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Science to Support Our Lifestyles


(a) Chromosomes, Genes, and Alleles

  1. Chromosomes and DNA - chromosomes are structures in the cell nucleus that contain DNA molecules. Humans typically have 23 pairs of chromosomes, with each pair containing one chromosome from each parent. These chromosomes carry the genetic instructions for inherited characteristics.

  2. Genes and Alleles - genes are specific segments of DNA that code for particular traits. Each gene exists in different forms called alleles, which can vary and cause different traits (e.g., eye color). Alleles come in pairs, with one inherited from each parent.

  3. Variation - different alleles can lead to variation in traits. For example, the gene for eye color might have different alleles for blue or brown eyes.

(b) DNA Structure

  1. Double Helix - DNA is structured as a double helix, consisting of two long strands coiled around each other. 

  2. Base Pairs - The strands are connected by weak hydrogen bonds between complementary bases. Adenine (A) pairs with Thymine (T), and Cytosine (C) pairs with Guanine (G). 

(c) Genetic Inheritance and Disorders

  1. Punnett Squares - A tool to predict the probability of offspring inheriting specific traits based on the genetic makeup of the parents.

  2. Genotype and Phenotype: 

  • Genotype: The genetic makeup of an organism (e.g., AA, Aa, aa).

  • Phenotype: The observable traits of an organism (e.g., eye color).

  1. Recessive and Dominant Alleles: 

  • Dominant: Masks the effect of a recessive allele (e.g., A in Aa).

  • Recessive: Only expressed if two copies are present (e.g., aa).

  1. Inherited Diseases: 

  • Huntington's Disease: Caused by a dominant allele.

  • Cystic Fibrosis: Caused by a recessive allele.

  1. Genetic Screening - testing for genetic disorders before symptoms appear. This raises ethical issues regarding privacy and the implications of knowing one’s genetic risks.

(d) Mutations

  1. Mutations - changes in the DNA sequence can lead to new genes or variations in existing genes. They can be:

  • Harmless: No effect on health.

  • Beneficial: Provide an advantage in certain environments.

  • Harmful: Cause genetic disorders or diseases.

  1. Inheritance of Mutations - mutations can be passed from parents to offspring if they occur in germ cells (egg or sperm).

(e) Chromosome Abnormalities

  1. Down's Syndrome - caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21). This leads to developmental and physical challenges.

(f) Alcohol Consumption

  1. Short-term Effects - impaired judgment, coordination issues, and hangovers.

  2. Long-term Effects - liver disease, cardiovascular problems, addiction, and social issues.

  3. Addiction - dependence on alcohol, leading to compulsive drinking and withdrawal symptoms.

(g) Energy Requirements and BMI

  1. Daily Energy Requirements - based on age, sex, activity level, and metabolism. 

  2. BMI Calculation: BMI = mass/height^2

  (h) Limitations of BMI

  1. For Children and Athletes - BMI doesn’t account for muscle mass or developmental stages in children.

  2. Anorexia and Obesity:

  • Anorexia: Extreme calorie restriction, leading to severe weight loss and health issues.

  • Obesity: Excessive weight gain leading to health problems like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Impacts societal resources and healthcare systems.

(i) Smoking

  1. Effects on the Body - causes respiratory issues, cardiovascular disease, and various cancers.

  2. Effects on Society - Increases healthcare costs and reduces quality of life.

(j) Epidemiological Studies

  1. Study Design - large sample sizes and well-matched samples provide better evidence than individual cases.

  2. Correlation vs. Causation - data must be analyzed to establish whether lifestyle factors increase the likelihood of specific outcomes.

(k) Nutritional Guidelines

  1. GDA and RDA: 

  • GDA: General recommendations for daily intake of nutrients.

  • RDA: Specific recommendations for daily intake to meet nutritional needs.

  1. Food Labelling - understanding nutritional information, including traffic light labels, use-by dates, and quantities of key nutrients.

(l) Salt Intake

  1. Insufficient Salt - can cause muscle cramps, dizziness, and electrolyte imbalances.

  2. Excessive Salt - linked to high blood pressure, stroke, and cardiovascular issues.

(m) Obesity Risks

  1. Cardiovascular System - increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

  2. Diabetes - higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

  3. Societal Impact - increased healthcare costs and resource use.

(n) Insulin and Diabetes

  1. Role of Insulin - regulates blood glucose levels by facilitating glucose uptake into cells.

  2. Type 1 Diabetes - autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

  3. Type 2 Diabetes - insulin resistance and eventual decrease in insulin production.

(o) Diabetes Management

  1. Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Control - includes insulin injections (Type 1) and lifestyle changes (Type 2).

  2. Diagnosis: Presence of glucose in urine can indicate diabetes.

(p) Pollutants and Health

  1. Air Pollution - can cause or exacerbate respiratory conditions like asthma.

  2. Heavy Metals - exposure can lead to various health problems, including neurological damage.


(a) Electromagnetic Spectrum in Diagnosis

  1. Electromagnetic Spectrum - the electromagnetic spectrum ranges from long-wavelength radio waves to short-wavelength gamma rays. Different parts of the spectrum are used in medical diagnosis:

  • Radio Waves - used in MRI.

  • Microwaves - sometimes used in hyperthermia treatment.

  • Infrared - used in thermal imaging.

  • Visible Light - used in endoscopy.

  • Ultraviolet - limited medical use; mainly for disinfection.

  • X-rays - used for imaging bones and internal structures.

  • Gamma Rays - used in nuclear medicine and cancer treatment.

(b) Drug Treatments: Aspirin

  1. Positive Effects:

  • Aspirin - reduces blood clotting by inhibiting platelet aggregation, lowering the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

  1. Side Effects:

  • Gastrointestinal Issues - prolonged use can lead to bleeding in the stomach and ulcers.

(c) Drug Testing

  1. Testing Phases:

  • Preclinical Testing - animal studies to evaluate safety and efficacy.

  • Clinical Trials - testing in humans, starting with small Phase I trials for safety, then larger Phase II and III trials for efficacy and side effects.

  1. Ethical Considerations - balancing potential benefits against risks, ensuring humane treatment of animals, and obtaining informed consent from human participants.

(d) Ionising Radiation

  1. Types of Ionising Radiation:

  • Alpha Particles (α) - heavier, positively charged particles with low penetration power (stopped by paper).

  • Beta Particles (β) - electrons or positrons with moderate penetration (can penetrate skin but stopped by plastic or glass).

