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  • Physical Activity - any bodily movement produced by the skeletal muscles that result in energy expenditure.

    • energy expenditure is measured in kilocalories.

    • Improves physical well being

    • Sound Mental and Emotional Health

    • Improves family and social relationships.


Exercise - is a subset of physical activity that is structured & formed.

Kenneth Cooper - is a researcher that researched low-intensity aerobic exercises that contributed to preventing the appearance of cardiovascular diseases.

Aerobic Exercises - also known as “cardio” or “requiring free oxygen”.

Anaerobic Exercises - are done quickly in a short period of time. Usually involves pushing against a source of resistance to improve strength.

TAEBO - Total Awareness Excellence Body Obedience

  • developed by martial artist Billy Bank in 1976.

  • incorporates martial arts.

  • arts of self-defense, boxing, and dance.

    TAE - feet

    BO - short for boxing.

Hip-hop Abs - in 2006 became the most popular workout program.

  • targets all abdominal muscles.

Shaun T - born on May 2, 1978

Dynamic - are controlled movements that prepare your muscles.

Static - stretches should be used as part of a cool-down routine.

**FLEXIBILITY EXERCISES -**Involving stretching activities that improve the range of your muscles and joints.

  1. Calisthenics - body weights. (Push/Pull Ups)

  2. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) - repetitions of short bursts of high intensity exercise.

  3. Boot Camps - combine aerobic and resistance exercises.

  4. Balance & Stability - strengthens muscles and improves body coordination.


  • Individuality - people vary in exercises

  • Trainability - people respond differently to the same training stimulus.

  • Specificity - training must be specific to an individual goal

  • Overload - you get improvements by doing a bit more

  • Progress Overload - improvements by doing a bit more each time.

  • Variety - for optimal adaptation, to avoid injuries, exercise must be varied.

  • Rest - to get the best out of your exercise.

  • Reversibility - all beneficial effects are reversible if exercise ceases.

  • Maintenance - keep fitness than create it.

  • Ceiling - diminishing returns with exercise.

  • Interference - you can’t have it all at once.

  • Frequency - How often

  • Intensity - How hard

  • Time - How long

  • Type - Specific physical activity chosen to improve a component.


Zumba - is an exercise fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto "Beto" Perez during the 1990s.

Zumba is a dance fitness program that uses Latin and international rhythm, cardio-based dance moves, which is fun and involves dance and aerobic movements with choreography that incorporates hiphop, samba, salsa, merengue, cumbia and reggaeton.

Rumbacize - is the original name of Zumba. It is a combination of tumba (“to party”) and Jazzercize (dance fitness company).


Zumba Gold - is a program designed for beginners and older people.

Zumba Step - is a lower-body workout that incorporates Zumba routines and step aerobics with Latin dance rhythms.

Zumba Toning - is for people who do their workouts with toning sticks. It targets the abs, thighs, arms, and other muscles throughout the body. This type of Zumba class provides participants with a cardio workout and strength training.

Aqua Zumba - classes are held in a swimming pool. The instructor leads the class poolside while participants follow in shallow water. Moves have been specially adapted to combine the same dance movements used in a Zumba Fitness class with those used in aqua fitness classes.

Circuit Zumba/Zumba - in the Circuit combines dance with circuit training. These classes usually last 30 minutes and feature strength exercises on various stations in timed intervals.

Zumba Kids and Zumba Kids Jr. - classes are designed for children between the ages of 7 and 11. Also known as Zumbatomic.

Zumba Gold Toning - is a toning class for older participants with goals of improving


Management - the act of handling responsibilities, carrying, controlling, and directing people towards a common goal.

Planning - designing or identifying the method to be used to managing the activities.

Organizing - implementing a plan in a systematic way.

Leading - supervising all personnel included in the program.

Controlling - measurement and correction of performance to make sure the objectives are accomplished.


Finance and Resources- raises funds for expenses of all the committees and prepares statements of account at the end of the event

Program and Invitation- prepares the program of activities and invitations in due time

Peace and Order - provide and maintains round the clock general order and security in the venues

Physical Facilities - prepares the necessary facilities and venues needed in the events

Prizes and Awards- prepares medals, certificates, cash, prizes and awards to be given to the winners and judges or officials.


Food Guide - shows many servings do you need to eat from each food group in a day.

Eating Habits -refers to why and which food they eat and how people eat.

Factors that affect one’s eating habits:

Cost of Food - often the cost of food may affect the kinds of food your family buys regularly. This factor determines the kinds of food you actually eat.

Convenience of Food - is most likely to be tempted to eat some food with reach because they are convenient, and so may eat them more often.

