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English Final Study Guide


Unit 1:

  • Myth: story explaining the actions of gods or heroes

  • Tone: author’s attitude towards a subject

  • Mood: The way the reader/audience rechieves the message of a story

  • Metaphor: comparision using two unalike objects

  • Essay: short non-fiction writing that explains something

  • Folktale: stories and other works that arrive out of oral tradition

  • Genre: type or kind of literature

  • Narrative: writing that tells a story

  • Point of view: perspective in which the story is told

  • Protangist: hero of the story

  • Setting: time and place

  • Style: the way a writer typically writes

  • Theme: the message of the work


  • Dialogue: Conversation between 2 or more people

  • Motivation: reason a character behaves in a certain matter

  • Denoument: anything, any events that occur after the resolution

  • Resolution: the way the story works out

Unit 2:

  • Aphorism: short witty saying to teach a moral or lesson

  • Slant rhyme: rhyme with similar words but not identical sounds

  • Personification: attribute human qualities to someting not human

  • History: record of occurences of a certain place or people

Great Gatsby

  • Archetype: theme or pattern that is similar around the world

  • Symbol: item with meaning but stands for something else

Of Mice and Men

  • Conflict: struggle between opposing forces

  • Dialect: language to a specific region

  • Imagery: descriptive or detailed language

Short story

  • Flashback: stop current action to go back to tell a piece of information

  • Foreshadowing: hints or clues as to what may happen

  • Irony: the difference or contrast between what is reality and expectation


  • Lyric: a poem that expresses feelings

  • Quatrain: group of 4 verses, lines, in poetry

  • Rhyme scheme: regular pattern of rhyming words in a poem

  • Slant rhyme: words look alike but don’t fully rhyme, forced rhyme

  • Stanza: section of verses in a poem


  • Motivation: the reason why a character does something

  • Persuasion: any writing written to change the readers opinion

  • Stream of concissouness: writing that imiates that natural flow of thought


  • Resemble ATBs

Novels (and longer works)


Character list
  • “Arthur” Boo Radley: a neighbor of the Finches’, only comes out at night, recluse, source of entertainment for the town’s gossip, saves the Finch childeren from Bob Ewell

  • Atticus: Scout and Jem’s dad, Lawyer, defends Tom Robinson, wise

  • Aunt Alexandra: Jem and Scout’s aunt, thinks every family has a streak, thinks that the Finches are a superior family

  • Burris Ewell: Only goes to the first day of school as a family tradition

  • Calpurnia: Finch family cook, brings the children to church, strict, unsentimental, used to live on the Finches cotton plant

  • Cecil Jacobs: scared the Finch children on the way to the Halloween play

  • Charles Baker Harris: Dill’s actual name, friends with the Finch kids, only goes to Maycomb in the summer

  • Dolphus Raymond: Has mixed children, sits on the “colored” balacony during the trial even though he is white.

  • Francis

  • Harper Lee: The novel’s author

  • Heck Tate: Maycomb’s sheriff

  • Jean Louise Finch/ Scout: The narrator of the story, main character

  • Jem: Scout’s brother, broke his arm, now disformed

  • Judge Taylor:

  • Link Deas:

  • Mayella Ewell

  • Miss Caroline:

  • Miss Maudie Atkinson:

  • Miss Rachel:

  • Miss Stephanie Crawford:

  • Mr. Avery:

  • Mr. Cunningham:

  • Mr. Gilmer:

  • Mr. Underwood:

  • Mrs. Dubose:

  • Nathan Radley Reverend Skyes:

  • Robert E. Ewell:

  • Simon Finch:

  • Tim Johnson:

  • Tom Robinson:

  • Uncle Jack:

  • Walter Cunningham :

Basic info
  • Setting is Maycomb, Alabama early 1930s

  • Dill is the nephew of Ms. Rachel who is staying with her for the summer

  • Scout tells the story

  • It starts at the end of the story when Jem’s arm is broken

  • The first half is about childhood innocence and the second half is about racism in the South

  • Atticus is known for being a very good lawyer

  • Atticus impresses the kids because he is wise

  • Atticus is a hypocrite when he tells Scout to act a certain way to uphold the family name which is what Aunt Alexandra always says

  • Atticus teaches Scout how to get along with people

  • Atticus serves the town by being the conscience (he does the difficult work for them)

  • Atticus’ definition of brave is having courage even if you know you can’t win

  • Calpurnia leads a double life through the way she acts at church and her own home versus how she acts at the Finch house

  • Aunt Alexandra comes to live with Atticus to help raise Scout

  • Miss Maudie sees the fire as an opportunity to change her garden

  • Scout gets the mob under control by talking to Walter’s father

  • Heck Tate covers for Boo by saying Bob fell on the knife because Boo saved the kids