  • Gamma Rays (γ) - high-energy electromagnetic waves with high penetration power (can pass through the body and require dense shielding).

(e) Gamma Cameras and Radioisotopes

  1. Gamma Cameras - detect gamma rays emitted by radioactive tracers. Used to create images of organs and detect abnormalities like cancer.

  2. Radioisotopes - administered via injection or ingestion. Target specific organs to deliver targeted treatment, such as iodine-131 for thyroid cancer.

(f) Radiation Types and Properties

  1. Alpha Radiation:

  • Penetrating Power - Low.

  • Ionising Power - High.

  1. Beta Radiation:

  • Penetrating Power: Moderate.

  • Ionising Power: Moderate.

  1. Gamma Radiation:

  • Penetrating Power: High.

  • Ionising Power: Low.

(g) Ionising Radiation and DNA Damage

  1. DNA Damage - ionizing radiation can cause breaks in DNA strands, leading to mutations or cell death. Cancer cells are often more vulnerable to this damage, while healthy cells can also be affected.

(h) Radiotherapy

  1. External Radiotherapy - uses an external beam of X-rays to target tumors from outside the body.

  2. Internal Radiotherapy (Brachytherapy) - uses radioactive sources placed inside or very close to the tumor. For example, iodine-131 is used to treat thyroid cancer and has a half-life of 8 days.

  3. Half-Life - the time required for half of the radioactive atoms in a sample to decay. Important for determining the duration of radiation treatment.

(i) Selecting Radioisotopes

  1. Data Use - selection based on factors like half-life, type of radiation emitted, and the specific medical purpose (e.g., imaging vs. treatment).

(j) Chemotherapy

  1. Mechanism - uses chemicals to kill cancer cells or inhibit their growth. Often combined with radiotherapy to improve treatment effectiveness.

(k) Medical Imaging

  1. Techniques:

  • X-rays - provide images of bones and some tissues.

  • Ultrasound - uses sound waves to produce images of soft tissues.

  • MRI - uses strong magnetic fields to create detailed images of soft tissues.

(l) Ultrasound

  1. Application - safe for monitoring pregnancy and diagnosing conditions by producing images from sound waves reflecting off different tissues. No ionizing radiation is used.

(m) X-rays and CAT Scans

  1. X-rays - produce two-dimensional images; useful for viewing bones and certain organs.

  2. CAT Scans (CT Scans):

  • 3D Imaging - combines multiple X-ray images taken from different angles.

  • Absorption - dense tissues like bones absorb X-rays more than softer tissues.

(n) MRI Scans

  1. Principle - uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to generate detailed images of organs and tissues without ionizing radiation.

(o) Uses of Imaging Techniques

  1. X-rays - diagnosing bone fractures, dental issues, and some cancers.

  2. CAT Scans - detailed cross-sectional images for diagnosing complex conditions.

  3. Ultrasound - monitoring pregnancies, examining organs, and guiding procedures.

  4. MRI - detailed imaging of soft tissues, brain, and spinal cord.


(a) Microorganisms and the Body’s Defense Mechanisms

  1. Microorganisms:

  • Harmless Microorganisms - many microorganisms are beneficial and perform essential functions, such as:

  • Bacteria - aid in digestion (gut flora), decompose organic matter, and are used in food production (e.g., yogurt).

  • Fungi - decompose organic matter, form symbiotic relationships with plants (mycorrhizae), and are used in biotechnology.

  • Pathogens - microorganisms that cause disease, including certain bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa.

  1. Barriers Against Microorganisms:

  • Intact Skin - acts as a physical barrier preventing microorganisms from entering the body.

  • Blood Clots - seal wounds to prevent entry of pathogens.

  • White Blood Cells - include phagocytes that ingest and destroy pathogens and lymphocytes that produce antibodies and antitoxins.

  • Natural Microbiota - compete with pathogens for resources, helping to prevent infections.

(b) Vaccination and Public Perception

  1. Vaccination:

  • Purpose - stimulates the immune system to recognize and fight specific pathogens, providing immunity against diseases

  • Vaccines - contain antigens or parts of antigens from pathogens to trigger an immune response without causing the disease.

  1. Factors Influencing Vaccination Decisions:

  • Scientific Evidence - parents may base decisions on the effectiveness and safety of vaccines supported by robust scientific research.

  • Media and Public Opinion - influence vaccination decisions, sometimes leading to misinformation or skepticism about vaccines.

(c) Antigens and the Immune Response

  1. Antigens - molecules recognized by the immune system as foreign. They can be parts of pathogens (e.g., proteins on a virus's surface).

  2. Immune Response:

  • Lymphocytes - white blood cells that identify and respond to antigens.

  • Antibodies - proteins produced by B lymphocytes (a type of lymphocyte) that specifically bind to antigens to neutralize or mark them for destruction.

(d) Vaccine Composition and Protection

  1. Vaccine Composition:

  • Antigens - can be whole pathogens that have been killed or weakened, or parts of pathogens (e.g., proteins or polysaccharides).

  1. Protection Mechanism:

  • Antibody Production - vaccines stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies, which provide protection against future infections by the same pathogen.

(e) Memory Cells and Immunity

  1. Memory Cells:

  • Function - produced during the initial infection or vaccination. They remember specific antigens and enable a rapid and strong response if the same antigen is encountered again.

  1. Rapid Response - memory cells produce specific antibodies quickly upon re-exposure to the antigen, leading to quicker and more effective immune protection.

(f) Measles vs. Flu

  1. Measles:

  • Characteristics - typically experienced once in a lifetime due to lifelong immunity after infection or vaccination.

  1. Flu (Influenza):

  • Characteristics - can occur multiple times due to the frequent mutations of the virus and the existence of different strains.

(g) Antibiotics and Their Origins

  1. Antibiotics:

  • Definition - medicines that kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. 

  • Origins - originally derived from natural sources like fungi (e.g., penicillin from Penicillium fungi) or bacteria.

  1. Function:

  • Penicillin - disrupts bacterial cell wall synthesis, leading to bacterial cell death.

(h) Antibiotic Resistance

  1. Resistance:

  • Definition - occurs when bacteria evolve mechanisms to evade the effects of antibiotics, often due to overuse or misuse of antibiotics.

  • Example - Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is resistant to many common antibiotics.

  1. Control Measures:

  • Effective Strategies - proper use of antibiotics, adherence to prescribed courses, and stringent infection control practices in healthcare settings.


(a) Need for Energy in Muscle Contraction

  1. Energy Requirements:

  • Muscle Contraction - muscles require energy to contract and perform work. This energy is primarily derived from ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is generated through metabolic processes.

