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Week 12 | Day 3 | PSYA02

Week 12 | Day 3 | PSYA02

— Continuing from the last lecture —

Gender Differences in Aggression

  • Men more aggressive than woman
    • 7x more likely to commit violent crimes (also more likely to shock people as seen in an experiment)

Gender Differences in Empathy

  • Women more empathetic than men
    • More likely to show “considerate” social behaviours (eg. smiling, expressing interest, apologizing)
    • More likely to develop emotionally-supported relationship

Gender Differences in Sex Drive

  • Men have higher sex drive. More willing to have casual sex than women
    • If random attractive stranger went up to experiment participant
      • Men: 75% say yes
      • Women: 0% say no
    • How many want multiple partners?
      • Men: 25%
      • Women: 3%
    • Men 6x more likely to use pornography

Origins of Gender Differences

  • Explanations for these gender differences:
  1. Evolutionary explanation
    • Natural selection favoured gender differences
  2. Sociocultural Explanation
    • Social Learning Theory: indicates that children learn gender roles by copying others and seeing what behavior is rewarded or punished
  3. Sex double standard as a cultural explanation
  4. Evolutionary Explanation For Gender Differences
  • Men benefit from aggression; helps men hunt, fight, and defend offspring
  • Women benefit from empathy; helps them be better childcare providers
  • Women have lower sex drive; be more selective in partners and helps parental investment
  1. Sociocultural Explanations For Gender Differences
  • Social learning teaches children to conform to gender roles at an early age
    • Men expected to be more aggressive and less nurturing (“man up”/ “boys will be boys”)
  1. Sex double standard as a cultural explanation for gender differences
  • Men’s casual sex is praised, women are shamed
  • Cultures and their amount of gender equality influences sexual activities as well (more gender equality = more likely to have a higher sex drive)


  • Scheduled for 2 hours but the duration is actually 90 minutes
  • 45 multiple-choice questions (aim for 2 minutes/question)
  • Cumulative

Week 12 | Day 3 | PSYA02

Week 12 | Day 3 | PSYA02

— Continuing from the last lecture —

Gender Differences in Aggression

  • Men more aggressive than woman
    • 7x more likely to commit violent crimes (also more likely to shock people as seen in an experiment)

Gender Differences in Empathy

  • Women more empathetic than men
    • More likely to show “considerate” social behaviours (eg. smiling, expressing interest, apologizing)
    • More likely to develop emotionally-supported relationship

Gender Differences in Sex Drive

  • Men have higher sex drive. More willing to have casual sex than women
    • If random attractive stranger went up to experiment participant
      • Men: 75% say yes
      • Women: 0% say no
    • How many want multiple partners?
      • Men: 25%
      • Women: 3%
    • Men 6x more likely to use pornography

Origins of Gender Differences

  • Explanations for these gender differences:
  1. Evolutionary explanation
    • Natural selection favoured gender differences
  2. Sociocultural Explanation
    • Social Learning Theory: indicates that children learn gender roles by copying others and seeing what behavior is rewarded or punished
  3. Sex double standard as a cultural explanation
  4. Evolutionary Explanation For Gender Differences
  • Men benefit from aggression; helps men hunt, fight, and defend offspring
  • Women benefit from empathy; helps them be better childcare providers
  • Women have lower sex drive; be more selective in partners and helps parental investment
  1. Sociocultural Explanations For Gender Differences
  • Social learning teaches children to conform to gender roles at an early age
    • Men expected to be more aggressive and less nurturing (“man up”/ “boys will be boys”)
  1. Sex double standard as a cultural explanation for gender differences
  • Men’s casual sex is praised, women are shamed
  • Cultures and their amount of gender equality influences sexual activities as well (more gender equality = more likely to have a higher sex drive)


  • Scheduled for 2 hours but the duration is actually 90 minutes
  • 45 multiple-choice questions (aim for 2 minutes/question)
  • Cumulative