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IELTS Speaking vocabulary: The environment

Here is some useful vocabulary for this topic.

  • Ecosystem (eco= environment, ecosystem is ‘an environment system’)

  • Ecology (n.) = the study of the environment

  • Ecological (adj.)

  • Eco-friendly (adj.) = describes things that protect and look after the environment, rather than damaging it.

This fabric bag is eco-friendly

Global warming = increasing temperature of the earth due to the greenhouse effect of more gases (CO2, CH4) being trapped in the atmosphere.

Climate Change = similar to global warming but focus on changing climates around the world


The following are all words (countable nouns) meaning waste or things we throw away.

  • waste

  • rubbish (UK)

  • garbage (US)

  • debris

  • trash (US)

  • litter (UK)

  • junk

  • refuse

A landfill (n.) (C) = a place where rubbish is dumped and buried

People dump rubbish in the sea, on the streets, in the landfills….

Biodegradable waste = waste that naturally decomposes.

Most waste is non-biodegradable, such as plastic.

We should segregate our rubbish (to separate) into ….

The 3 Rs: Recycle – Reduce – Reuse

Greenhouse gases

  • Methane (CH4)

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Find out more about greenhouse gases here

Useful collocations

Methane emissions

Carbon dioxide emissions

Carbon footprints = the damage you cause to the planet by using carbon

To reduce our carbon footprint

To be carbon neutral

Learn about targets for zero carbon footprints

Deforestation = cutting down trees

Poaching = killing endangered animals illegally

Illegal dumping = putting waste into a landfill / the sea without permission

Light / Air / Noise pollution

Cars, aeroplanes…= most transportation

Overuse of nonrenewable resources (oil, gas, coal…also known as – fossil fuels)

Learn about different kinds of sustainable energy

Growing urbanisation = cities growing bigger

Sea pollution

Use of pesticides (medicine for crops)

Destruction of bees

Desertification = making land dry and like a desert, not arable, not fertile

Digital garbage

Fashion industry is coming under attack for promoting consumerism and damaging the environment

Find out more about humans impact on the environment below

How we can protect the environment

When we talk about how we can protect the environment, we can use phrases like the following:

I am careful to ______

I am careful to recycle rubbish and waste at home 

I strive not to ______

I strive not to use disposable plastic, such as coffee cups in Starbucks

I endeavour to _______

I endeavour to turn off the lights in my home

I make an effort to ______

I make an effort to turn taps off when possible

I pick up discarded rubbish sometimes  OR …

…From time to time

…Once in a while

…Every now and then

…At times

I like to do my bit = to play my part = to contribute

We should steer clear of….. = to avoid

We should be wary of = be careful and cautious with.

More ways to protect the planet include,

  • Save energy

  • Save water, by not leaving the tap running unnecessarily

  • Do some volunteer work

  • Run a campaign to raise awareness

  • Clean up beaches

  • Participate in a beach clean-up

  • Reduce plastic waste

  • Protect wildlife habitats

IELTS Speaking lesson: How can governments tackle this issue?

Here are different things governments around the world can do to protect the planet

Raise awareness of the need to recycle

Sensitise people to the importance of using renewable energy

Incentivise (=to motivate) people to recycle

Incentivise (=to motivate) companies to use renewable energy and sustainable energy (solar (sun), hydro (water), wind…geothermal..)

Set zero-carbon energy targets

Reduce their carbon footprint to ‘net zero’

Promote the use of electric cars – and public transport

Plant trees

Carry our research on plastic substitutes (research on biodegradable alternatives)

Set up initiatives to protect…. wildlife / natural habitats / forests / endangered species

Implement policies to protect…

Put measures in place to protect…

Impose restrictions on….