  1. ATP Production:

  • Aerobic Respiration - involves oxygen and occurs in mitochondria, producing a large amount of ATP.

  • Anaerobic Respiration - occurs without oxygen, producing less ATP and resulting in the accumulation of lactic acid.

(b) Nervous System and Muscle Contraction

  1. Nervous System Components:

  • Central Nervous System (CNS) - consists of the brain and spinal cord, which process and send out nerve impulses.

  • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) - comprises nerves that connect the CNS to muscles and other organs.

  1. Nerve Impulses:

  • Electrical Signals - nerve cells (neurons) transmit electrical signals to communicate between the CNS and muscles.

(c) Action of Antagonistic Muscles

  1. Antagonistic Muscles:

  • Biceps and Triceps - these muscles work in opposition. When the biceps contract, the arm flexes; when the triceps contract, the arm extends. This coordination allows for controlled movement.

(d) Structure of a Synovial Joint

  1. Synovial Joint Parts:

  • Cartilage - covers the ends of bones to reduce friction and absorb shock.

  • Ligaments - connect bones to each other, providing stability.

  • Synovial Fluid - lubricates the joint, reducing friction.

  • Synovial Membrane - lines the joint capsule and produces synovial fluid.

(e) Joint Disease and Injury

  1. Osteoarthritis:

  • Definition - a degenerative joint disease causing cartilage breakdown, leading to pain and reduced movement.

  • Management - includes physical therapy, medications, and possibly joint replacement.

  1. Injury:

  • Torn Ligaments - often result from sudden trauma, causing pain and instability in the joint.

  1. Artificial Joints - used to replace damaged joints, improving mobility and reducing pain.

(f) Types of Bone Fractures

  1. Simple Fracture - the bone breaks but does not pierce the skin.

  2. Compound Fracture - the bone breaks and protrudes through the skin.

  3. Greenstick Fracture - an incomplete fracture where the bone bends and partially breaks, common in children.

(g) Types of Joints and Their Locations

  1. Fixed Joints - immovable joints found in the skull.

  2. Hinge Joints - allow movement in one direction (e.g., elbow, knee).

  3. Ball and Socket Joints - allow a wide range of movement (e.g., shoulder, hip).

(h) Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs

  1. Distance-Time Graphs - show how distance traveled changes over time. The slope represents speed.

  • Steeper Slope - Higher speed.

  • Flat Line - stationary.

  1. Velocity-Time Graphs - show how velocity changes over time. The slope represents acceleration.

  • Slope - indicates acceleration or deceleration.

  • Area Under the Curve - represents distance traveled.

(i) Mathematical Equations for Movement

  1. Speed: Distance/Time

  2. Acceleration: Change in Velocity/Time

(j) Velocity-Time Graph Analysis

  1. Acceleration - the slope of a velocity-time graph.

  2. Distance Traveled - the area under the velocity-time graph.

(k) Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular System

  1. Components:

  • Heart - pumps blood throughout the body. Includes ventricles, atria, and valves.

  • Veins - carry blood to the heart.

  • Arteries - carry blood away from the heart.

  • Capillaries - thin-walled vessels where nutrient and gas exchange occurs.

  • Double Circulatory System - separates the pulmonary circulation (to and from the lungs) from systemic circulation (to and from the rest of the body).

(l) Blood Vessel Structure and Function

  1. Arteries:

  • Structure - thick, muscular walls to withstand high pressure.

  • Function - carry oxygenated blood from the heart to tissues.

  1. Veins:

  • Structure - thinner walls and valves to prevent backflow.

  • Function - return deoxygenated blood to the heart.

  1. Capillaries:

  • Structure - one cell thick to allow efficient exchange of gases and nutrients.

  1. Blood Composition:

  • Red Blood Cells - contain hemoglobin to carry oxygen.

  • White Blood Cell - part of the immune system.

  • Plasma - liquid component that carries cells, nutrients, and waste products.

  • Platelets - involved in blood clotting.

(m) Monitoring Vital Signs

  1. Pulse Rate - the number of heartbeats per minute, measured at various pulse points.

  2. Breathing Rate - the number of breaths per minute.

  3. Recovery Time - the time taken for pulse and breathing rates to return to baseline after exercise.

(n) Physiological Effects of Exercise on Breathing

  1. Short-term Effects - breathing rate increases to supply more oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.

  2. Long-term Effects - improved efficiency in oxygen transport and utilization by the respiratory system.

(o) Physiological Effects of Exercise on Heart Rate and Recovery Time

  1. Short-term Effects:

  • Heart Rate - increases to pump more blood and oxygen to muscles.

  • Cardiac Output - increases as a result of higher heart rate and stroke volume.

  1. Long-term Effects:

  • Heart Muscle Strengthening - increased efficiency and endurance of the heart muscle.

  • Improved Recovery Time - faster return to resting heart rate and improved overall cardiovascular health.


(a) Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions

  1. Energy Changes:

  • Endothermic Reactions - absorb energy from the surroundings, resulting in a decrease in the temperature of the surroundings. The energy required to break bonds is greater than the energy released when new bonds form.

  • Example - photosynthesis, where plants absorb sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

  • Exothermic Reactions - release energy to the surroundings, causing an increase in temperature. The energy released during bond formation is greater than the energy required to break the initial bonds.

  • Example - combustion of hydrocarbons, such as burning wood or gasoline, which releases heat and light.

(b) Factors Affecting Reaction Rate

  1. Concentration/Pressure:

  • Concentration - increasing the concentration of reactants in a solution increases the number of molecules, leading to a higher frequency of collisions and thus a faster reaction rate.

  • Pressure - increasing the pressure in gaseous reactions compresses the gas molecules, leading to more frequent collisions and a higher reaction rate.

  1. Temperature:

  • Effect - higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of molecules, leading to more frequent and energetic collisions. This increases the reaction rate and the proportion of collisions that exceed the activation energy.

  1. Particle Size and Surface Area:

  • Particle Size - smaller particles have a larger surface area relative to their volume, leading to more collisions and a faster reaction rate.

  • Surface Area - increased surface area allows more reactant molecules to be exposed and available for collisions, speeding up the reaction.

  1. Activation Energy:

  • Definition - the minimum energy required for a reaction to occur. Factors that increase the frequency or energy of collisions can lower the activation energy barrier or increase the number of successful collisions.

(c) Role of Catalysts

  1. Catalysts:

  • Definition - substances that increase the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process.

