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Spanish 3 - things to know pt 1

### Spanish 3 High School Flashcards

1. The subjunctive: Used to express desires, doubts, and possibilities. ("Espero que hables.")

2. The present perfect: "I have spoken." ("He hablado.")

3. The past perfect: "I had spoken." ("Había hablado.")

4. The future perfect: "I will have spoken." ("Habré hablado.")

5. The conditional perfect: "I would have spoken." ("Habría hablado.")

6. The preterite: "I spoke." ("Hablé.")

7. The imperfect: "I used to speak." ("Hablaba.")

8. The future: "I will speak." ("Hablaré.")

9. The conditional: "I would speak." ("Hablaría.")

10. The present subjunctive: "I speak" (subjunctive). ("Hable.")

11. The imperfect subjunctive: "I spoke" (subjunctive). ("Hablara.")

12. Formal commands: "Speak" (formal command). ("Hable.")

13. Reflexive verbs: Verbs where the action reflects back on the subject. ("Me lavo.")

14. Direct object pronouns: Replaces the object in a sentence. ("Lo veo" - "I see him.")

15. Indirect object pronouns: Indicates to whom or for whom the action is done. ("Le doy" - "I give to him/her.")

16. Double object pronouns: Using both direct and indirect object pronouns. ("Se lo doy" - "I give it to him/her.")

17. Ser vs. Estar: Different uses of "to be." ("Soy estudiante." vs. "Estoy cansado.")

18. Por vs. Para: Different uses of "for." ("Para mí" - "For me." vs. "Por la tarde" - "In the afternoon.")

19. Gustar and similar verbs: Verbs like "gustar" that require indirect object pronouns. ("Me gusta" - "I like it.")

20. Stem-changing verbs: Verbs that change in the stem in certain tenses. ("Poder" changes to "puedo.")

21. Irregular preterite verbs: Verbs that have irregular forms in the preterite tense. ("Tener" becomes "tuve.")

22. Irregular future tense: Verbs that have irregular forms in the future tense. ("Hacer" becomes "haré.")

23. Irregular conditional tense: Verbs that have irregular forms in the conditional tense. ("Salir" becomes "saldría.")

24. Impersonal expressions with "se": Using "se" for impersonal statements. ("Se dice" - "It is said.")

25. The passive voice: Emphasizing the action rather than who performs it. ("El libro fue escrito por él" - "The book was written by him.")

26. Comparatives and superlatives: Comparing people and things. ("Más grande" - "Bigger." "El más grande" - "The biggest.")

