Customs and Festivals (AQA) - Mandarin

1. 传统习俗 (Traditions)

定义 (Definition)

  • Traditions refer to behaviors, customs, and rituals passed down through generations within a society or culture. They reflect the core values of a culture and play a significant role in daily life and festive celebrations. (传统习俗是指在一个社会或文化中长期传承下来的行为方式、习惯和礼仪。这些习俗体现了一个文化的核心价值观,并在日常生活和节日庆祝中发挥重要作用。)。

文化重要性 (Cultural Significance)

  • Traditions help maintain cultural identity, promote social cohesion, and strengthen family bonds. They carry historical and cultural memories and preserve cultural continuity through generations. These traditions help people understand and respect their cultural background and compare it with other cultures. (传统习俗有助于维护文化认同感,促进社会凝聚力和家庭团结。它们承载着历史和文化的记忆,并通过代代传承保持文化的连续性。通过这些习俗,人们可以理解和尊重自己的文化背景,并与其他文化进行比较。)

例子 (Examples):

  • Chinese New Year (春节): Chinese New Year is one of the most important festivals in China, where traditional activities such as family reunions, the New Year's Eve dinner, giving red envelopes, and pasting couplets enhance family ties and express good wishes for the new year. (春节是中国最重要的节日之一,家人团聚、年夜饭、发红包、贴春联等传统活动不仅增强了家庭联系,也体现了对新年的美好祝愿。)

  • Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节): Customs such as moon gazing and eating mooncakes are cultural expressions that symbolize harvest and family reunion. (习俗如赏月和吃月饼,不仅是一种文化表达,也象征着丰收和家庭团圆。)

2. 节日 (Festivals)

定义 (Definition)

  • Festivals are celebrations held on specific dates to commemorate historical events, religious figures, or seasonal changes. They typically include special rituals, celebratory activities, and specific foods. (节日是指在特定的日期庆祝的活动,通常是为了纪念历史事件、宗教人物或季节变化。节日通常包含特殊的仪式、庆典活动和特定的食品。)

文化意义 (Cultural Significance)

  • Festivals are an important means of cultural expression, allowing people to showcase and transmit cultural and religious values. Festivals are also highlight moments in social life, enhancing community cohesion and identity. (节日是文化表达的重要方式,通过节日庆祝,人们能够展示和传承文化和宗教价值观。节日也是社会生活的高光时刻,能够增强社区的凝聚力和认同感。)

例子 (Examples)

  • Chinese New Year (春节): Chinese New Year celebrations, such as setting off firecrackers and pasting couplets, are not only a way to welcome the new year but also a means of passing on traditional culture. (春节的庆祝活动如放鞭炮、贴春联等,不仅是对新年的迎接,也是对传统文化的传承。)

  • Dragon Boat Festival (端午节): The Dragon Boat Festival commemorates Qu Yuan through activities like dragon boat racing and eating zongzi, helping to promote traditional culture and patriotism. (端午节通过赛龙舟和吃粽子来纪念屈原,这些活动有助于弘扬传统文化和爱国精神。)

3. 春节 (Chinese New Year)

定义 (Definition)

  • Chinese New Year is one of the most important traditional festivals in China, marking the beginning of the lunar new year. It starts on the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month and lasts until the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month. (春节是中国最重要的传统节日之一,标志着农历新年的开始。节日从农历腊月二十三开始,持续到农历正月十五的元宵节。)

历史背景 (Historical Background)

  • The celebrations of Chinese New Year originated from ancient customs of worshiping natural deities and warding off evil spirits. It is related to the legend of the "Nian Beast," which is said to appear during the new year, so people use firecrackers and fireworks to drive it away. (春节的庆祝活动起源于古代对自然神祇的祭祀和驱邪的习俗。与“年兽”传说相关,年兽会在新年出现,因此人们通过放鞭炮和燃放烟花来驱赶它。)

习俗 (Customs)

  • Reunion Dinner (年夜饭): The New Year's Eve dinner is the most important family meal of the year, symbolizing family reunion and happiness. Dishes often include dumplings, rice cakes, and fish, symbolizing good fortune and abundance in the coming year. (春节前夕的年夜饭是最重要的家庭聚餐,象征着家庭团圆和幸福。菜肴通常包括饺子、年糕和鱼等,寓意着来年的好运和丰收。)

  • Fireworks and Firecrackers (放鞭炮): Setting off firecrackers and fireworks is a traditional way to ward off evil spirits and welcome the new year, adding to the festive atmosphere. (放鞭炮和烟花是驱邪和迎接新年的传统方式,也增加节日的喜庆气氛。)

