WC Review Q’s
Choose the best possible answer to the following:
1. The earliest recorded histories of civilization center around this so-called “cradle of civilization” circa 4000-3000 BCE: a. along the Indus River b. Yellow (Huang He) River c. Between the Nile and the Tigris/Euphrates Rivers d. Along the Amazon River e. Along the Zambesi River
2. Which of the following is a result of the interaction of humans and the environment in Africa?
a. the use of hieroglyphics b. desertification due to poor crop rotation c. the development of Swahili d. drought
3. The Infant Mortality rate of a country is a good indicator of the level of
a. Education b. Health care c. Housing d. Government efficiency
4. Which pair best describes a cause-and-effect relationship in ancient Egypt?
a. Egyptians were polytheistic - People believed in life after death.
b. Pharaohs ruled ancient Egypt - Priests had high status.
c. The Nile Valley was fertile - its farmlands supported early civilization.
d. Egyptian priests had knowledge of astronomy - Egyptian civilization survived for thousands of years.
5. To identify the location of a place, you would most likely describe its:
a. latitude and longitude b. culture c. vegetation d. exports and imports
e. all of these
6. In France, a person drinks coffee imported from Brazil, works at a computer made in Japan, and uses gasoline from Saudi Arabia in a German automobile. This situation illustrates the concept of:
a. empathy b. interdependence c. scarcity d. world citizenship. e. Infrastructure
7. Two major factors that affect the climate of a place:
a. resources and vegetation b. altitude and latitude c. population and culture
d. longitude and landforms e. diamonds and gold
8. The main purpose of any economic system is to:
a. produce and distribute goods and services. b. provide for equal distribution of wealth among the people. c. provide equal opportunity for individual prosperity. d. ensure that all members of society have adequate resources
9. The structures and facilities that support the operation of an organization is called a/an
a. system b. maintenance c. support staff d. infrastructure e. hierarchy
10. A comparison of a map that shows the physical features of the Earth with a map that shows population density would most likely lead to the conclusion that:
a. physical features are not related to where people live. b. physical features determine a nation's system of government. c. the most industrialized countries are in the southern hemisphere.
d. the areas with the best water resources are the most heavily populated.
11. The study of culture primarily involves:
a. observing the physical environment of people b. learning why various peoples live as they do c. understanding the technology of modern machinery d. analyzing the personalities of children in the same family.
12. The rate of cultural change has increased in this century largely because of:
a. technology b. climate changes c. racism. d. the spread of monotheism
13. Not entirely believing and accepting everything you hear and read is an acceptable definition for:
a. falsehood b. philosophy c. skepticism d. absolute truth e. all of these
14. Earth's approximate distance from the sun: a. 5760 ft. b. 93 million feet
c. 93 million kilometers d. 39,000 miles e. 93 million miles
15. On June 21 the sun's rays strike the earth at the: a. North Pole b. Equator
c. Arctic Circle d. Tropic of Cancer e. Tropic of Capricorn
16. The shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere is: a. Dec. 21 b. March 21
c. June 21 d. Sept. 21 e. none of these
17. The earth's axis is tilted at: a. 10.5 degrees b. 48.5 degrees c. 50 degrees
d. 45.5 degrees e. none of these
18. The dates on which both poles are equidistant from the sun are:
a. Sept. 21 & Mar. 21 b. Dec. 21 & June 21 c. June 21 & Sept. 21
d. June 21 & Mar. 21
19. Which of the following is NOT a system of government: a. monarchy b. dictatorship
c. constitutional democracy d. theocracy e. aristocracy
20 The antipode of Hawaii is: a. Botswana b. Tuvalu c. Sumatra d. Swaziland
e. Namibia
21. The population of Hawaii is approximately: a. 0.5 million b. 1.0 million
c. 1.5 million d. 2.0 million e. 1.5 billion
22. Many cultures living under one flag, a diverse cultural population:
a. Pluralism b. Communism c. Marxism d. Racism e. Fascism
23. The growth of the proportion of people living in cities is called: a. industrialization
b. socialization c. urbanization d. canonization e. none of these
24. Which of the following revolutions introduced machines to replace human labor in the 1800’s?
a. Urban b. Agricultural c. American d. Industrial
25. When new immigrants try to blend in to the dominant culture:
a. cultural rigidity b. revitalization c. assimilation d. cultural diffusion
26. Free markets, competition, entrepreneurs, are all indicators of this kind of economic system: a. capitalism b. socialism c. communism d. slavery e. all of these
My Voting district: (same as House) #____48____.
My local House representative is__________Lisa Kitagawa_______________.
My Senate representative is _________Brenton Awa______________.
My City Council Representative is __________Esther Kiaaina________.
27. HART is an acronym for a. Hawaii Association for Runners and Trainers
b. Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation c. Hawaii Association for Rail Technicians d. Honolulu Attorneys for Rapid Trials
28. Which of the following is NOT a Hawaii representative in Washington DC?
a. Hirono b. Schatz c. Takai d. Caldwell e. Gabbard
29. Which of the following is NOT an archipelago? a. Hawaii b. Japan c. Indonesia
d. Philippines e. Nigeria