Put in place strict / stringent policies

IELTS idioms to talk about the environment

To get out of hand = to be out of control

Damage to the environment is getting out of hand, if we don’t do something soon, we will lose our planet

To be in dire straits = to be in trouble

To be in deep water = to be in trouble

The tip of the iceberg = the beginning of the problem

To weather the storm = to survive difficult times

air pollution is a silent killer. it killes around 500 times more people a year than all “natural” disasters combined, such as hurricans, floods, eathqueks

unfortunatelly massive, immense inequalities exist. One in 10 people dont get enough calories. Four in ten get too much are overweight.

If we were to reduce the overconsumtion of food we would need to produce less in the first place.


  • what it is

  • how long it has existed

  • how it affects people’s lives

and explain how you think the problem will develop in the future.

part 3

1)  What do you consider to be the most serious environmental issues in the world today?

I’d say that global warming and climate change have to come top of the list because these threaten the very future of life on our planet. There are many contributing factors such as the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation for agriculture and due to illegal logging, and large-scale livestock farming.

Another serious concern is for the marine life in our oceans which is under serious threat from pollution, especially waste plastics. These kill or injure thousands of sea creatures every day. Many species of wildlife are also being pushed to the verge of extinction by poaching. It’s shocking to think that beautiful animals such as the tiger are dying out in the wild because of the actions of human beings.

There are many other environmental problems that we need to solve but these are the ones I believe to be the most serious.

2)  Do you think it is the responsibility of governments alone to protect the environment?

3)  What measures can individuals take to protect the environment?

  • What are the biggest environmental problems in your country?

  • What should individuals be doing to protect the natural environment?

  • Is pollution a problem in your country?

  • How could the government help prevent pollution?

  • Do you think young people today are more aware of environmental problems compared to the older generation?

  • Do you think it's important to protect trees?

  • Do you think more money should be spent on protecting wild animals?

  • Do you think zoos are important?

• Are there many environmental problems in your country?

• Are people concerned about environmental problems in your country?

- Do you think enough is being done to deal with them?

• What can individuals do to help?

• Do you think older people have as much awareness of environmental problems as the younger generation?

• Do you believe that climate change is a serious problem?

• What causes climate change?

- Do you think recycling is important?


IELTS Speaking vocabulary: The environment

Here is some useful vocabulary for this topic.

  • Ecosystem (eco= environment, ecosystem is ‘an environment system’)

  • Ecology (n.) = the study of the environment

  • Ecological (adj.)

  • Eco-friendly (adj.) = describes things that protect and look after the environment, rather than damaging it.

This fabric bag is eco-friendly

Global warming = increasing temperature of the earth due to the greenhouse effect of more gases (CO2, CH4) being trapped in the atmosphere.

Climate Change = similar to global warming but focus on changing climates around the world


The following are all words (countable nouns) meaning waste or things we throw away.

  • waste

  • rubbish (UK)

  • garbage (US)

  • debris

  • trash (US)

  • litter (UK)

  • junk

  • refuse

A landfill (n.) (C) = a place where rubbish is dumped and buried

People dump rubbish in the sea, on the streets, in the landfills….

Biodegradable waste = waste that naturally decomposes.

Most waste is non-biodegradable, such as plastic.

We should segregate our rubbish (to separate) into ….

The 3 Rs: Recycle – Reduce – Reuse

Greenhouse gases

  • Methane (CH4)

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Find out more about greenhouse gases here

Useful collocations

Methane emissions

Carbon dioxide emissions

Carbon footprints = the damage you cause to the planet by using carbon

To reduce our carbon footprint

To be carbon neutral

Learn about targets for zero carbon footprints

Deforestation = cutting down trees

Poaching = killing endangered animals illegally

Illegal dumping = putting waste into a landfill / the sea without permission

Light / Air / Noise pollution

Cars, aeroplanes…= most transportation

Overuse of nonrenewable resources (oil, gas, coal…also known as – fossil fuels)

Learn about different kinds of sustainable energy

Growing urbanisation = cities growing bigger

Sea pollution

Use of pesticides (medicine for crops)

Destruction of bees

Desertification = making land dry and like a desert, not arable, not fertile

Digital garbage

Fashion industry is coming under attack for promoting consumerism and damaging the environment