  • Spring Festival Couplets (贴春联): Spring Festival couplets are posted on doors with auspicious blessings, symbolizing good fortune and family safety for the new year. (春联贴在门口,写有吉祥的祝福,象征新年运势和家庭平安。)

  • Wearing New Clothes (穿新衣): Wearing new clothes symbolizes a new beginning and happiness, expressing good wishes for the new year. (穿新衣服象征着新的开始和幸福,也表达了对新年的美好祝愿。)

  • New Year Greetings (拜年): Greeting friends and family during the new year, exchanging blessings, and enhancing relationships, often accompanied by giving red envelopes (lucky money). (向亲友拜年,互致祝福,增进感情。拜年通常伴随红包(压岁钱)的赠送。)

食品 (Food)

  • Rice Cake (年糕): Made from glutinous rice, symbolizes continuous promotion and progress in life. (以糯米制成,象征着年年高升和生活步步高升。)

  • Dumplings (饺子): Shaped like ancient ingots, symbolize wealth and good fortune. (饺子的形状类似古代元宝,象征财富和好运。)

  • Fish (鱼): Pronounced the same as "surplus," symbolizes having abundance year after year. (鱼的发音与“余”相同,寓意年年有余,生活富足。)

4. 端午节 (Dragon Boat Festival)

定义 (Definition)

  • The Dragon Boat Festival is one of China's traditional festivals, celebrated on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, primarily to commemorate the ancient poet Qu Yuan. (端午节是中国传统节日之一,每年农历五月初五庆祝,主要为了纪念古代诗人屈原。)

历史背景 (Historical Background)

  • The Dragon Boat Festival originates from the story of Qu Yuan's suicide by jumping into the river. Qu Yuan was a patriotic poet of the Chu state. To protect his body from being harmed by fish and shrimp, people made zongzi and threw them into the river, leading to the tradition of the festival. (端午节源于屈原投江自杀的故事。屈原是楚国的爱国诗人,为了保护他的遗体不被鱼虾伤害,民众制作了粽子投入江中,形成了端午节的传统。)

习俗 (Customs)

  • Dragon Boat Racing (赛龙舟): Dragon boat racing is an important traditional activity of the Dragon Boat Festival, showcasing competitive spirit and commemorating Qu Yuan. (端午节的龙舟比赛是一项重要的传统活动,不仅展示了竞技精神,也纪念屈原。)

  • Eating Zongzi (吃粽子): Zongzi, glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves, symbolizes Qu Yuan's loyalty. The filling varies, such as red beans and meats, reflecting the festival's diversity. (粽子是用竹叶包裹的糯米团,象征着屈原的忠诚。粽子的馅料种类丰富,如红豆、肉类等,体现了节日的多样性。)

  • Hanging Mugwort and Fragrant Pouches (挂艾草和香包): Mugwort is believed to ward off evil, while fragrant pouches contain traditional Chinese medicinal herbs, hung on doors and worn to seek safety and health. (艾草被认为具有驱邪的作用,香包则装有中药材,挂在门上和身上可以祈求平安和健康。)

食品 (Food)

  • Zongzi (粽子): Traditional zongzi comes in various flavors, such as sweet and savory, representing the festival's characteristics and honoring Qu Yuan. (传统的粽子有多种风味,如甜粽和咸粽,代表节日的特色和对屈原的纪念。)

5. 中秋节 (Mid-Autumn Festival)

定义 (Definition)

  • The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of China's major festivals, celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. This festival marks the midpoint of autumn and symbolizes harvest and family reunion. It is also known as the "Reunion Festival" because it is a significant time for family gatherings. (中秋节是中国的重要节日之一,每年农历八月十五庆祝。这个节日标志着秋季的中点,象征着丰收和家庭团圆。中秋节也被称为“团圆节”,因为它是家人团聚的重要时刻。)

历史背景 (Historical Background)

  • The Mid-Autumn Festival originated from ancient moon worship and harvest celebrations. People believed that the moon was fullest and brightest on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, symbolizing abundance and happiness. The festival gradually merged with the legend of Chang'e, the moon goddess in Chinese mythology. According to the legend, Chang'e consumed an elixir of immortality and ascended to the moon, leaving her husband Hou Yi on Earth, which became a significant symbol of the festival. (中秋节起源于古代对月亮的崇拜和丰收庆祝活动。古人认为八月十五的月亮最圆、最亮,象征着丰收和美满。节日逐渐与嫦娥奔月的传说结合在一起,嫦娥是中国古代神话中的月亮女神。根据传说,嫦娥因吞下长生不老药而飞升到月球,留在人间的丈夫后羿和她之间的思念之情成为中秋节的一个重要象征。)

