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Unit 7:

What were the accomplishments of the progressive presidents?

  • Square Deal 

    • 3 C’s 

      • Conservation

      • Consumer Protection

      • Corporate Regulation 

  • 16th- income tax

  • 17th- direct election of US senators

  • 18th- Prohibition 

  • 19th- Women’s Suffrage

  • Trust-Busting- break up monopolies

  • New Freedom

  • Expand economic opportunities

  • More rights for workers  

What were the accomplishments of the progressive activist?

  • Muckrakers- unsafe work environments, treatment of immigrants, treatment of African Americans in Jim Crow South 

  • Washington & Dubois 

    • Washington- African Americans to focus on getting good paying jobs, more long-term goals for equality 

    • Du Bois- Immediate equality, focus on college education, liberal arts 

  • Suffragist- Women’s equality and right to vote 

  • Expand Voting- Referendum, Recall, Initiative  

What were the failures of progressives?

  • Prohibition 

  • Lack of racial progress 

What was life like for African Americans in the Jim Crow South?

  • Discrimination, Segregation, Lynching, Violence, Lack of Economic Opportunities, KKK


Roosevelt   Plessy vs Ferguson   16th Amendment

Taft   Square Deal   17th Amendment

Wilson   Washington & Du Bois   18th Amendment  

Suffragist   Jim Crow   19th Amendment     

Unit 8:

How did US foreign policy change during the Age of Imperialism?

  • More active role in global affairs, more trade, get islands, military intervention, Big Stick, Moral, Dollar Diplomacy 

What were the causes of World War I?

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Nationalism, Alliances, Militarism, Imperialism 

What challenges did World War I soldiers face?

  • Machine Gun, PTSD, Weather, Disease, Artillery  

How did World War I lay the groundwork for World War II? 

  • Germany had government changed, economy was really bad- reparations

How did World War I shape the United States?

  • Strengthen the US Economy, Discussion about labor unions, free speech, Women more involved in the workplace 


Frontier Wars   Spanish American War   Franz Ferdinand 

  Nationalism   Trench Warfare 

Big Stick Diplomacy   Militarism 

Dollar Diplomacy   Imperialism

Moral Diplomacy   Alliance System 

Unit 9:

What were the causes of the Great Depression?

  • Stock Market Crash, Overproduction, Bank Collapse, High unemployment, People going into debt 

What were Roosevelt’s 3 R’s?

  • Relief- immediate economic aid, Recovery- get the economy going again, Reform- prevent future depressions 

How effective was the New Deal?

  • Kinda comes down to your own opinion, Some people say it ended the depression, and others said WW2 ended the depression 

Why did people criticize the New Deal?

  • Conservatives- did to much

  • Liberals- didn't do enough 

How did the New Deal change the relationship between the government and the American people?

  • People begin to expect the government to take a more active role in their lives/solving problems 


Deflationary Spiral   EBA

New Deal   Social Security 

FDR   Huey Long

CCC   Francis Townshend

WPA   Charles Coughlin 

Unit 10:

How did Hitler rise to power?

  • Took advantage of Germany’s poor economy, Weak federal government, and anger of the German people following the end of World War I 

  • Scapegoats Jews 

How were Jews treated under the Nazi rule?

  • Discriminated against, Treated as less than, subjected to violence, Relocated to ghettos, laws put in place to make their life harder, Murdered, many lost jobs, homes, and businesses 

How did World War II shape the United States?

  • Unemployment goes down, One of two superpowers, helped end the Great Depression, the Double V Campaign, more jobs for women 

How were Europe and Asia divided after World War II?

  • Western Europe- America’s capitalist democratic allies

  • Eastern Europe- Soviet communist satellite states 

  • Asia- China & North Korea are communist, Japan & South Korea are capitalist 


Nazi   Hiroshima & Nagasaki   Containment  

Adolf Hitler   Island Hopping 

Holocaust   D-Day


Pearl Harbor   G.I Bill 

Unit 11:

How did Communism influence U.S. foreign policy?

  • Much more involved in global politics 

  • Containment- Prevent the spread of Communism 

  • Marshall Plan- Rebuild Western Europe 

  • Proxy Wars- Korean War, Vietnam War, Civil Wars in Africa, Central, and South America  (US and USSR back different factions in a war to shape the outcome) 

How did the Red Scare influence American society?

  • People blacklisted from jobs, increased social tension, desire for confomity 

What were the effects of the Civil Rights/Freedom Movements of the 1960s?