Traditions/Religions - Family traditions or your cultural background may be another reason that affects the types of foods you decide to eat. There may be kinds of food that are restricted in your family. There are families who are vegetarians. And do not serve meat in the family. There are also those who observe the no-pork diet.

Availabiltiy of Food in the Area - the food that are available in your local area may consist a large part of your diet.

Personal Taste - has a lot to do with what you choose to eat. If you like a certain food, you are more likely to eat it from often.

Food which most of your friends eat -friends have a great influence on the kinds of food that you choose to eat.

Types of Eating:

Emotional Eating - when you are hungry, you look for food, and eat until you are satisfied, or you are used to the time that you take your meals.

Social Eating - social gathering such as parties. When one joins friends for any unattended eating for the sake of being sociable is experiencing social eating.

Eating while watching - watching television is favourite past times of every one regardless of age. Playing computer is also fast becoming a part of one’s activity especially among the youngsters. Developed this kind of habit should understand the risk behind such practice

Fueling Performance - When participating in a vigorous activity whether it be in sports, dance, or any event, you need to eat well to optimize your performance and body functioning. Food provides the necessary substance to fuel your energy, and to make your muscles and bones strong.

Basic Nutrients - Nutrients are chemical substances in food that provide energy and assist in the functioning of various body processes.

Water - is essential nutrient because it is required in amounts that exceed the body’s ability to produce it. r helps to maintain homeostasis in the body and transports nutrients to cells. Water also assists in removing waste products from the body.

MINERAL WATER - comes from natural springs with varying mineral content and widely varying taste


PURIFIED WATER- comes from natural carbonation, treated for harmful bacteria, chemicals and minerals.

TAP WATER- is readily available in your faucet. It is the cheapest drink you will have.

Carbohydrates - body’s main source of heat and energy.

Eating Disorders

Bulimia Nervosa - Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior in order to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting; misuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas, or other medications; fasting; or excessive exercise.

Anorexia Nervosa- Characterized by excessive weight loss, Self-starvation, Preoccupation with foods, progressing restrictions against whole categories of food, Anxiety about gaining weight or being “fat” and Denial of hunger.

Selective Eating Disorder- -also called picky eating, is an extreme sensitivity to how something tastes.

Muscle Dysmorphia- -obsessive preoccupation via exaggerated belief that one's own body is too small, too skinny, insufficiently muscular, although in most cases, the individual's build is normal or even exceptionally large and muscular already.

Pica Eating Disorder- Pica is an eating disorder that involves eating items that are not typically thought of as food and that do not contain significant nutritional value, such as hair, dirt, and paint chips.

Orthorexia - Although not formally recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, awareness about orthorexia is on the rise. The term ‘orthorexia’ was coined in 1998 and means an obsession with proper or ‘healthful’ eating.

Vitamins - they help the body use carbs, proteins, fats. (3-5 servings)

Vitamin A - good for skin and eyesight

Vitamin B Complex - Healthy Nerves

Vitamin C - Improves immune system

Vitamin D - Sun Vitamin. Build strong teeth and bones

Vitamin E - different functions of the nerves and muscles

Vitamin K - prevents blood clotting.

Minerals - components of food that are involved in many body functions.

Calcium - Needs to build bones, nails, and teeth.

Phosphorus - Formation of bones and teeth; helps in how the body uses carbohydrates and fats

Potassium - eliminates muscles cramps and lowers blood pressure.

Magnesium - Maintain normal nerve and muscle function, support a healthy immune system.

Iron - Essential for developing RBC.

Zinc - maintains Vitamin E levels in the blood. Strengthens body immunity.

Protein - needed for the continuous growth and repair of the body tissues. (2-3 servings)

Fats - provide another source of heat and energy and can help the body store vitamins. (6-8 Teaspoons)

Iodine - necessary for the normal function of the thyroid gland (goiter)

Salt - Is an electrolyte that regulates the amount of water in our body



Monounsaturated Fat - are found in olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, and in nuts. Intake of it will decrease the level of cholesterol as well as protecting the good cholesterol (HDL) from going down.

Polyunsaturated Fat - are extremely healthful because they prevent the body from heart attack. There are two categories of this; the OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6. OMEGA-3s, are used to produce hormone with anti-inflammatory effects. Sources of this are salmon, sardines, and mackerel. OMEGA-6s help in lowering the level of bad cholesterol.


Saturated - It is primarily found in high fat cuts of meat, skin poultry products, dairy products- butter, and tropical oils- coconut, palm, and palm kernel oils. Eating a meal that is high in saturated fat can caused bad cholesterol (LDL) and will lead to heart diseases.

Hydrogenated - also known as TRANSFAT, are considered as manufactured fats. It can be found in margarine and vegetable shortening.