  • Mechanism - catalysts provide an alternative reaction pathway with a lower activation energy, allowing more collisions to be successful.

  1. Examples:

  • Enzymes - biological catalysts that speed up biochemical reactions.

  • Industrial Catalysts - used in processes such as the Haber process for ammonia synthesis.

(d) Experimentation and Data Analysis

  1. Studying Reaction Rates:

  • Example Experiment - using a light sensor and data logger to monitor the reaction between sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid, where the reaction forms a precipitate of sulfur.

  • Data Collection - measure how the light intensity changes as the reaction proceeds, which correlates with the formation of the sulfur precipitate.

  1. Critical Evaluation:

  • Data Quality - consider accuracy, precision, and reliability of measurements.

  • Conclusion - analyze whether the data supports the conclusion and assess the effectiveness of the experimental method.

(e) Economic and Environmental Importance of Catalysts

  1. Economic Benefits:

  • Increased Yields - efficient catalysts can increase the yield of desired products, reducing waste and improving profitability.

  • Energy Costs - catalysts can lower the energy required for reactions, reducing operational costs.

  1. Environmental Impact:

  • Raw Material Preservation - better catalysts can reduce the need for raw materials by increasing the efficiency of chemical processes.

  • Waste Reduction - by improving reaction efficiency, catalysts can reduce the production of by-products and waste.

(f) Control of Exothermic Reactions

  1. Exothermic Reaction Control:

  • Challenge - exothermic reactions can accelerate with temperature, potentially leading to dangerous conditions if not controlled.

  • Thermal Runaway - a situation where a reaction generates heat faster than it can be removed, leading to uncontrollable increases in temperature and reaction rate.

  1. Historical Disasters:

  • Texas City Disaster (1947) - a ship carrying ammonium nitrate exploded, leading to significant damage and loss of life. The explosion was exacerbated by uncontrolled exothermic reactions.

  • Bhopal Disaster (1984) - a gas leak at a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, resulted in a catastrophic release of toxic chemicals. The incident involved runaway reactions and inadequate safety measures.

  1. Prevention:

  • Safety Measures - implementing robust safety protocols, including temperature control, pressure monitoring, and proper reaction containment, can prevent thermal runaway and ensure safe operation.


(a) Nuclear Fission vs. Nuclear Fusion

  1. Nuclear Fission:

  • Process: Nuclear fission involves the splitting of a heavy atomic nucleus, such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239, into two lighter nuclei when it absorbs a neutron.

  • Energy Release: This process releases a significant amount of energy due to the conversion of mass into energy, following Einstein's equation E=mc2E = mc^2E=mc2. Additionally, it releases more neutrons, which can trigger further fission reactions in a chain reaction.

  • Example Reaction: {92}^{235}\text{U} + {0}^{1}\text{n} \rightarrow {56}^{141}\text{Ba} + {36}^{92}\text{Kr} + 3 \, _{0}^{1}\text{n} + \text{Energy}

  • Nuclear Symbols: In nuclear symbols, ZAX_{Z}^{A}\text{X}ZA​X, ZZZ is the atomic number, and AAA is the mass number. For uranium-235, it’s written as 92235U_{92}^{235}\text{U}92235​U.

  1. Nuclear Fusion:

  • Process: Nuclear fusion is the combining of two light atomic nuclei, such as hydrogen isotopes, to form a heavier nucleus, such as helium.

  • Energy Release: This process also releases a tremendous amount of energy, even more than fission, and occurs naturally in stars where the temperatures and pressures are extremely high.

  • Example Reaction: 12H+13H→24He+Energy_{1}^{2}\text{H} + {1}^{3}\text{H} \rightarrow {2}^{4}\text{He} + \text{Energy}12​H+13​H→24​He+Energy

  • Difference: Unlike fission, fusion requires extremely high temperatures and pressures to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged nuclei.

(b) Radioactive Decay: Activity and Half-Life

  1. Activity (A): The rate at which a radioactive substance decays, measured in becquerels (Bq), where 1 Bq equals 1 decay per second.

  2. Half-Life (T₁/₂): The time required for half of the radioactive nuclei in a sample to decay. It is a constant for a given isotope and helps in determining how long a substance remains radioactive.

  3. Calculation Example: If you start with 1000 grams of a substance with a half-life of 10 years, after 10 years, you will have 500 grams; after 20 years, 250 grams, and so on.

(c) Chain Reactions and Explosions

  1. Chain Reaction: In nuclear fission, the released neutrons from one reaction can cause further fissions, leading to a self-sustaining chain reaction.

  2. Uncontrolled Chain Reactions: If not managed properly, such as in a bomb, this chain reaction can escalate uncontrollably, leading to an explosion.

(d) Construction of a Nuclear Reactor

  1. Fuel Rods: Contain the nuclear fuel (e.g., uranium or plutonium) where fission occurs.

  2. Moderator: Slows down neutrons to sustain the chain reaction (e.g., graphite or water).

  3. Control Rods: Absorb excess neutrons to control the rate of fission (e.g., made of materials like boron or cadmium).

  4. Coolant: Transfers heat away from the reactor core (e.g., water, liquid metal).

  5. Concrete Shield: Provides protection against radiation and contains radiation within the reactor.

(e) Safety Measures in Nuclear Reactors

  1. Control Rods: Used to adjust the rate of the nuclear reaction by absorbing neutrons.

  2. Coolant Circulation: Keeps the reactor core at a safe temperature to prevent overheating and potential meltdowns.

(f) Historical Nuclear Accidents

  1. Three Mile Island (1979): A partial meltdown in Pennsylvania, USA, led to the release of a small amount of radioactive gases.

  2. Chernobyl (1986): A catastrophic explosion and fire in Ukraine released large amounts of radioactive materials into the environment.

  3. Fukushima (2011): A tsunami disabled the cooling systems at a nuclear power plant in Japan, leading to meltdowns and the release of radioactive materials.

(g) Consequences of Nuclear Accidents and Comparative Risks

  1. Environmental Consequences: Radiation can lead to long-term contamination of land and water, affecting ecosystems and human health.

  2. Health Effects: Exposure to high levels of radiation can cause acute radiation sickness, increase cancer risk, and lead to genetic damage.

  3. Comparative Risks:

  • Coal: Air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions contribute to health issues (e.g., respiratory problems) and climate change.

  • Oil: Similar to coal, with additional risks from oil spills.

  • Nuclear: While low in greenhouse gas emissions, the risks include radioactive waste and potential catastrophic accidents.


