Here's a transcription of the handwritten text from the provided image:

are listed in Tab header, which can be vertical or horizontal.


Vertical tabs can be switched with Ctrl-wheel. From anywhere in the tab.

You can also cycle through tabs with Ctrl-Tab can Shift-Ctrl Tab or press down LMB and move mouse over Tab header icons. (Workspace tabs do not use this keymap.

Panel is highlighted in yellow and a subpanel in red. The smallest organizational unit in the user interface is a panel. The panel header shows the title of the panel. It always visible. Some panels also include subpanels.

Here's a transcription of the handwritten text from the image:

Utilizing Art Skills in Using New Technologies in Product Design -Using 3D

3D technology has grown and develop since it was discovered in the 19th century. The new technology is making it possible to include 3D in professional training videos, animated films, computer games, visual effects, computer systems, mobile applications, printers and more. There are also new art forms developing with this technology to help artists, using powerful software tools to create realistic replicas of different things that copy the real world with 3D environment.

Blender is a free and open-source 3D computer graphics software. This is a professional software used for creating 3D outputs such as animated film, 3D printed models, 3D application and video games, as well as digital sculpting.

Editor- is a part of the screen, which has a specific function (3D view, properties Editors Video Sequence Editor, and nodes Editor). Context buttons-give access to options. These are like tabs and are often placed on an editor header.

Tabs -are options that are grouped to logically organize the (surface) interface. Contents of only one Tab is visible at a time. Tabs ...


