1.2 Political Ideology

I. Background

A. Ideology is a set of beliefs and values that shape a person’s views…usually relating to the role of the government.

B. United States two-party system (or one-party system in Mr. Dowdy’s mind) encourages less ideologue as opposed to Europe’s multi-party system.  To be able to play a part in our system you must have access → Republican/Democratic parties.

II. Liberalism (Favor PROGRESS)

A. Classical liberalism of the 18th Century

1. Limited role of the government

2. Government seen as the chief threat of liberty.

3. Role of the government is to protect property rights. (in the mold of Locke)

B. Modern liberalism of the 20th century (New Deal Liberalism)

1. Expanded role of government → primarily in economic issues (Bernie Sanders)

2. Corporations seen as a threat to liberty

3. Need for a stronger central government to “smooth out the rough edges of capitalism”

4. Role of government is to protect people’s well-being.  Freedom from government control rings hollow when one is poor, unemployed, or discriminated against.

C. Discrediting of liberalism in the 1980’s and 1990’s → a feeling that liberalism had “gone too far”.  Need to get back to more individualism and less reliance on big government.

D. “Neoliberals”

1. Less likely to rely upon government as solutions to problems

2. Government certainly has some role to play, but not as big a role as desired by New Deal liberals. 

3. Rise of Democratic Leadership Council, with members like Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and “Blue Dog” Democrats

III. Conservatism (Favor TRADITION)

A. Essentially classical liberalism

B. Resurgence since the late 1970’s

1. Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43

2. Republican Congresses – 1990’s

3. Strength in the formally “solid south”

4. Reversal of the trend since the 1930’s to automatically look to government as the solution to our problems.

5. Emphasis today on the private sector and faith-based organizations to solve problems

6. Strong support for large tax cuts, which occurred under both Clinton and Bush 43

C. “Neoconservatives”

1. Social policy: (Cruz, Santorum, Carson) emphasize issues like prayer in schools, anti- abortion, anti-homosexuality.  Often considered the “religious right”

2. Economic: (Paul, Bush, Trump) want to “unleash” market forces to attack various ills in society.

3. Foreign policy:

a. Some like Rand Paul are neo-isolationists who shy away from intervention.  They are not “big fans” of the United Nations, World Trade Organization, etc.

b. Others like Donald Trump are more aggressive in dealing with foreign threats such as terrorism, and more supportive of intervention, as in fighting ISIS.

c. “Compassionate conservatism” of Bush 43 is considered a more moderate conservatism.

V. Libertarianism

A. Extreme emphasis on individual liberty (Rand Paul)

B. Extreme cutback on the role of government – essentially government should only provide defense or protection.