Find out more about humans impact on the environment below

How we can protect the environment

When we talk about how we can protect the environment, we can use phrases like the following:

I am careful to ______

I am careful to recycle rubbish and waste at home 

I strive not to ______

I strive not to use disposable plastic, such as coffee cups in Starbucks

I endeavour to _______

I endeavour to turn off the lights in my home

I make an effort to ______

I make an effort to turn taps off when possible

I pick up discarded rubbish sometimes  OR …

…From time to time

…Once in a while

…Every now and then

…At times

I like to do my bit = to play my part = to contribute

We should steer clear of….. = to avoid

We should be wary of = be careful and cautious with.

More ways to protect the planet include,

  • Save energy

  • Save water, by not leaving the tap running unnecessarily

  • Do some volunteer work

  • Run a campaign to raise awareness

  • Clean up beaches

  • Participate in a beach clean-up

  • Reduce plastic waste

  • Protect wildlife habitats

IELTS Speaking lesson: How can governments tackle this issue?

Here are different things governments around the world can do to protect the planet

Raise awareness of the need to recycle

Sensitise people to the importance of using renewable energy

Incentivise (=to motivate) people to recycle

Incentivise (=to motivate) companies to use renewable energy and sustainable energy (solar (sun), hydro (water), wind…geothermal..)

Set zero-carbon energy targets

Reduce their carbon footprint to ‘net zero’

Promote the use of electric cars – and public transport

Plant trees

Carry our research on plastic substitutes (research on biodegradable alternatives)

Set up initiatives to protect…. wildlife / natural habitats / forests / endangered species

Implement policies to protect…

Put measures in place to protect…

Impose restrictions on….

Put in place strict / stringent policies

IELTS idioms to talk about the environment

To get out of hand = to be out of control

Damage to the environment is getting out of hand, if we don’t do something soon, we will lose our planet

To be in dire straits = to be in trouble

To be in deep water = to be in trouble

The tip of the iceberg = the beginning of the problem

To weather the storm = to survive difficult times

air pollution is a silent killer. it killes around 500 times more people a year than all “natural” disasters combined, such as hurricans, floods, eathqueks

unfortunatelly massive, immense inequalities exist. One in 10 people dont get enough calories. Four in ten get too much are overweight.

If we were to reduce the overconsumtion of food we would need to produce less in the first place.


  • what it is

  • how long it has existed

  • how it affects people’s lives

and explain how you think the problem will develop in the future.

part 3

1)  What do you consider to be the most serious environmental issues in the world today?

I’d say that global warming and climate change have to come top of the list because these threaten the very future of life on our planet. There are many contributing factors such as the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation for agriculture and due to illegal logging, and large-scale livestock farming.

Another serious concern is for the marine life in our oceans which is under serious threat from pollution, especially waste plastics. These kill or injure thousands of sea creatures every day. Many species of wildlife are also being pushed to the verge of extinction by poaching. It’s shocking to think that beautiful animals such as the tiger are dying out in the wild because of the actions of human beings.

There are many other environmental problems that we need to solve but these are the ones I believe to be the most serious.

2)  Do you think it is the responsibility of governments alone to protect the environment?

3)  What measures can individuals take to protect the environment?

  • What are the biggest environmental problems in your country?

  • What should individuals be doing to protect the natural environment?

  • Is pollution a problem in your country?

  • How could the government help prevent pollution?

  • Do you think young people today are more aware of environmental problems compared to the older generation?

  • Do you think it's important to protect trees?

  • Do you think more money should be spent on protecting wild animals?

  • Do you think zoos are important?

• Are there many environmental problems in your country?

• Are people concerned about environmental problems in your country?

- Do you think enough is being done to deal with them?

• What can individuals do to help?

• Do you think older people have as much awareness of environmental problems as the younger generation?

• Do you believe that climate change is a serious problem?

• What causes climate change?

- Do you think recycling is important?