  • Physical Activity - any bodily movement produced by the skeletal muscles that result in energy expenditure.

    • energy expenditure is measured in kilocalories.

    • Improves physical well being

    • Sound Mental and Emotional Health

    • Improves family and social relationships.


Exercise - is a subset of physical activity that is structured & formed.

Kenneth Cooper - is a researcher that researched low-intensity aerobic exercises that contributed to preventing the appearance of cardiovascular diseases.

Aerobic Exercises - also known as “cardio” or “requiring free oxygen”.

Anaerobic Exercises - are done quickly in a short period of time. Usually involves pushing against a source of resistance to improve strength.

TAEBO - Total Awareness Excellence Body Obedience

  • developed by martial artist Billy Bank in 1976.

  • incorporates martial arts.

  • arts of self-defense, boxing, and dance.

    TAE - feet

    BO - short for boxing.

Hip-hop Abs - in 2006 became the most popular workout program.

  • targets all abdominal muscles.

Shaun T - born on May 2, 1978

Dynamic - are controlled movements that prepare your muscles.

Static - stretches should be used as part of a cool-down routine.

**FLEXIBILITY EXERCISES -**Involving stretching activities that improve the range of your muscles and joints.

  1. Calisthenics - body weights. (Push/Pull Ups)

  2. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) - repetitions of short bursts of high intensity exercise.

  3. Boot Camps - combine aerobic and resistance exercises.

  4. Balance & Stability - strengthens muscles and improves body coordination.


  • Individuality - people vary in exercises

  • Trainability - people respond differently to the same training stimulus.

  • Specificity - training must be specific to an individual goal

  • Overload - you get improvements by doing a bit more

  • Progress Overload - improvements by doing a bit more each time.

  • Variety - for optimal adaptation, to avoid injuries, exercise must be varied.

  • Rest - to get the best out of your exercise.

  • Reversibility - all beneficial effects are reversible if exercise ceases.

  • Maintenance - keep fitness than create it.

  • Ceiling - diminishing returns with exercise.

  • Interference - you can’t have it all at once.

  • Frequency - How often

  • Intensity - How hard

  • Time - How long

  • Type - Specific physical activity chosen to improve a component.


Zumba - is an exercise fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto "Beto" Perez during the 1990s.

Zumba is a dance fitness program that uses Latin and international rhythm, cardio-based dance moves, which is fun and involves dance and aerobic movements with choreography that incorporates hiphop, samba, salsa, merengue, cumbia and reggaeton.

Rumbacize - is the original name of Zumba. It is a combination of tumba (“to party”) and Jazzercize (dance fitness company).


Zumba Gold - is a program designed for beginners and older people.

Zumba Step - is a lower-body workout that incorporates Zumba routines and step aerobics with Latin dance rhythms.

Zumba Toning - is for people who do their workouts with toning sticks. It targets the abs, thighs, arms, and other muscles throughout the body. This type of Zumba class provides participants with a cardio workout and strength training.

Aqua Zumba - classes are held in a swimming pool. The instructor leads the class poolside while participants follow in shallow water. Moves have been specially adapted to combine the same dance movements used in a Zumba Fitness class with those used in aqua fitness classes.

Circuit Zumba/Zumba - in the Circuit combines dance with circuit training. These classes usually last 30 minutes and feature strength exercises on various stations in timed intervals.

Zumba Kids and Zumba Kids Jr. - classes are designed for children between the ages of 7 and 11. Also known as Zumbatomic.

Zumba Gold Toning - is a toning class for older participants with goals of improving


Management - the act of handling responsibilities, carrying, controlling, and directing people towards a common goal.

Planning - designing or identifying the method to be used to managing the activities.

Organizing - implementing a plan in a systematic way.

Leading - supervising all personnel included in the program.

Controlling - measurement and correction of performance to make sure the objectives are accomplished.


Finance and Resources- raises funds for expenses of all the committees and prepares statements of account at the end of the event

Program and Invitation- prepares the program of activities and invitations in due time

Peace and Order - provide and maintains round the clock general order and security in the venues

Physical Facilities - prepares the necessary facilities and venues needed in the events

Prizes and Awards- prepares medals, certificates, cash, prizes and awards to be given to the winners and judges or officials.


Food Guide - shows many servings do you need to eat from each food group in a day.

Eating Habits -refers to why and which food they eat and how people eat.

Factors that affect one’s eating habits:

Cost of Food - often the cost of food may affect the kinds of food your family buys regularly. This factor determines the kinds of food you actually eat.

Convenience of Food - is most likely to be tempted to eat some food with reach because they are convenient, and so may eat them more often.