  • Voting Rights Act of 1965 

  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

  • White Backlash- Civil Unrest, Riots, Violence

  • Fair Housing Act of 1968

  • More rights and better treatment for Native Americans 

  • Increasing acceptance for LGBTQ+

  • Groundwork for the Asian-American Rights Movement 

  • Chicano- better rights for Hispanics and farm laborers 

  • 2nd Wave Feminism- encourages women to pursue careers and reach their full potential 

What were the goals of the Great Society?

  • Creation of Medicare and Medicaid

  • More funding for education, and public transportation 

  • Decrease Poverty 

  • Infrastructure

  • Increase literacy  

How did the Vietnam War shape the United States?

  • Very Expensive 

  • Created distrust between the government and the American public 

  • Anti-War Movement 

  • Vietnam Syndrome- reluctance to deploy ground troops in war 

What led to the rise of conservatism in the 1970s?

  • Resurgence of big businesses lobbying the government

  • Moral Majority- increase in evancelical/fundamentalist Christian participation in politics  

  • Conservative Economics- Cutting taxes, deregulating 

  • Backlash to Affirmative Action 

  • End of New Deal politics- growing distrust in the American government 

How did the Reagan Revolution change the way Americans think about their government?

  • Shift focus to cutting or eliminating government programs 


Red Scare   Civil Rights Movement   American Indian Movement   Gay Pride   Watergate 

HUAC   MLK Jr   Chicano Movement   Great Society   Vietnam War   Domino Theory

Rock and Roll   Malcolm X   Asian American Movement   War on Poverty   Nixon   Carter  

Levittown   Black Power   Second Wave Feminism   Cuban Missile Crisis  LBJ   JFK   Eisenhower   Voting Rights Act 1965   Civil Rights Act 1964 Iron Curtain Containment  Marshall Plan  Truman Doctrine  Reagan Revolution  

Unit 12: 

How did the creation of the World Wide Web and the rise of Free Trade affect America’s economy?

  • WWW- more business, faster business, expands the economy, creates new jobs 

  • Free Trade- More Stuff, Cheaper Stuff, Lose jobs to other countries 

How did the War on Terror change the way Americans think about freedom and privacy?

  • How much freedom/civil liberties do we give up in the name of safety?

  • How do we balance the government protecting us vs the government spying on us?


World Wide Web  Free Trade  Gulf War   9/11  Patriot Act   2008 Recession  Obamacare

Unit 7:

What were the accomplishments of the progressive presidents?

  • Square Deal 

    • 3 C’s 

      • Conservation

      • Consumer Protection

      • Corporate Regulation 

  • 16th- income tax

  • 17th- direct election of US senators

  • 18th- Prohibition 

  • 19th- Women’s Suffrage

  • Trust-Busting- break up monopolies

  • New Freedom

  • Expand economic opportunities

  • More rights for workers  

What were the accomplishments of the progressive activist?

  • Muckrakers- unsafe work environments, treatment of immigrants, treatment of African Americans in Jim Crow South 

  • Washington & Dubois 

    • Washington- African Americans to focus on getting good paying jobs, more long-term goals for equality 

    • Du Bois- Immediate equality, focus on college education, liberal arts 

  • Suffragist- Women’s equality and right to vote 

  • Expand Voting- Referendum, Recall, Initiative  

What were the failures of progressives?

  • Prohibition 

  • Lack of racial progress 

What was life like for African Americans in the Jim Crow South?

  • Discrimination, Segregation, Lynching, Violence, Lack of Economic Opportunities, KKK


Roosevelt   Plessy vs Ferguson   16th Amendment

Taft   Square Deal   17th Amendment

Wilson   Washington & Du Bois   18th Amendment  

Suffragist   Jim Crow   19th Amendment     

Unit 8:

How did US foreign policy change during the Age of Imperialism?

  • More active role in global affairs, more trade, get islands, military intervention, Big Stick, Moral, Dollar Diplomacy 

What were the causes of World War I?

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Nationalism, Alliances, Militarism, Imperialism 

What challenges did World War I soldiers face?

  • Machine Gun, PTSD, Weather, Disease, Artillery  

How did World War I lay the groundwork for World War II? 

  • Germany had government changed, economy was really bad- reparations

How did World War I shape the United States?

  • Strengthen the US Economy, Discussion about labor unions, free speech, Women more involved in the workplace 


Frontier Wars   Spanish American War   Franz Ferdinand 

  Nationalism   Trench Warfare 

Big Stick Diplomacy   Militarism 

Dollar Diplomacy   Imperialism

Moral Diplomacy   Alliance System 

Unit 9:

What were the causes of the Great Depression?

