GregMat Group 2

adulterate - damage the quality of; corrupt

advocate - support; be in favor of someone who supports a cause, organization, or person

aggrandize - enhance one's power or standing

alacrity- eagerness to do something

ambivalent - having conflicting emotions; unsure

ameliorate - improve a bad feeling or bad situation

amenable - (of a person) receptive to change; open (of a thing) responsive to

anachronistic - of the wrong time or era

audacious - 1. bold; unafraid of risks 2. rude; exhibiting disrespect

avaricious- greedy; always wanting more

banal- unoriginal and dull; lacking creativity

benign- 1. harmless; having little effect 2. (of a person's character) kind hearted; nice

brazen- shameless and excessively forward

calumny - slander and defamation

candid - honest; without deception

castigate - scold someone harshly

caustic - 1. (of speech) hostile and bitter 2. (of a chemical) corrosive; acidic

construe - understand something subjectively

contrite - feeling regretful or guilty

convoluted - difficult to understand or follow.

covet - strongly desire; yearn for

craven - lacking bravery; weak-kneed

decorum - politeness and proper behavior

deft - highly proficient; skilled

demur - 1. hesitate or object; express doubt 2. hesitation

derivative - based on someone else's work (often used in a negative sense)

desiccate - dry out; remove all moisture

diatribe - an angry rant; verbal abuse

incredulous - doubtful and disbelieving

ingenuous - naive and lacking experience