Traditions/Religions - Family traditions or your cultural background may be another reason that affects the types of foods you decide to eat. There may be kinds of food that are restricted in your family. There are families who are vegetarians. And do not serve meat in the family. There are also those who observe the no-pork diet.

Availabiltiy of Food in the Area - the food that are available in your local area may consist a large part of your diet.

Personal Taste - has a lot to do with what you choose to eat. If you like a certain food, you are more likely to eat it from often.

Food which most of your friends eat -friends have a great influence on the kinds of food that you choose to eat.

Types of Eating:

Emotional Eating - when you are hungry, you look for food, and eat until you are satisfied, or you are used to the time that you take your meals.

Social Eating - social gathering such as parties. When one joins friends for any unattended eating for the sake of being sociable is experiencing social eating.

Eating while watching - watching television is favourite past times of every one regardless of age. Playing computer is also fast becoming a part of one’s activity especially among the youngsters. Developed this kind of habit should understand the risk behind such practice

Fueling Performance - When participating in a vigorous activity whether it be in sports, dance, or any event, you need to eat well to optimize your performance and body functioning. Food provides the necessary substance to fuel your energy, and to make your muscles and bones strong.

Basic Nutrients - Nutrients are chemical substances in food that provide energy and assist in the functioning of various body processes.

Water - is essential nutrient because it is required in amounts that exceed the body’s ability to produce it. r helps to maintain homeostasis in the body and transports nutrients to cells. Water also assists in removing waste products from the body.

MINERAL WATER - comes from natural springs with varying mineral content and widely varying taste


PURIFIED WATER- comes from natural carbonation, treated for harmful bacteria, chemicals and minerals.

TAP WATER- is readily available in your faucet. It is the cheapest drink you will have.

Carbohydrates - body’s main source of heat and energy.

Eating Disorders

Bulimia Nervosa - Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior in order to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting; misuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas, or other medications; fasting; or excessive exercise.

Anorexia Nervosa- Characterized by excessive weight loss, Self-starvation, Preoccupation with foods, progressing restrictions against whole categories of food, Anxiety about gaining weight or being “fat” and Denial of hunger.

Selective Eating Disorder- -also called picky eating, is an extreme sensitivity to how something tastes.

Muscle Dysmorphia- -obsessive preoccupation via exaggerated belief that one's own body is too small, too skinny, insufficiently muscular, although in most cases, the individual's build is normal or even exceptionally large and muscular already.

Pica Eating Disorder- Pica is an eating disorder that involves eating items that are not typically thought of as food and that do not contain significant nutritional value, such as hair, dirt, and paint chips.

Orthorexia - Although not formally recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, awareness about orthorexia is on the rise. The term ‘orthorexia’ was coined in 1998 and means an obsession with proper or ‘healthful’ eating.

Vitamins - they help the body use carbs, proteins, fats. (3-5 servings)

Vitamin A - good for skin and eyesight

Vitamin B Complex - Healthy Nerves

Vitamin C - Improves immune system

Vitamin D - Sun Vitamin. Build strong teeth and bones

Vitamin E - different functions of the nerves and muscles

Vitamin K - prevents blood clotting.

Minerals - components of food that are involved in many body functions.

Calcium - Needs to build bones, nails, and teeth.

Phosphorus - Formation of bones and teeth; helps in how the body uses carbohydrates and fats

Potassium - eliminates muscles cramps and lowers blood pressure.

Magnesium - Maintain normal nerve and muscle function, support a healthy immune system.

Iron - Essential for developing RBC.

Zinc - maintains Vitamin E levels in the blood. Strengthens body immunity.

Protein - needed for the continuous growth and repair of the body tissues. (2-3 servings)

Fats - provide another source of heat and energy and can help the body store vitamins. (6-8 Teaspoons)

Iodine - necessary for the normal function of the thyroid gland (goiter)

Salt - Is an electrolyte that regulates the amount of water in our body



Monounsaturated Fat - are found in olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil, and in nuts. Intake of it will decrease the level of cholesterol as well as protecting the good cholesterol (HDL) from going down.

Polyunsaturated Fat - are extremely healthful because they prevent the body from heart attack. There are two categories of this; the OMEGA-3 and OMEGA-6. OMEGA-3s, are used to produce hormone with anti-inflammatory effects. Sources of this are salmon, sardines, and mackerel. OMEGA-6s help in lowering the level of bad cholesterol.


Saturated - It is primarily found in high fat cuts of meat, skin poultry products, dairy products- butter, and tropical oils- coconut, palm, and palm kernel oils. Eating a meal that is high in saturated fat can caused bad cholesterol (LDL) and will lead to heart diseases.

Hydrogenated - also known as TRANSFAT, are considered as manufactured fats. It can be found in margarine and vegetable shortening.
