measurement for plasma glucose levels during and OGTT in non-pregnant patients being screened for Type 2 DM

a-fetoprotein - produced by embryonic hepatocytes and fetal yolk sac cells; increased in amniotic fluid in cases of spina bifida

Elevated BUN, 10x crea value - usually accompanies elevated creatinine values

Absorbance increases at 340nm - base measurement of reference method for glucose determination

Control - solution containing several analytes with known target values; used to monitor analytical performance

0.026 - factor used when converting cholesterol concentrations from mg-dL to mmol/L

Acetic anhydride / Sulfuric Acid - reagent for color development in the Liebermann-Burchard reaction for cholesterol

Multiple myeloma - usually yields high serum total protein in conjunction with low serum albumin

Enzymatic-UV - specific method for uric acid; not subject to inteference by reducing agents

Type 4 Hyperlipoproteinemia - hyperlipoproteinemia consistent with hypertriglyceridemia, increased pre-betalipoprotein fraction, negative standing plasma test

>240mg/dL - cholesterol values associated with high-risk CHDamong adults aged 30-39

Heparin - most commonly used anticoagulant for many clinical chemistry tests

LDL - directly estimated with the measurement of plasma concentration of Apo B-100

Lp(a) - high level of homology with plasminogen; aossicated with an increased risk for MI and stroke

Heparin sulfate/manganese, Dextran sulfate/magnesium, Sodium phosphotungstate/Manesium - precipitating agents used to remove VLDL nd LDL from serum so that only the HDL cholesterol remains for measurement

Uric acid - compound that causes the reduction of phosphotungstic acid to a tungsten blue complex

B-type natriuretic peptide - test used as a marker for congestive heart failure

Hepatic cirrhosis - beta-y bridge in serum protein electrophoresis

3% - allowable coefficient of variation for total cholesterol (at most)

2mg/dL/h - rate of glucose metabolism in an unpreserved sample at refrigeratore temperature

50% methanol - reagent used in the Evelyn-Malloy method to solubilize unconjugated bilirubin

Nelson-Somogyl - method that uses arsenomolybdic acid as oxidizing agent

Apoprotein A-1 - inversely related to risk of CHD

Potassium - electrolyte that has the most narrow reference range; most strictly regulated by the body

Ca, Mg, K - electrolytes involved in neuromuscular excitability

Lyase - enzyme classification of aldolase

Testosterone - most potent androgen

Excess of dissolved CO2 - characterizes respiratory acidosis

GGT - enzyme useful in establishing the hepatic origin of an elevated serum ALP

Freezing Point Depression - used to determine osmolality by clinical osmometers

Chloride - major extracellular anion

TBG - major binding protein for thyroxine

Alcoholic Liver Disease - associated with high serum GGT

Sodium - decreases when determined by indirect ISE in lipemic serum

Cortisol - enzyme that promotes gluconeogenesis

Congestive Heart Failure - characterized by hypnatremia due to increased water retention

Pyruvate + NADH - products of the Wacker reaction

LD - highest activity in normal serum

Uremia, Lactic Acidosis - associated with high anion gap

Adding 8-hydroyquinoline - inhibits magnesium interference in measuring calcium using o-cresolpthalein complexone

AAS - most accurate method of determining calcium

High HCO3 - primary defect in metabolic alkalosis

Metanephrine - useful in patients suspected of having phaeochromocytoma

Urine osmolality higher than that of plasma - characteristic of SIADH

Thymol pthyalein monophosphate - substrate used in the Roy method for acid phosphatase

Potentiometry - electroanalytical technique used in pH and pCO2 measurement

p-Nitrophenyl phosphate - substrate in ALP measurement using chromogenic assay s

Pseudocholinesterase - activity decreases in insecticide poisoning

Hexokinase, G6PD - enzymes used in coupling reactions in the reverse CK method

Oxaloacetate to malate - conversion that is catalyzed when malate dehydrogenase is added to the AST assay

Bone - ALP isoenzyme that is most likely present if less than 20% activity remains after heating serum to 56C for 10 minutes

GGT - falsely elevated enzyme following intake of epileptic drugs

Lipase - enzyme assay that involves monitoring the decrease in turbidity or light scatter as the substrate is hydrolized

Decrease plasma sodium value - what happens to plasma sodium values in adrenal insufficiency, burns, and hypoaldosteronism

110-130 mmol/L - renal threshold for sodium

Paget disease - elevated serum calcium; decreased serum inorganic phosphate; elevated urine calcium; elevated urine inorganic phosphate

Sodium, Chloride - two ions most abundant in normal serum

Alkalosis - shifts the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the left

Phosphate Buffers - used in calibrating the pH meter used in arterial blood gas analysis

Increased ACTH, decreased cortisol - characteristic plasma hormone levels in primary adrenal insuffiency

FSH - promotes estrogen secretion in females and spermatogenesis in males

Primary and Secondary Hyperthyroidism - low serum TSH in which thyroid disease

Free T4 and TSH are normal - what happens to T4 and TSH in a euthyroid state with abnormally low TBG

ADH and oxytocin - secreted by the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus

DI and Conn’s Syndrome - conditions in which plasma sodium level characteristically high

21-Hydroxylase deficiency; 17-hydroxyprogesterone assay - most common cause of congenital adrenal hyperplasia; which test is used for its diagnosis


Ostwald-Folin Pipette - glass pipette with an oval bulb near the tip and is used for viscous fluids

What is integrated in an air displacement pipette? A Piston

Shift - represents six or more consecutive control values that distribute themselves on one side of the mean

Gauge 21 - standard venipuncture needle for routine venipuncture on adult patients with normal veins or for syringe blood culture collection