Science to Support Our Lifestyles


(a) Chromosomes, Genes, and Alleles

  1. Chromosomes and DNA - chromosomes are structures in the cell nucleus that contain DNA molecules. Humans typically have 23 pairs of chromosomes, with each pair containing one chromosome from each parent. These chromosomes carry the genetic instructions for inherited characteristics.

  2. Genes and Alleles - genes are specific segments of DNA that code for particular traits. Each gene exists in different forms called alleles, which can vary and cause different traits (e.g., eye color). Alleles come in pairs, with one inherited from each parent.

  3. Variation - different alleles can lead to variation in traits. For example, the gene for eye color might have different alleles for blue or brown eyes.

(b) DNA Structure

  1. Double Helix - DNA is structured as a double helix, consisting of two long strands coiled around each other. 

  2. Base Pairs - The strands are connected by weak hydrogen bonds between complementary bases. Adenine (A) pairs with Thymine (T), and Cytosine (C) pairs with Guanine (G). 

(c) Genetic Inheritance and Disorders

  1. Punnett Squares - A tool to predict the probability of offspring inheriting specific traits based on the genetic makeup of the parents.

  2. Genotype and Phenotype: 

  • Genotype: The genetic makeup of an organism (e.g., AA, Aa, aa).

  • Phenotype: The observable traits of an organism (e.g., eye color).

  1. Recessive and Dominant Alleles: 

  • Dominant: Masks the effect of a recessive allele (e.g., A in Aa).

  • Recessive: Only expressed if two copies are present (e.g., aa).

  1. Inherited Diseases: 

  • Huntington's Disease: Caused by a dominant allele.

  • Cystic Fibrosis: Caused by a recessive allele.

  1. Genetic Screening - testing for genetic disorders before symptoms appear. This raises ethical issues regarding privacy and the implications of knowing one’s genetic risks.

(d) Mutations

  1. Mutations - changes in the DNA sequence can lead to new genes or variations in existing genes. They can be:

  • Harmless: No effect on health.

  • Beneficial: Provide an advantage in certain environments.

  • Harmful: Cause genetic disorders or diseases.

  1. Inheritance of Mutations - mutations can be passed from parents to offspring if they occur in germ cells (egg or sperm).

(e) Chromosome Abnormalities

  1. Down's Syndrome - caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21). This leads to developmental and physical challenges.

(f) Alcohol Consumption

  1. Short-term Effects - impaired judgment, coordination issues, and hangovers.

  2. Long-term Effects - liver disease, cardiovascular problems, addiction, and social issues.

  3. Addiction - dependence on alcohol, leading to compulsive drinking and withdrawal symptoms.

(g) Energy Requirements and BMI

  1. Daily Energy Requirements - based on age, sex, activity level, and metabolism. 

  2. BMI Calculation: BMI = mass/height^2

  (h) Limitations of BMI

  1. For Children and Athletes - BMI doesn’t account for muscle mass or developmental stages in children.

  2. Anorexia and Obesity:

  • Anorexia: Extreme calorie restriction, leading to severe weight loss and health issues.

  • Obesity: Excessive weight gain leading to health problems like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Impacts societal resources and healthcare systems.

(i) Smoking

  1. Effects on the Body - causes respiratory issues, cardiovascular disease, and various cancers.

  2. Effects on Society - Increases healthcare costs and reduces quality of life.

(j) Epidemiological Studies

  1. Study Design - large sample sizes and well-matched samples provide better evidence than individual cases.

  2. Correlation vs. Causation - data must be analyzed to establish whether lifestyle factors increase the likelihood of specific outcomes.

(k) Nutritional Guidelines

  1. GDA and RDA: 

  • GDA: General recommendations for daily intake of nutrients.

  • RDA: Specific recommendations for daily intake to meet nutritional needs.

  1. Food Labelling - understanding nutritional information, including traffic light labels, use-by dates, and quantities of key nutrients.

(l) Salt Intake

  1. Insufficient Salt - can cause muscle cramps, dizziness, and electrolyte imbalances.

  2. Excessive Salt - linked to high blood pressure, stroke, and cardiovascular issues.

(m) Obesity Risks

  1. Cardiovascular System - increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

  2. Diabetes - higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

  3. Societal Impact - increased healthcare costs and resource use.

(n) Insulin and Diabetes

  1. Role of Insulin - regulates blood glucose levels by facilitating glucose uptake into cells.

  2. Type 1 Diabetes - autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.

  3. Type 2 Diabetes - insulin resistance and eventual decrease in insulin production.

(o) Diabetes Management

  1. Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Control - includes insulin injections (Type 1) and lifestyle changes (Type 2).

  2. Diagnosis: Presence of glucose in urine can indicate diabetes.

(p) Pollutants and Health

  1. Air Pollution - can cause or exacerbate respiratory conditions like asthma.

  2. Heavy Metals - exposure can lead to various health problems, including neurological damage.


(a) Electromagnetic Spectrum in Diagnosis

  1. Electromagnetic Spectrum - the electromagnetic spectrum ranges from long-wavelength radio waves to short-wavelength gamma rays. Different parts of the spectrum are used in medical diagnosis:

  • Radio Waves - used in MRI.

  • Microwaves - sometimes used in hyperthermia treatment.

  • Infrared - used in thermal imaging.

  • Visible Light - used in endoscopy.

  • Ultraviolet - limited medical use; mainly for disinfection.

  • X-rays - used for imaging bones and internal structures.

  • Gamma Rays - used in nuclear medicine and cancer treatment.

(b) Drug Treatments: Aspirin

  1. Positive Effects:

  • Aspirin - reduces blood clotting by inhibiting platelet aggregation, lowering the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

  1. Side Effects:

  • Gastrointestinal Issues - prolonged use can lead to bleeding in the stomach and ulcers.

(c) Drug Testing

  1. Testing Phases:

  • Preclinical Testing - animal studies to evaluate safety and efficacy.

  • Clinical Trials - testing in humans, starting with small Phase I trials for safety, then larger Phase II and III trials for efficacy and side effects.

  1. Ethical Considerations - balancing potential benefits against risks, ensuring humane treatment of animals, and obtaining informed consent from human participants.

(d) Ionising Radiation

  1. Types of Ionising Radiation:

  • Alpha Particles (α) - heavier, positively charged particles with low penetration power (stopped by paper).

  • Beta Particles (β) - electrons or positrons with moderate penetration (can penetrate skin but stopped by plastic or glass).

  • Gamma Rays (γ) - high-energy electromagnetic waves with high penetration power (can pass through the body and require dense shielding).

(e) Gamma Cameras and Radioisotopes

  1. Gamma Cameras - detect gamma rays emitted by radioactive tracers. Used to create images of organs and detect abnormalities like cancer.

  2. Radioisotopes - administered via injection or ingestion. Target specific organs to deliver targeted treatment, such as iodine-131 for thyroid cancer.

(f) Radiation Types and Properties

  1. Alpha Radiation:

  • Penetrating Power - Low.

  • Ionising Power - High.

  1. Beta Radiation:

  • Penetrating Power: Moderate.

  • Ionising Power: Moderate.

  1. Gamma Radiation:

  • Penetrating Power: High.

  • Ionising Power: Low.

(g) Ionising Radiation and DNA Damage

  1. DNA Damage - ionizing radiation can cause breaks in DNA strands, leading to mutations or cell death. Cancer cells are often more vulnerable to this damage, while healthy cells can also be affected.

(h) Radiotherapy

  1. External Radiotherapy - uses an external beam of X-rays to target tumors from outside the body.

  2. Internal Radiotherapy (Brachytherapy) - uses radioactive sources placed inside or very close to the tumor. For example, iodine-131 is used to treat thyroid cancer and has a half-life of 8 days.

  3. Half-Life - the time required for half of the radioactive atoms in a sample to decay. Important for determining the duration of radiation treatment.

(i) Selecting Radioisotopes

  1. Data Use - selection based on factors like half-life, type of radiation emitted, and the specific medical purpose (e.g., imaging vs. treatment).

(j) Chemotherapy

  1. Mechanism - uses chemicals to kill cancer cells or inhibit their growth. Often combined with radiotherapy to improve treatment effectiveness.

(k) Medical Imaging

  1. Techniques:

  • X-rays - provide images of bones and some tissues.

  • Ultrasound - uses sound waves to produce images of soft tissues.

  • MRI - uses strong magnetic fields to create detailed images of soft tissues.

(l) Ultrasound

  1. Application - safe for monitoring pregnancy and diagnosing conditions by producing images from sound waves reflecting off different tissues. No ionizing radiation is used.

(m) X-rays and CAT Scans

  1. X-rays - produce two-dimensional images; useful for viewing bones and certain organs.

  2. CAT Scans (CT Scans):

  • 3D Imaging - combines multiple X-ray images taken from different angles.

  • Absorption - dense tissues like bones absorb X-rays more than softer tissues.

(n) MRI Scans

  1. Principle - uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to generate detailed images of organs and tissues without ionizing radiation.

(o) Uses of Imaging Techniques

  1. X-rays - diagnosing bone fractures, dental issues, and some cancers.

  2. CAT Scans - detailed cross-sectional images for diagnosing complex conditions.

  3. Ultrasound - monitoring pregnancies, examining organs, and guiding procedures.

  4. MRI - detailed imaging of soft tissues, brain, and spinal cord.


(a) Microorganisms and the Body’s Defense Mechanisms

  1. Microorganisms:

  • Harmless Microorganisms - many microorganisms are beneficial and perform essential functions, such as:

  • Bacteria - aid in digestion (gut flora), decompose organic matter, and are used in food production (e.g., yogurt).

  • Fungi - decompose organic matter, form symbiotic relationships with plants (mycorrhizae), and are used in biotechnology.

  • Pathogens - microorganisms that cause disease, including certain bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa.

  1. Barriers Against Microorganisms:

  • Intact Skin - acts as a physical barrier preventing microorganisms from entering the body.

  • Blood Clots - seal wounds to prevent entry of pathogens.

  • White Blood Cells - include phagocytes that ingest and destroy pathogens and lymphocytes that produce antibodies and antitoxins.

  • Natural Microbiota - compete with pathogens for resources, helping to prevent infections.

(b) Vaccination and Public Perception

  1. Vaccination:

  • Purpose - stimulates the immune system to recognize and fight specific pathogens, providing immunity against diseases

  • Vaccines - contain antigens or parts of antigens from pathogens to trigger an immune response without causing the disease.

  1. Factors Influencing Vaccination Decisions:

  • Scientific Evidence - parents may base decisions on the effectiveness and safety of vaccines supported by robust scientific research.

  • Media and Public Opinion - influence vaccination decisions, sometimes leading to misinformation or skepticism about vaccines.

(c) Antigens and the Immune Response

  1. Antigens - molecules recognized by the immune system as foreign. They can be parts of pathogens (e.g., proteins on a virus's surface).

  2. Immune Response:

  • Lymphocytes - white blood cells that identify and respond to antigens.

  • Antibodies - proteins produced by B lymphocytes (a type of lymphocyte) that specifically bind to antigens to neutralize or mark them for destruction.

(d) Vaccine Composition and Protection

  1. Vaccine Composition:

  • Antigens - can be whole pathogens that have been killed or weakened, or parts of pathogens (e.g., proteins or polysaccharides).

  1. Protection Mechanism:

  • Antibody Production - vaccines stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies, which provide protection against future infections by the same pathogen.

(e) Memory Cells and Immunity

  1. Memory Cells:

  • Function - produced during the initial infection or vaccination. They remember specific antigens and enable a rapid and strong response if the same antigen is encountered again.

  1. Rapid Response - memory cells produce specific antibodies quickly upon re-exposure to the antigen, leading to quicker and more effective immune protection.

(f) Measles vs. Flu

  1. Measles:

  • Characteristics - typically experienced once in a lifetime due to lifelong immunity after infection or vaccination.

  1. Flu (Influenza):

  • Characteristics - can occur multiple times due to the frequent mutations of the virus and the existence of different strains.

(g) Antibiotics and Their Origins

  1. Antibiotics:

  • Definition - medicines that kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. 

  • Origins - originally derived from natural sources like fungi (e.g., penicillin from Penicillium fungi) or bacteria.

  1. Function:

  • Penicillin - disrupts bacterial cell wall synthesis, leading to bacterial cell death.

(h) Antibiotic Resistance

  1. Resistance:

  • Definition - occurs when bacteria evolve mechanisms to evade the effects of antibiotics, often due to overuse or misuse of antibiotics.

  • Example - Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is resistant to many common antibiotics.

  1. Control Measures:

  • Effective Strategies - proper use of antibiotics, adherence to prescribed courses, and stringent infection control practices in healthcare settings.


(a) Need for Energy in Muscle Contraction

  1. Energy Requirements:

  • Muscle Contraction - muscles require energy to contract and perform work. This energy is primarily derived from ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is generated through metabolic processes.