  • Jem and Scout are parallels of each other

Question examples:
  • Atticus is a/an blank when he takes Aunt Alexandra’s side when he tells the children when their ancestory is better than others: A hypocrite

  • These two character’s both had misshapen arms: Tom and Jem

Of Mice and Men

  • The unoffical leader of the ranch: slim

  • Lennie and Candy’s dog are parallels of eachother: both get shot

  • Which is not a theme of mice and men: Love concurs all

  • Setting is in Salinas California during the Great Depression and Soledad is the nearest town

  • George controls Lennie by giving him commands and yelling at him. Lennie controls George by making him feel bad and saying he’s gonna live in a cave

  • Messages: man strives for independence, man needs friendship, and you don’t have to be nice to be a good friend

  • Parallel Characters: Lennie and Candy’s Dog both got shot in the back of the head; Crooks and Curley’s wife are both lonely

  • The characters are all lonely and all want independence on their own farm

  • Lennie hides in the brush by the stream from the beginning of the novella when he is in trouble

  • The men defer to Slim

  • George is angry, Lennie is sad, and Candy saw the loss of the farm coming

  • The existential in the novella is that you cannot control Lennie’s disorder

The Crucible

  • Parris is angry with his niece at the beginning because: Her dismissal from the Proctor household is causing rumors

  • Before her arrest Elizabeth believes that her husband: still desires abigail

  • All of the following words descirbe Parris except: Violent

Unit 1

  • Captain John Smith descirbed the indians as: barbaric

The Great Gastby

  • This character in the Great Gatsby is uncurably dishonest: Jordan Baker

  • When Gastby reaches for the green light, he is reaching for all of the following except: Wealth

  • This character’s voice was full of money: Daisy

Unit 2

  • The piece of revolutionary literature was delivered: The speech at the Virgina Convention/

The Scarlet Letter

  • Dimmesdale speaks to Hester during the first scaffold scene to: identify Pearl’s father

  • The villagers thought that Pearl’s thoughts and actions were because: of Satan

General History of Virgina

  • Written by John Smith

  • Tells you how great of a person he is

Sinners in the hands of an angry God

  • Written by Johnathan Edwards

  • Fire and Brimstone testment style

  • Tells everyone that they are going to hell

  • Lasted 6 hours

  • part of the great awakening


  • By Edward Taylor

English Final Study Guide


Unit 1:

  • Myth: story explaining the actions of gods or heroes

  • Tone: author’s attitude towards a subject

  • Mood: The way the reader/audience rechieves the message of a story

  • Metaphor: comparision using two unalike objects

  • Essay: short non-fiction writing that explains something

  • Folktale: stories and other works that arrive out of oral tradition

  • Genre: type or kind of literature

  • Narrative: writing that tells a story

  • Point of view: perspective in which the story is told

  • Protangist: hero of the story

  • Setting: time and place

  • Style: the way a writer typically writes

  • Theme: the message of the work


  • Dialogue: Conversation between 2 or more people

  • Motivation: reason a character behaves in a certain matter

  • Denoument: anything, any events that occur after the resolution

  • Resolution: the way the story works out

Unit 2:

  • Aphorism: short witty saying to teach a moral or lesson

  • Slant rhyme: rhyme with similar words but not identical sounds

  • Personification: attribute human qualities to someting not human

  • History: record of occurences of a certain place or people

Great Gatsby

  • Archetype: theme or pattern that is similar around the world

  • Symbol: item with meaning but stands for something else

Of Mice and Men

  • Conflict: struggle between opposing forces

  • Dialect: language to a specific region

  • Imagery: descriptive or detailed language

Short story

  • Flashback: stop current action to go back to tell a piece of information

  • Foreshadowing: hints or clues as to what may happen

  • Irony: the difference or contrast between what is reality and expectation


  • Lyric: a poem that expresses feelings

  • Quatrain: group of 4 verses, lines, in poetry

  • Rhyme scheme: regular pattern of rhyming words in a poem

  • Slant rhyme: words look alike but don’t fully rhyme, forced rhyme

  • Stanza: section of verses in a poem


  • Motivation: the reason why a character does something

  • Persuasion: any writing written to change the readers opinion

  • Stream of concissouness: writing that imiates that natural flow of thought


  • Resemble ATBs

Novels (and longer works)


Character list
  • “Arthur” Boo Radley: a neighbor of the Finches’, only comes out at night, recluse, source of entertainment for the town’s gossip, saves the Finch childeren from Bob Ewell

  • Atticus: Scout and Jem’s dad, Lawyer, defends Tom Robinson, wise

  • Aunt Alexandra: Jem and Scout’s aunt, thinks every family has a streak, thinks that the Finches are a superior family

  • Burris Ewell: Only goes to the first day of school as a family tradition

  • Calpurnia: Finch family cook, brings the children to church, strict, unsentimental, used to live on the Finches cotton plant

  • Cecil Jacobs: scared the Finch children on the way to the Halloween play

  • Charles Baker Harris: Dill’s actual name, friends with the Finch kids, only goes to Maycomb in the summer

  • Dolphus Raymond: Has mixed children, sits on the “colored” balacony during the trial even though he is white.