  • Stock Market Crash, Overproduction, Bank Collapse, High unemployment, People going into debt 

What were Roosevelt’s 3 R’s?

  • Relief- immediate economic aid, Recovery- get the economy going again, Reform- prevent future depressions 

How effective was the New Deal?

  • Kinda comes down to your own opinion, Some people say it ended the depression, and others said WW2 ended the depression 

Why did people criticize the New Deal?

  • Conservatives- did to much

  • Liberals- didn't do enough 

How did the New Deal change the relationship between the government and the American people?

  • People begin to expect the government to take a more active role in their lives/solving problems 


Deflationary Spiral   EBA

New Deal   Social Security 

FDR   Huey Long

CCC   Francis Townshend

WPA   Charles Coughlin 

Unit 10:

How did Hitler rise to power?

  • Took advantage of Germany’s poor economy, Weak federal government, and anger of the German people following the end of World War I 

  • Scapegoats Jews 

How were Jews treated under the Nazi rule?

  • Discriminated against, Treated as less than, subjected to violence, Relocated to ghettos, laws put in place to make their life harder, Murdered, many lost jobs, homes, and businesses 

How did World War II shape the United States?

  • Unemployment goes down, One of two superpowers, helped end the Great Depression, the Double V Campaign, more jobs for women 

How were Europe and Asia divided after World War II?

  • Western Europe- America’s capitalist democratic allies

  • Eastern Europe- Soviet communist satellite states 

  • Asia- China & North Korea are communist, Japan & South Korea are capitalist 


Nazi   Hiroshima & Nagasaki   Containment  

Adolf Hitler   Island Hopping 

Holocaust   D-Day


Pearl Harbor   G.I Bill 

Unit 11:

How did Communism influence U.S. foreign policy?

  • Much more involved in global politics 

  • Containment- Prevent the spread of Communism 

  • Marshall Plan- Rebuild Western Europe 

  • Proxy Wars- Korean War, Vietnam War, Civil Wars in Africa, Central, and South America  (US and USSR back different factions in a war to shape the outcome) 

How did the Red Scare influence American society?

  • People blacklisted from jobs, increased social tension, desire for confomity 

What were the effects of the Civil Rights/Freedom Movements of the 1960s?

  • Voting Rights Act of 1965 

  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

  • White Backlash- Civil Unrest, Riots, Violence

  • Fair Housing Act of 1968

  • More rights and better treatment for Native Americans 

  • Increasing acceptance for LGBTQ+

  • Groundwork for the Asian-American Rights Movement 

  • Chicano- better rights for Hispanics and farm laborers 

  • 2nd Wave Feminism- encourages women to pursue careers and reach their full potential 

What were the goals of the Great Society?

  • Creation of Medicare and Medicaid

  • More funding for education, and public transportation 

  • Decrease Poverty 

  • Infrastructure

  • Increase literacy  

How did the Vietnam War shape the United States?

  • Very Expensive 

  • Created distrust between the government and the American public 

  • Anti-War Movement 

  • Vietnam Syndrome- reluctance to deploy ground troops in war 

What led to the rise of conservatism in the 1970s?

  • Resurgence of big businesses lobbying the government

  • Moral Majority- increase in evancelical/fundamentalist Christian participation in politics  

  • Conservative Economics- Cutting taxes, deregulating 

  • Backlash to Affirmative Action 

  • End of New Deal politics- growing distrust in the American government 

How did the Reagan Revolution change the way Americans think about their government?

  • Shift focus to cutting or eliminating government programs 


Red Scare   Civil Rights Movement   American Indian Movement   Gay Pride   Watergate 

HUAC   MLK Jr   Chicano Movement   Great Society   Vietnam War   Domino Theory

Rock and Roll   Malcolm X   Asian American Movement   War on Poverty   Nixon   Carter  

Levittown   Black Power   Second Wave Feminism   Cuban Missile Crisis  LBJ   JFK   Eisenhower   Voting Rights Act 1965   Civil Rights Act 1964 Iron Curtain Containment  Marshall Plan  Truman Doctrine  Reagan Revolution  

Unit 12: 

How did the creation of the World Wide Web and the rise of Free Trade affect America’s economy?

  • WWW- more business, faster business, expands the economy, creates new jobs 

  • Free Trade- More Stuff, Cheaper Stuff, Lose jobs to other countries 

How did the War on Terror change the way Americans think about freedom and privacy?

  • How much freedom/civil liberties do we give up in the name of safety?

  • How do we balance the government protecting us vs the government spying on us?


World Wide Web  Free Trade  Gulf War   9/11  Patriot Act   2008 Recession  Obamacare