Inheritance: the acquisition of traits by their parent to offspring
There is evidence for particulate inheritance
determines heredity traits are transmitted in particles from generation to generation
Gene: unit of heredity
Gregor Mendel studied Pea plants, discovered hybrids
Genetic variation
peas have many varieties, which differ in characteristics
called characters
Each character has differing forms known as variants
Traits are identifiable characteristics of an organism
Self fertilization
female gamete is fertilized by a male gamete from the same plant
makes it easier to produce plants with a certain trait
true breeding line/strain: when lineage of plants exhibit the same trait after generations of self-breeding
Mendel wanted to breed hybrids via hybridization
occurs via cross-fertilized experiments
Single factor cross: when experimenter followed variants of one character
P generation: parental generation
F1 generation: offspring generation
When parents differ in a single characteristic, offspring is called monohybrid
Three important ideas about traits
traits may exist in two forms: dominant and recessive
individuals carry two genes for a given character
two alleles separate during gamete formation
Dominant and recessive traits
dominant refers to displayed traits, recessive refers to hidden traits
Genes and alleles
genetic determinants of traits are unit factors passed from generation to generation
Segregation of alleles
Mendel’s law of segregation: states that two alleles of the same gene separate from each other
Genotype: the genetic composition
Phenotype: characteristics that appear due expression of genes
Homozygous: an individual that carries identical copies of an allele
Can be homozygous recessive or homozygous dominant
heterozygous: carries different allele of a gene
So both recessive and dominant
Two-factor cross: when experimenter follows inheritance of two characteristics
Two possible patterns
genes are linked in some way, so variants occur in a unit
transmission of genes may be independent, alleles are passed randomly
Dihybrids: organisms that express big traits
led to Mendel’s law of independent assortment
alleles sort independently of each other
Modern version of chromosome theory of inheritance follows
chromosomes contain DNA, genes found in chromosomes
chromosomes are replicated and passed to offspring
nucleus of diploid cell contain two sets of chromosomes
meiosis lets homozygous pairs separated from each other
gametes are haploid cells
lows: physical location of a gene
when a cell prepares to divide, homologs replicate forming sister chromatids
each chromatid carries one of the alleles
when meiosis II occurs sister chromatids separate into haploid cells
so each haploid cell has one copy of the two original alleles
During Metaphase I, two pairs of chromosomes randomly align on metaphase plate, which leads to random genes paired with each other
this is independent assortment
How geneticists track genetic diseases in humans
Morally wrong to breed humans against their will to see whether genetic traits are recessive or dominant
Diseases can be from mutations or form the wild type allele
The most common phenotype in an population
Mendelian Inheritance: inheritance patterns of genes that segregate and assort independently
Simple Mendelian Inheritance: Single gene that has two variants controlled by dominant and recessive traits
Loss of function alleles: mutations that produce recessive alleles more likely decrease protein function
In simple dominant recessive relationship, dominant/wildtype allele can suppress it
Not all recessive alleles are harmful to phenotype
Pedigree analysis: studying human genetics through family tree
used to understand human genetic diseases
Genes exist in two different forms
wild type allele: the most common allele in a population
mutant allele: some people inherit diseases, not as likely to occur
Pleiotropy: mutation in a single gene has multiple effects on phenotype
occurs for three different reasons
expression could affect cell function in more than one way
May be expressed in different cell types
may be expressed in different stages
often times, expression of genes are pleiotropic
Intermediate dominance: two dominant genes compete, meet halfway in phenotype
Norm of reaction: phenotype range that shows in a certain environment
Several mechanisms determination have been found in different species of animals
XY system
the one found in humans
males are xy, females xx
XO System
occurs in some insects
presence of Y doesn’t mean male
gender depends on ratio of X to Y
less X chromosomes means male
ZW System
birds and fish
males are ZZ, female are ZW
Haplodiploid System
found in bees
makes come from unfertilized eggs
are haploid due to half chromosomes
Environmental systems
in certain reptiles and fish, gender is controlled by environmental factors
X chromosomes are larger and carry more protein coding genes than Y chromosomes
X-Linked genes: genes found in X-chromosome only
Sex-linked gene: genes that are only found in one chromosome, not the other