  • Francis

  • Harper Lee: The novel’s author

  • Heck Tate: Maycomb’s sheriff

  • Jean Louise Finch/ Scout: The narrator of the story, main character

  • Jem: Scout’s brother, broke his arm, now disformed

  • Judge Taylor:

  • Link Deas:

  • Mayella Ewell

  • Miss Caroline:

  • Miss Maudie Atkinson:

  • Miss Rachel:

  • Miss Stephanie Crawford:

  • Mr. Avery:

  • Mr. Cunningham:

  • Mr. Gilmer:

  • Mr. Underwood:

  • Mrs. Dubose:

  • Nathan Radley Reverend Skyes:

  • Robert E. Ewell:

  • Simon Finch:

  • Tim Johnson:

  • Tom Robinson:

  • Uncle Jack:

  • Walter Cunningham :

Basic info
  • Setting is Maycomb, Alabama early 1930s

  • Dill is the nephew of Ms. Rachel who is staying with her for the summer

  • Scout tells the story

  • It starts at the end of the story when Jem’s arm is broken

  • The first half is about childhood innocence and the second half is about racism in the South

  • Atticus is known for being a very good lawyer

  • Atticus impresses the kids because he is wise

  • Atticus is a hypocrite when he tells Scout to act a certain way to uphold the family name which is what Aunt Alexandra always says

  • Atticus teaches Scout how to get along with people

  • Atticus serves the town by being the conscience (he does the difficult work for them)

  • Atticus’ definition of brave is having courage even if you know you can’t win

  • Calpurnia leads a double life through the way she acts at church and her own home versus how she acts at the Finch house

  • Aunt Alexandra comes to live with Atticus to help raise Scout

  • Miss Maudie sees the fire as an opportunity to change her garden

  • Scout gets the mob under control by talking to Walter’s father

  • Heck Tate covers for Boo by saying Bob fell on the knife because Boo saved the kids

  • Jem and Scout are parallels of each other

Question examples:
  • Atticus is a/an blank when he takes Aunt Alexandra’s side when he tells the children when their ancestory is better than others: A hypocrite

  • These two character’s both had misshapen arms: Tom and Jem

Of Mice and Men

  • The unoffical leader of the ranch: slim

  • Lennie and Candy’s dog are parallels of eachother: both get shot

  • Which is not a theme of mice and men: Love concurs all

  • Setting is in Salinas California during the Great Depression and Soledad is the nearest town

  • George controls Lennie by giving him commands and yelling at him. Lennie controls George by making him feel bad and saying he’s gonna live in a cave

  • Messages: man strives for independence, man needs friendship, and you don’t have to be nice to be a good friend

  • Parallel Characters: Lennie and Candy’s Dog both got shot in the back of the head; Crooks and Curley’s wife are both lonely

  • The characters are all lonely and all want independence on their own farm

  • Lennie hides in the brush by the stream from the beginning of the novella when he is in trouble

  • The men defer to Slim

  • George is angry, Lennie is sad, and Candy saw the loss of the farm coming

  • The existential in the novella is that you cannot control Lennie’s disorder

The Crucible

  • Parris is angry with his niece at the beginning because: Her dismissal from the Proctor household is causing rumors

  • Before her arrest Elizabeth believes that her husband: still desires abigail

  • All of the following words descirbe Parris except: Violent

Unit 1

  • Captain John Smith descirbed the indians as: barbaric

The Great Gastby

  • This character in the Great Gatsby is uncurably dishonest: Jordan Baker

  • When Gastby reaches for the green light, he is reaching for all of the following except: Wealth

  • This character’s voice was full of money: Daisy

Unit 2

  • The piece of revolutionary literature was delivered: The speech at the Virgina Convention/

The Scarlet Letter

  • Dimmesdale speaks to Hester during the first scaffold scene to: identify Pearl’s father

  • The villagers thought that Pearl’s thoughts and actions were because: of Satan

General History of Virgina

  • Written by John Smith

  • Tells you how great of a person he is

Sinners in the hands of an angry God

  • Written by Johnathan Edwards

  • Fire and Brimstone testment style

  • Tells everyone that they are going to hell

  • Lasted 6 hours

  • part of the great awakening


  • By Edward Taylor