习俗 (Customs)

  • Moon Gazing (赏月): On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, people often gather in courtyards, balconies, or outdoors to admire the full moon. Moon gazing symbolizes family reunion and wishes for a good harvest. Traditionally, people also recite poems to praise the moon and express their longing for loved ones. (中秋节之夜,人们常常在庭院、阳台或者户外聚集,仰望圆月。赏月活动象征着家庭的团圆和丰收的祝福。传统上,赏月时人们会吟诵诗歌,表达对月亮的赞美和对亲人的思念。)

  • Eating Mooncakes (吃月饼): Mooncakes are traditional round pastries that symbolize family unity and completeness. Mooncake fillings vary, including lotus seed paste, red bean paste, and mixed nuts. Modern mooncakes come in many new flavors, such as ice skin, chocolate, and ice cream, catering to different tastes. (月饼是一种圆形的传统食品,象征着家庭的团圆和完整。月饼内的馅料多种多样,包括莲蓉、红豆、五仁等。现代月饼的种类更为丰富,如冰皮月饼、巧克力月饼、冰淇淋月饼等,以适应不同人的口味。)

  • Carrying Lanterns (提灯笼): Especially children carry lanterns of various shapes and colors, adding to the festive atmosphere and symbolizing light and hope. Lantern riddles are sometimes part of the festival, adding to the fun. (尤其是儿童会提灯笼,灯笼通常有各种形状和颜色,带有节日的装饰性。灯笼不仅增添了节日气氛,还象征着光明和希望。传统上,有时还会进行灯谜竞猜活动,增添节日的趣味性。)

食品 (Food)

Mooncake (月饼): Mooncakes are the traditional food for the Mid-Autumn Festival, symbolizing reunion and good wishes. Traditional mooncakes are round, filled with various fillings such as lotus seed paste, red bean paste, and mixed nuts. Modern mooncakes feature new flavors like ice skin, chocolate, and green tea to meet diverse tastes. Mooncakes are often given as gifts to express festival blessings. (月饼是中秋节的传统食品,象征团圆和美好祝愿。传统月饼以圆形为主,内含各种馅料,如莲蓉、红豆、五仁等。现代月饼则创新出许多新口味,如冰皮月饼、巧克力月饼、绿茶月饼等,以满足不同的口味需求。月饼常常作为礼物赠送给亲友,表达节日的祝福。)

6. 重阳节 (Chongyang Festival)

定义 (Definition)

  • The Chongyang Festival is one of China's traditional festivals, celebrated on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month. This festival is primarily to honor and bless the elderly, symbolizing health and longevity. It is also known as "Senior Citizens' Day," showing respect and care for the elderly. (重阳节是中国传统节日之一,每年农历九月初九庆祝。这个节日主要是为了尊敬和祝福老人,同时也寓意着健康长寿。重阳节也被称为“老人节”,是对老年人的一种尊敬和关爱。)

历史背景 (Historical Background)

  • The origins of the Chongyang Festival are related to ancient sacrificial activities, initially intended to pray for health and safety. The ancient Chinese had the saying "九九重阳," believing that this time was suitable for climbing heights and praying for health. The festival is also associated with chrysanthemum appreciation, as chrysanthemums symbolize longevity and purity in Chinese culture. Therefore, the festival evolved into a celebration combining health wishes and chrysanthemum viewing. (重阳节的起源与古代的祭祀活动相关,最初是为了祈求健康和平安。古代中国有“九九重阳”之说,认为这个时节适合登高望远、祈求健康。重阳节也与菊花观赏有关,菊花在中国文化中象征长寿和高洁。因此,节日逐渐演变为一个集健康祈愿和赏菊于一体的庆祝活动。)

习俗 (Customs)

  • Climbing Heights (登高): On Chongyang Festival, many people choose to climb or hike. This custom originates from ancient health wishes, as climbing offers both enjoyment of autumn scenery and a wish for health and longevity. (在重阳节这一天,许多人会选择登高或爬山。这一习俗源于古代对健康的祈愿,登高不仅能够欣赏秋天的美景,还寓意着身体健康和长寿。)

  • Appreciating Chrysanthemums (赏菊): Chrysanthemums are considered symbols of longevity, and during Chongyang Festival, people enjoy the beauty of chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemum exhibitions often become part of the festival, attracting many visitors and flower enthusiasts. (菊花被认为具有长寿的象征,重阳节期间,人们会赏菊花,欣赏它们的美丽和高洁。菊花展览常常成为节日的一部分,吸引大量游客和花卉爱好者。)

