
Article Overview

  • Research Report: Focuses on factors affecting recovery from low back pain (LBP) in elite athletes.

  • Publication: Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, October 2023, Volume 53, Number 10.

Key Findings

  • LBP in Athletes: Athletes experience a higher prevalence of LBP than the general community, with up to 90% of Olympic athletes affected during their careers.

  • Risk Factors:

    • Traditional lifestyle risks (obesity, inactivity, smoking) are typically absent in athlete populations.

    • Once an athlete has LBP, their risk for subsequent episodes increases significantly.

  • Recovery Challenges:

    • Factors influencing recovery in athletes are not well established, creating challenges for clinicians and coaches in predicting recovery time frames.

    • Instruments exist to aid recovery prediction for community members but need adaptation for athlete contexts.

Research Objectives

  • Concept Mapping Study: Aims to identify athlete-specific recovery factors for LBP using a mixed-methods approach involving qualitative and quantitative data analysis.

  • Participants:

    • Composed of clinicians (75%), coaches (15%), and athletes (10%) across multiple countries and sports.

    • Included brainstorming, sorting, and rating statements on recovery factors, with a focus on understanding the perceptions of key stakeholders.

Concepts and Methodology

  • Method Steps:

    1. Brainstorming: Participants generated factors influencing recovery.

    2. Sorting: Statements were grouped thematically by participants.

    3. Rating: Each statement was evaluated for importance and feasibility on a Likert scale.

  • Data Analysis Techniques:

    • Multidimensional scaling, hierarchical cluster analysis, and descriptive statistics used to interpret data.

Identified Themes

  • Themes from Data:

    • Coach and Clinician Relationships: Effective communication and understanding are crucial for recovery.

    • Inter-disciplinary Team Factors: Collaboration among care providers noted as an important recovery element.

    • Athlete Psychological Factors: Psychological resilience, perceptions towards recovery, and mental state significantly correlate with recovery outcomes.

    • Athlete Rehabilitation Journey: Importance of tailored rehabilitation plans and goal setting identified.

    • Athlete Non-Modifiable Risk Factors: Past LBP history and career stage play roles in recovery.

    • Athlete Physical Factors: Physical conditions, including pain assessment and functional capacity, impact recovery.

Significance of Findings

  • Implications for Practice:

    • Establishing a solid therapeutic alliance between the athlete and support staff is vital.

    • Effective communication regarding treatment options maximizes recovery potential.

    • Emphasizing psychological support throughout recovery is as crucial as physical treatments.

  • Biopsychosocial Model Alignment: Aligns well with current paradigms in managing community-based LBP, suggesting that interdisciplinary strategies could enhance recovery approaches for elite athletes.

Recommendations for Clinicians and Coaches

  • Considerations of psychological factors in managing athletic recovery should be integrated.

  • High-quality communication and a well-coordinated care approach must be prioritized.

  • Future research should continue to explore these factors in greater depth to define their specific relations to recovery outcomes.