  1. ATP Production:

  • Aerobic Respiration - involves oxygen and occurs in mitochondria, producing a large amount of ATP.

  • Anaerobic Respiration - occurs without oxygen, producing less ATP and resulting in the accumulation of lactic acid.

(b) Nervous System and Muscle Contraction

  1. Nervous System Components:

  • Central Nervous System (CNS) - consists of the brain and spinal cord, which process and send out nerve impulses.

  • Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) - comprises nerves that connect the CNS to muscles and other organs.

  1. Nerve Impulses:

  • Electrical Signals - nerve cells (neurons) transmit electrical signals to communicate between the CNS and muscles.

(c) Action of Antagonistic Muscles

  1. Antagonistic Muscles:

  • Biceps and Triceps - these muscles work in opposition. When the biceps contract, the arm flexes; when the triceps contract, the arm extends. This coordination allows for controlled movement.

(d) Structure of a Synovial Joint

  1. Synovial Joint Parts:

  • Cartilage - covers the ends of bones to reduce friction and absorb shock.

  • Ligaments - connect bones to each other, providing stability.

  • Synovial Fluid - lubricates the joint, reducing friction.

  • Synovial Membrane - lines the joint capsule and produces synovial fluid.

(e) Joint Disease and Injury

  1. Osteoarthritis:

  • Definition - a degenerative joint disease causing cartilage breakdown, leading to pain and reduced movement.

  • Management - includes physical therapy, medications, and possibly joint replacement.

  1. Injury:

  • Torn Ligaments - often result from sudden trauma, causing pain and instability in the joint.

  1. Artificial Joints - used to replace damaged joints, improving mobility and reducing pain.

(f) Types of Bone Fractures

  1. Simple Fracture - the bone breaks but does not pierce the skin.

  2. Compound Fracture - the bone breaks and protrudes through the skin.

  3. Greenstick Fracture - an incomplete fracture where the bone bends and partially breaks, common in children.

(g) Types of Joints and Their Locations

  1. Fixed Joints - immovable joints found in the skull.

  2. Hinge Joints - allow movement in one direction (e.g., elbow, knee).

  3. Ball and Socket Joints - allow a wide range of movement (e.g., shoulder, hip).

(h) Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs

  1. Distance-Time Graphs - show how distance traveled changes over time. The slope represents speed.

  • Steeper Slope - Higher speed.

  • Flat Line - stationary.

  1. Velocity-Time Graphs - show how velocity changes over time. The slope represents acceleration.

  • Slope - indicates acceleration or deceleration.

  • Area Under the Curve - represents distance traveled.

(i) Mathematical Equations for Movement

  1. Speed: Distance/Time

  2. Acceleration: Change in Velocity/Time

(j) Velocity-Time Graph Analysis

  1. Acceleration - the slope of a velocity-time graph.

  2. Distance Traveled - the area under the velocity-time graph.

(k) Structure and Function of the Cardiovascular System

  1. Components:

  • Heart - pumps blood throughout the body. Includes ventricles, atria, and valves.

  • Veins - carry blood to the heart.

  • Arteries - carry blood away from the heart.

  • Capillaries - thin-walled vessels where nutrient and gas exchange occurs.

  • Double Circulatory System - separates the pulmonary circulation (to and from the lungs) from systemic circulation (to and from the rest of the body).

(l) Blood Vessel Structure and Function

  1. Arteries:

  • Structure - thick, muscular walls to withstand high pressure.

  • Function - carry oxygenated blood from the heart to tissues.

  1. Veins:

  • Structure - thinner walls and valves to prevent backflow.

  • Function - return deoxygenated blood to the heart.

  1. Capillaries:

  • Structure - one cell thick to allow efficient exchange of gases and nutrients.

  1. Blood Composition:

  • Red Blood Cells - contain hemoglobin to carry oxygen.

  • White Blood Cell - part of the immune system.

  • Plasma - liquid component that carries cells, nutrients, and waste products.

  • Platelets - involved in blood clotting.

(m) Monitoring Vital Signs

  1. Pulse Rate - the number of heartbeats per minute, measured at various pulse points.

  2. Breathing Rate - the number of breaths per minute.

  3. Recovery Time - the time taken for pulse and breathing rates to return to baseline after exercise.

(n) Physiological Effects of Exercise on Breathing

  1. Short-term Effects - breathing rate increases to supply more oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.

  2. Long-term Effects - improved efficiency in oxygen transport and utilization by the respiratory system.

(o) Physiological Effects of Exercise on Heart Rate and Recovery Time

  1. Short-term Effects:

  • Heart Rate - increases to pump more blood and oxygen to muscles.

  • Cardiac Output - increases as a result of higher heart rate and stroke volume.

  1. Long-term Effects:

  • Heart Muscle Strengthening - increased efficiency and endurance of the heart muscle.

  • Improved Recovery Time - faster return to resting heart rate and improved overall cardiovascular health.


(a) Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions

  1. Energy Changes:

  • Endothermic Reactions - absorb energy from the surroundings, resulting in a decrease in the temperature of the surroundings. The energy required to break bonds is greater than the energy released when new bonds form.

  • Example - photosynthesis, where plants absorb sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

  • Exothermic Reactions - release energy to the surroundings, causing an increase in temperature. The energy released during bond formation is greater than the energy required to break the initial bonds.

  • Example - combustion of hydrocarbons, such as burning wood or gasoline, which releases heat and light.

(b) Factors Affecting Reaction Rate

  1. Concentration/Pressure:

  • Concentration - increasing the concentration of reactants in a solution increases the number of molecules, leading to a higher frequency of collisions and thus a faster reaction rate.

  • Pressure - increasing the pressure in gaseous reactions compresses the gas molecules, leading to more frequent collisions and a higher reaction rate.

  1. Temperature:

  • Effect - higher temperatures increase the kinetic energy of molecules, leading to more frequent and energetic collisions. This increases the reaction rate and the proportion of collisions that exceed the activation energy.

  1. Particle Size and Surface Area:

  • Particle Size - smaller particles have a larger surface area relative to their volume, leading to more collisions and a faster reaction rate.

  • Surface Area - increased surface area allows more reactant molecules to be exposed and available for collisions, speeding up the reaction.

  1. Activation Energy:

  • Definition - the minimum energy required for a reaction to occur. Factors that increase the frequency or energy of collisions can lower the activation energy barrier or increase the number of successful collisions.

(c) Role of Catalysts

  1. Catalysts:

  • Definition - substances that increase the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process.