  • Drinking Chrysanthemum Wine (饮菊花酒): Chrysanthemum wine is a traditional festival beverage with health and wellness benefits. During the festival, people drink chrysanthemum wine to wish for health and longevity. (菊花酒是一种传统的节日饮品,具有保健和养生的功效。节日时,人们会饮用菊花酒,以祈愿健康长寿。)

食品 (Food)

  • Chongyang Cake (重阳糕): Chongyang cake is a traditional pastry made of multiple layers, symbolizing health, longevity, and prosperity. The preparation and flavors may vary by region, with both sweet and savory versions available. (重阳糕是一种传统的糕点,通常由多层糕点制成,象征健康长寿和繁荣。糕点的制作工艺和口味可能因地区而异,常见的有甜味和咸味的不同类型。)

7. 圣诞节 (Christmas)

定义 (Definition)

  • Christmas is a Christian festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed on December 25th each year. Although it originated from religious contexts, it is now widely celebrated globally, including in many non-Christian countries. (圣诞节是基督教庆祝耶稣基督诞生的节日,每年12月25日庆祝。虽然起源于宗教背景,但如今它已成为全球范围内广泛庆祝的节日,不仅在基督教国家,在许多非基督教国家也有庆祝活动。)

历史背景 (Historical Background)

  • The celebration of Christmas originates from Christian commemoration of Jesus Christ's birth. Jesus is considered the savior in Christianity, and his birth symbolizes hope and salvation. Over time, Christmas absorbed various local cultural customs, including decorating Christmas trees and exchanging gifts, resulting in a diverse range of holiday traditions. (圣诞节的庆祝起源于基督教对耶稣基督诞生的纪念。耶稣基督被认为是基督教的救世主,他的诞生被视为希望和拯救的象征。随着时间的推移,圣诞节吸收了许多地方的文化习俗,包括装饰圣诞树、互赠礼物等,逐渐形成了多样化的节日庆祝方式。)

习俗 (Customs)

  • Decorating Christmas Trees (装饰圣诞树): The Christmas tree is a hallmark decoration of the festival, often adorned with lights, ornaments, and ribbons. Decorating the tree is an important activity for families and communities, symbolizing joy and hope for the holiday season. (圣诞树是圣诞节的标志性装饰,通常装饰有彩灯、彩球、丝带等。装饰圣诞树是家庭和社区的一项重要活动,象征节日的欢乐和希望。)

  • Exchanging Gifts (互赠礼物): Exchanging gifts is a significant Christmas tradition, symbolizing love and care. Gifts are typically placed under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve and opened by family members the following morning. (互赠礼物是圣诞节的重要习俗之一,象征着爱与关怀。礼物通常在圣诞节前夜放在圣诞树下,第二天早晨由家庭成员互相拆开。)

  • Christmas Dinner (圣诞晚餐): The Christmas dinner usually includes traditional dishes such as turkey, ham, and Christmas pudding. Family members gather around to enjoy a festive meal and celebrate the holiday. (圣诞晚餐通常包括火鸡、火腿、圣诞布丁等传统菜肴,家庭成员会围坐在一起,共享丰盛的晚餐,庆祝节日的到来。)

  • Singing Carols (唱圣诞颂歌): Christmas carols are a part of the festivities, spreading joy and blessings. People often sing carols in their communities or churches to celebrate the season. (圣诞颂歌是节日的一部分,颂歌传达了节日的喜悦和祝福。人们常常在社区内或教堂唱颂歌,以庆祝节日。)

食品 (Food)

  • Christmas Pudding (圣诞布丁): Christmas pudding is a traditional holiday dessert made with dried fruits, nuts, spices, and alcohol, often steamed and flambéed on the day of the festival, symbolizing good fortune and abundance. (圣诞布丁是传统的圣诞甜点,通常由干果、坚果、香料和酒精制成,烹饪后要在节日当天进行加热和点燃,象征好运和丰收。)

  • Turkey (火鸡): Turkey is the traditional main course for Christmas dinner, commonly served with various side dishes such as potatoes, carrots, and vegetables. Preparing and cooking the turkey usually takes several hours to ensure it is flavorful and tender. (火鸡是圣诞晚餐的传统主菜,常常搭配各种配菜如土豆、胡萝卜和蔬菜等。火鸡的准备和烹饪过程通常需要几小时,以确保其美味和鲜嫩。)
