1. 그리다 - to draw
2. 그만두다 - to quit, to stop
3. 그치다 - to stop, to come to an end
4. 근무하다 - to work, to be employed
5. 기다리다 - to wait
6. 기대하다 - to expect, to anticipate
7. 기록하다 - to record, to document
8. 기르다 - to raise, to cultivate
9. 기뻐하다 - to be happy, to rejoice
10. 기억나다 - to remember, to recall
11. 기억하다 - to remember, to memorize
12. 기울이다 - to lean, to incline
13. 깎다 - to carve, to cut
14. 깨다 (1) - to break
15. 깨다 (2) - to wake up
16. 깨닫다 - to realize, to become aware
17. 꺼내다 - to take out, to pull out
18. 꾸미다 - to decorate, to adorn
19. 꿈꾸다 - to dream
20. 끄다 - to turn off, to extinguish
21. 끄덕이다 - to nod
22. 끊다 - to cut off, to disconnect
23. 끊어지다 - to be disconnected, to break off
24. 끌다 - to pull, to drag
25. 끓다 - to boil, to be boiling
26. 끝나다 - to end, to finish
27. 끝내다 - to finish, to complete
28. 나가다 - to go out, to leave
29. 나누다 - to divide, to share
30. 나다 - to bloom, to blossom
31. 나빠지다 - to become worse, to deteriorate
32. 나서다 - to step forward, to take action
33. 나오다 - to come out, to emerge
34. 나타나다 - to appear, to show up
35. 나타내다 - to express, to reveal
36. 날다 - to fly
37. 날아가다 - to fly away
38. 남기다 - to leave behind, to save
39. 남다 - to remain, to be left
40. 낳다 - to give birth, to bear
41. 내놓다 - to put out, to display
42. 내다 - to pay, to offer
43. 내려가다 - to go down, to descend
44. 내려오다 - to come down, to descend
45. 내리다 - to fall, to drop
46. 내밀다 - to hold out, to extend
47. 넘기다 - to pass, to exceed
48. 넘다 - to cross, to pass
49. 넘어가다 - to cross over, to pass
50. 넘어서다 - to go beyond, to surpass