  • Mechanism - catalysts provide an alternative reaction pathway with a lower activation energy, allowing more collisions to be successful.

  1. Examples:

  • Enzymes - biological catalysts that speed up biochemical reactions.

  • Industrial Catalysts - used in processes such as the Haber process for ammonia synthesis.

(d) Experimentation and Data Analysis

  1. Studying Reaction Rates:

  • Example Experiment - using a light sensor and data logger to monitor the reaction between sodium thiosulfate and hydrochloric acid, where the reaction forms a precipitate of sulfur.

  • Data Collection - measure how the light intensity changes as the reaction proceeds, which correlates with the formation of the sulfur precipitate.

  1. Critical Evaluation:

  • Data Quality - consider accuracy, precision, and reliability of measurements.

  • Conclusion - analyze whether the data supports the conclusion and assess the effectiveness of the experimental method.

(e) Economic and Environmental Importance of Catalysts

  1. Economic Benefits:

  • Increased Yields - efficient catalysts can increase the yield of desired products, reducing waste and improving profitability.

  • Energy Costs - catalysts can lower the energy required for reactions, reducing operational costs.

  1. Environmental Impact:

  • Raw Material Preservation - better catalysts can reduce the need for raw materials by increasing the efficiency of chemical processes.

  • Waste Reduction - by improving reaction efficiency, catalysts can reduce the production of by-products and waste.

(f) Control of Exothermic Reactions

  1. Exothermic Reaction Control:

  • Challenge - exothermic reactions can accelerate with temperature, potentially leading to dangerous conditions if not controlled.

  • Thermal Runaway - a situation where a reaction generates heat faster than it can be removed, leading to uncontrollable increases in temperature and reaction rate.

  1. Historical Disasters:

  • Texas City Disaster (1947) - a ship carrying ammonium nitrate exploded, leading to significant damage and loss of life. The explosion was exacerbated by uncontrolled exothermic reactions.

  • Bhopal Disaster (1984) - a gas leak at a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, resulted in a catastrophic release of toxic chemicals. The incident involved runaway reactions and inadequate safety measures.

  1. Prevention:

  • Safety Measures - implementing robust safety protocols, including temperature control, pressure monitoring, and proper reaction containment, can prevent thermal runaway and ensure safe operation.


(a) Nuclear Fission vs. Nuclear Fusion

  1. Nuclear Fission:

  • Process: Nuclear fission involves the splitting of a heavy atomic nucleus, such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239, into two lighter nuclei when it absorbs a neutron.

  • Energy Release: This process releases a significant amount of energy due to the conversion of mass into energy, following Einstein's equation E=mc2E = mc^2E=mc2. Additionally, it releases more neutrons, which can trigger further fission reactions in a chain reaction.

  • Example Reaction: {92}^{235}\text{U} + {0}^{1}\text{n} \rightarrow {56}^{141}\text{Ba} + {36}^{92}\text{Kr} + 3 \, _{0}^{1}\text{n} + \text{Energy}

  • Nuclear Symbols: In nuclear symbols, ZAX_{Z}^{A}\text{X}ZA​X, ZZZ is the atomic number, and AAA is the mass number. For uranium-235, it’s written as 92235U_{92}^{235}\text{U}92235​U.

  1. Nuclear Fusion:

  • Process: Nuclear fusion is the combining of two light atomic nuclei, such as hydrogen isotopes, to form a heavier nucleus, such as helium.

  • Energy Release: This process also releases a tremendous amount of energy, even more than fission, and occurs naturally in stars where the temperatures and pressures are extremely high.

  • Example Reaction: 12H+13H→24He+Energy_{1}^{2}\text{H} + {1}^{3}\text{H} \rightarrow {2}^{4}\text{He} + \text{Energy}12​H+13​H→24​He+Energy

  • Difference: Unlike fission, fusion requires extremely high temperatures and pressures to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between positively charged nuclei.

(b) Radioactive Decay: Activity and Half-Life

  1. Activity (A): The rate at which a radioactive substance decays, measured in becquerels (Bq), where 1 Bq equals 1 decay per second.

  2. Half-Life (T₁/₂): The time required for half of the radioactive nuclei in a sample to decay. It is a constant for a given isotope and helps in determining how long a substance remains radioactive.

  3. Calculation Example: If you start with 1000 grams of a substance with a half-life of 10 years, after 10 years, you will have 500 grams; after 20 years, 250 grams, and so on.

(c) Chain Reactions and Explosions

  1. Chain Reaction: In nuclear fission, the released neutrons from one reaction can cause further fissions, leading to a self-sustaining chain reaction.

  2. Uncontrolled Chain Reactions: If not managed properly, such as in a bomb, this chain reaction can escalate uncontrollably, leading to an explosion.

(d) Construction of a Nuclear Reactor

  1. Fuel Rods: Contain the nuclear fuel (e.g., uranium or plutonium) where fission occurs.

  2. Moderator: Slows down neutrons to sustain the chain reaction (e.g., graphite or water).

  3. Control Rods: Absorb excess neutrons to control the rate of fission (e.g., made of materials like boron or cadmium).

  4. Coolant: Transfers heat away from the reactor core (e.g., water, liquid metal).

  5. Concrete Shield: Provides protection against radiation and contains radiation within the reactor.

(e) Safety Measures in Nuclear Reactors

  1. Control Rods: Used to adjust the rate of the nuclear reaction by absorbing neutrons.

  2. Coolant Circulation: Keeps the reactor core at a safe temperature to prevent overheating and potential meltdowns.

(f) Historical Nuclear Accidents

  1. Three Mile Island (1979): A partial meltdown in Pennsylvania, USA, led to the release of a small amount of radioactive gases.

  2. Chernobyl (1986): A catastrophic explosion and fire in Ukraine released large amounts of radioactive materials into the environment.

  3. Fukushima (2011): A tsunami disabled the cooling systems at a nuclear power plant in Japan, leading to meltdowns and the release of radioactive materials.

(g) Consequences of Nuclear Accidents and Comparative Risks

  1. Environmental Consequences: Radiation can lead to long-term contamination of land and water, affecting ecosystems and human health.

  2. Health Effects: Exposure to high levels of radiation can cause acute radiation sickness, increase cancer risk, and lead to genetic damage.

  3. Comparative Risks:

  • Coal: Air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions contribute to health issues (e.g., respiratory problems) and climate change.

  • Oil: Similar to coal, with additional risks from oil spills.

  • Nuclear: While low in greenhouse gas emissions, the risks include radioactive waste and potential catastrophic accidents.