27. Demonstrative adjectives: Indicating specific items. ("Este" - "This." "Ese" - "That.")

28. Possessive adjectives: Indicating ownership. ("Mi libro" - "My book.")

29. Possessive pronouns: Replacing nouns to show possession. ("El mío" - "Mine.")

30. Relative pronouns: Connecting clauses. ("Que," "cual" - "That," "which.")

31. Adverbs: Modifying verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. ("Rápidamente" - "Quickly.")

32. Present progressive: Indicating an ongoing action. ("Estoy hablando" - "I am speaking.")

33. Past progressive: Indicating an ongoing past action. ("Estaba hablando" - "I was speaking.")

34. Future progressive: Indicating an ongoing future action. ("Estaré hablando" - "I will be speaking.")

35. Conditional progressive: Indicating an ongoing hypothetical action. ("Estaría hablando" - "I would be speaking.")

36. Past participles: Used with perfect tenses and as adjectives. ("Hablado" - "Spoken.")

37. Infinitive constructions: Using the infinitive form of the verb. ("Tengo que estudiar" - "I have to study.")

38. Time expressions: Phrases to indicate time. ("Hace dos años" - "Two years ago.")

39. Vocabulary for technology: Terms related to technology. ("El ordenador" - "The computer.")

40. Vocabulary for travel: Terms related to travel. ("El avión" - "The airplane.")

41. Vocabulary for health: Terms related to health. ("El médico" - "The doctor.")

42. Vocabulary for the environment: Terms related to the environment. ("El reciclaje" - "Recycling.")

43. Vocabulary for the arts: Terms related to the arts. ("El teatro" - "The theater.")

44. Vocabulary for emotions: Terms to describe emotions. ("Feliz" - "Happy.")

45. Idiomatic expressions: Commonly used phrases. ("Tener éxito" - "To be successful.")

46. The impersonal "a": Using "a" before direct objects that are people. ("Veo a María" - "I see María.")

47. The difference between "saber" and "conocer": Different uses of "to know." ("Sé la respuesta" vs. "Conozco a Juan.")

48. Making polite requests: Phrases for politeness. ("Podría" - "Could you.")

49. Formal and informal address: Using "tú" vs. "usted." ("¿Cómo estás?" vs. "¿Cómo está?")

50. Cultural notes: Understanding cultural differences. ("La siesta" - "The nap.")


Spanish 3 - things to know pt 1

### Spanish 3 High School Flashcards

1. The subjunctive: Used to express desires, doubts, and possibilities. ("Espero que hables.")

2. The present perfect: "I have spoken." ("He hablado.")

3. The past perfect: "I had spoken." ("Había hablado.")

4. The future perfect: "I will have spoken." ("Habré hablado.")

5. The conditional perfect: "I would have spoken." ("Habría hablado.")

6. The preterite: "I spoke." ("Hablé.")

7. The imperfect: "I used to speak." ("Hablaba.")

8. The future: "I will speak." ("Hablaré.")

9. The conditional: "I would speak." ("Hablaría.")

10. The present subjunctive: "I speak" (subjunctive). ("Hable.")

11. The imperfect subjunctive: "I spoke" (subjunctive). ("Hablara.")

12. Formal commands: "Speak" (formal command). ("Hable.")

13. Reflexive verbs: Verbs where the action reflects back on the subject. ("Me lavo.")

14. Direct object pronouns: Replaces the object in a sentence. ("Lo veo" - "I see him.")

15. Indirect object pronouns: Indicates to whom or for whom the action is done. ("Le doy" - "I give to him/her.")

16. Double object pronouns: Using both direct and indirect object pronouns. ("Se lo doy" - "I give it to him/her.")

17. Ser vs. Estar: Different uses of "to be." ("Soy estudiante." vs. "Estoy cansado.")

18. Por vs. Para: Different uses of "for." ("Para mí" - "For me." vs. "Por la tarde" - "In the afternoon.")

19. Gustar and similar verbs: Verbs like "gustar" that require indirect object pronouns. ("Me gusta" - "I like it.")

20. Stem-changing verbs: Verbs that change in the stem in certain tenses. ("Poder" changes to "puedo.")

21. Irregular preterite verbs: Verbs that have irregular forms in the preterite tense. ("Tener" becomes "tuve.")

22. Irregular future tense: Verbs that have irregular forms in the future tense. ("Hacer" becomes "haré.")

23. Irregular conditional tense: Verbs that have irregular forms in the conditional tense. ("Salir" becomes "saldría.")

24. Impersonal expressions with "se": Using "se" for impersonal statements. ("Se dice" - "It is said.")

25. The passive voice: Emphasizing the action rather than who performs it. ("El libro fue escrito por él" - "The book was written by him.")

26. Comparatives and superlatives: Comparing people and things. ("Más grande" - "Bigger." "El más grande" - "The biggest.")

27. Demonstrative adjectives: Indicating specific items. ("Este" - "This." "Ese" - "That.")

28. Possessive adjectives: Indicating ownership. ("Mi libro" - "My book.")

29. Possessive pronouns: Replacing nouns to show possession. ("El mío" - "Mine.")

30. Relative pronouns: Connecting clauses. ("Que," "cual" - "That," "which.")

31. Adverbs: Modifying verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. ("Rápidamente" - "Quickly.")

32. Present progressive: Indicating an ongoing action. ("Estoy hablando" - "I am speaking.")

33. Past progressive: Indicating an ongoing past action. ("Estaba hablando" - "I was speaking.")

34. Future progressive: Indicating an ongoing future action. ("Estaré hablando" - "I will be speaking.")

35. Conditional progressive: Indicating an ongoing hypothetical action. ("Estaría hablando" - "I would be speaking.")

36. Past participles: Used with perfect tenses and as adjectives. ("Hablado" - "Spoken.")

37. Infinitive constructions: Using the infinitive form of the verb. ("Tengo que estudiar" - "I have to study.")

38. Time expressions: Phrases to indicate time. ("Hace dos años" - "Two years ago.")

39. Vocabulary for technology: Terms related to technology. ("El ordenador" - "The computer.")

40. Vocabulary for travel: Terms related to travel. ("El avión" - "The airplane.")

41. Vocabulary for health: Terms related to health. ("El médico" - "The doctor.")

42. Vocabulary for the environment: Terms related to the environment. ("El reciclaje" - "Recycling.")

43. Vocabulary for the arts: Terms related to the arts. ("El teatro" - "The theater.")

44. Vocabulary for emotions: Terms to describe emotions. ("Feliz" - "Happy.")

45. Idiomatic expressions: Commonly used phrases. ("Tener éxito" - "To be successful.")

46. The impersonal "a": Using "a" before direct objects that are people. ("Veo a María" - "I see María.")

47. The difference between "saber" and "conocer": Different uses of "to know." ("Sé la respuesta" vs. "Conozco a Juan.")

48. Making polite requests: Phrases for politeness. ("Podría" - "Could you.")

49. Formal and informal address: Using "tú" vs. "usted." ("¿Cómo estás?" vs. "¿Cómo está?")

50. Cultural notes: Understanding cultural differences. ("La siesta" - "The nap.")