Ambient Temperature, Altitude - environmental factor that affects evacuated tube draw volume

Calcium, Albumin - analytes that ebcome elevated if the patient suddenyly changes position from supine to upright just before blood collection

10mL bleach + 90mL water - 100mL of 10% solution

Fasting and 2 Hours - times of measurement for plasma glucose levels during and OGTT in non-pregnant patients being screened for Type 2 DM

a-fetoprotein - produced by embryonic hepatocytes and fetal yolk sac cells; increased in amniotic fluid in cases of spina bifida

Elevated BUN, 10x crea value - usually accompanies elevated creatinine values

Absorbance increases at 340nm - base measurement of reference method for glucose determination

Control - solution containing several analytes with known target values; used to monitor analytical performance

0.026 - factor used when converting cholesterol concentrations from mg-dL to mmol/L

Acetic anhydride / Sulfuric Acid - reagent for color development in the Liebermann-Burchard reaction for cholesterol

Multiple myeloma - usually yields high serum total protein in conjunction with low serum albumin

Enzymatic-UV - specific method for uric acid; not subject to inteference by reducing agents

Type 4 Hyperlipoproteinemia - hyperlipoproteinemia consistent with hypertriglyceridemia, increased pre-betalipoprotein fraction, negative standing plasma test

>240mg/dL - cholesterol values associated with high-risk CHDamong adults aged 30-39

Heparin - most commonly used anticoagulant for many clinical chemistry tests

LDL - directly estimated with the measurement of plasma concentration of Apo B-100

Lp(a) - high level of homology with plasminogen; aossicated with an increased risk for MI and stroke

Heparin sulfate/manganese, Dextran sulfate/magnesium, Sodium phosphotungstate/Manesium - precipitating agents used to remove VLDL nd LDL from serum so that only the HDL cholesterol remains for measurement

Uric acid - compound that causes the reduction of phosphotungstic acid to a tungsten blue complex

B-type natriuretic peptide - test used as a marker for congestive heart failure

Hepatic cirrhosis - beta-y bridge in serum protein electrophoresis

3% - allowable coefficient of variation for total cholesterol (at most)

2mg/dL/h - rate of glucose metabolism in an unpreserved sample at refrigeratore temperature

50% methanol - reagent used in the Evelyn-Malloy method to solubilize unconjugated bilirubin

Nelson-Somogyl - method that uses arsenomolybdic acid as oxidizing agent

Apoprotein A-1 - inversely related to risk of CHD

Potassium - electrolyte that has the most narrow reference range; most strictly regulated by the body

Ca, Mg, K - electrolytes involved in neuromuscular excitability

Lyase - enzyme classification of aldolase

Testosterone - most potent androgen

Excess of dissolved CO2 - characterizes respiratory acidosis

GGT - enzyme useful in establishing the hepatic origin of an elevated serum ALP

Freezing Point Depression - used to determine osmolality by clinical osmometers

Chloride - major extracellular anion

TBG - major binding protein for thyroxine

Alcoholic Liver Disease - associated with high serum GGT

Sodium - decreases when determined by indirect ISE in lipemic serum

Cortisol - enzyme that promotes gluconeogenesis

Congestive Heart Failure - characterized by hypnatremia due to increased water retention

Pyruvate + NADH - products of the Wacker reaction

LD - highest activity in normal serum

Uremia, Lactic Acidosis - associated with high anion gap

Adding 8-hydroyquinoline - inhibits magnesium interference in measuring calcium using o-cresolpthalein complexone

AAS - most accurate method of determining calcium

High HCO3 - primary defect in metabolic alkalosis

Metanephrine - useful in patients suspected of having phaeochromocytoma

Urine osmolality higher than that of plasma - characteristic of SIADH

Thymol pthyalein monophosphate - substrate used in the Roy method for acid phosphatase

Potentiometry - electroanalytical technique used in pH and pCO2 measurement

p-Nitrophenyl phosphate - substrate in ALP measurement using chromogenic assay s

Pseudocholinesterase - activity decreases in insecticide poisoning

Hexokinase, G6PD - enzymes used in coupling reactions in the reverse CK method

Oxaloacetate to malate - conversion that is catalyzed when malate dehydrogenase is added to the AST assay

Bone - ALP isoenzyme that is most likely present if less than 20% activity remains after heating serum to 56C for 10 minutes

GGT - falsely elevated enzyme following intake of epileptic drugs

Lipase - enzyme assay that involves monitoring the decrease in turbidity or light scatter as the substrate is hydrolized

Decrease plasma sodium value - what happens to plasma sodium values in adrenal insufficiency, burns, and hypoaldosteronism

110-130 mmol/L - renal threshold for sodium

Paget disease - elevated serum calcium; decreased serum inorganic phosphate; elevated urine calcium; elevated urine inorganic phosphate

Sodium, Chloride - two ions most abundant in normal serum

Alkalosis - shifts the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the left

Phosphate Buffers - used in calibrating the pH meter used in arterial blood gas analysis

Increased ACTH, decreased cortisol - characteristic plasma hormone levels in primary adrenal insuffiency

FSH - promotes estrogen secretion in females and spermatogenesis in males

Primary and Secondary Hyperthyroidism - low serum TSH in which thyroid disease

Free T4 and TSH are normal - what happens to T4 and TSH in a euthyroid state with abnormally low TBG

ADH and oxytocin - secreted by the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus

DI and Conn’s Syndrome - conditions in which plasma sodium level characteristically high

21-Hydroxylase deficiency; 17-hydroxyprogesterone assay - most common cause of congenital adrenal hyperplasia; which test is used for its diagnosis