Vocab #5

Blatant – adj. Done openly and unashamedly, flagrant, obvious

Frugal – adj. Sparing or economical with regard to money or food, thrifty

Plethora – n. A large or excessive amount of (something), abundance, superfluous

Feign - v. Pretend to be affected by (an injury, an illness, etc.), fake, sham

Pensive - adj. Engaged in or reflecting deep or serious thought, contemplative

Septic - adj. Infected with microorganisms, especially harmful bacteria

Castigate - v. Reprimand (someone) severely

Vehemently - adv. In a forceful, passionate, or intense manner; with great feeling

Atrocious - adj. Horrifyingly wicked, brutal, savage

Nefarious - adj. (typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal
