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Ap World Unit 2

Unit 2: Networks of Exchange Exam Study Guide

C. 1200 - c. 1450

Topic 2.1 Silk Roads

Learning Objective
Explain the causes and effects of growth of networks of exchange after 1200.

Historical Developments
Improved commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes— including the Silk Roads—promoting the growth of powerful new trading cities
Trading cities: KashgarSamarkand
The growth of interregional trade in luxury goods was encouraged by innovations in previously existing transportation and commercial technologies, including the caravanserai, forms of credit, and the development of money economies.
New forms of credit and money economies:Bills of exchangeBanking housesUse of paper money 
Demand for luxury goods increased in AfroEurasia. Chinese, Persian, and Indian artisans and merchants expanded their production of textiles and porcelains for export; manufacture of iron and steel expanded in China.

Explain the various factors that led to the growth of the Silk Road trade networks in the 1200 - 1450 time period:           Improved commercial practices, caravanserai, forms of credit, and the n        development of money economies  
What luxury goods were often traded along the Silk Roads? Silk, cotton, porcelain, and spices 

What transportation technologies facilitated trade along the Silk Roads? The horse stirrup, saddle fir horses and cattle. The caravan along trade routes

What commercial technology facilitated trade along the Silk Roads? The forms of credit, the use of paper money, making trade mre streamlined. Eliminating 

Topic 2.2 The Mongol Empire and the Making of the Modern World

Learning Objective
Explain the process of state building and decline in Eurasia over time.

Historical Developments
Empires collapsed in different regions of the world and in some areas were replaced by new imperial states, including the Mongol khanates.

Explain how the Mongol Khanates developed: Following the death of Möngke Khan, the 4 Khanates developed due to a lack of a declared successor. Many of his kin declared themselves the Great Khan and none were widely accepted, so they split into 4 khanates. The lack of a strong unifying leader caused the Mongols to lose some of their power as they were no longer the great force that they had been under Ghengis Khan.

Learning Objective
Explain how the expansion of empires influenced trade and communication over time.

Historical Developments
The expansion of empires—including the Mongols—facilitated Afro-Eurasian trade and communication as new people were drawn into their conquerors’ economies and trade networks.

Explain how the Mongol Khanates facilitated trade in Afro-Eurasia: The Mongol Khanates facilitated trade in Afro-Eurasia by encouraging it. As well, they protected travelers and traders using the trade routes and developed travel documents which made it so that one had to get permission to travel from place to place

**Learning Objective

**Explain the significance of the Mongol Empire in larger patterns of continuity and change.

Historical Developments
Interregional contacts and conflicts between states and empires, including the Mongols, encouraged significant technological and cultural transfers
Technological and cultural transfers:Transfer of Greco– Islamic medical knowledge to western EuropeTransfer of numbering systems to EuropeAdoption of Uyghur script

Describe some of the cultural transfers that resulted from the Mongol khanates: Some cultural transfers during the Mongol Khanates were the transfer of religions such as Buddhism and Christianity, the transfer of medical knowledge to western Europe, and the adoption of the Uyghur script. They also adopted many aspects of Indian culture both in the way that they ruled and religiously

Topic 2.3 Exchange in the Indian Ocean

Learning Objective
Explain the causes of the growth of networks of exchange after 1200.

Historical Developments
Improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes, including the Indian Ocean, promoting the growth of powerful new trading cities.
The growth of interregional trade in luxury goods was encouraged by significant innovations in previously existing transportation and commercial technologies, including the use of the compass, the astrolabe, and larger ship designs (junk and dhow ships).
The Indian Ocean trading network fostered the growth of states such as: City-states of the Swahili-CoastGujaratSultanate of Malacca

Explain the various factors that led to the growth of the Indian Ocean trade networks in the 1200 - 1450 time period: 
Factors that led to the growth of the Indian Ocean trade networks include developments in luxury goods, innovations in technology for travel/transport, and new forms of credit/monetization. As well, the reliability of the monsoon winds was another factor that led to the growth of this market

What technologies facilitated trade in the Indian Ocean during the 1200-1450 time period? Technologies that facilitated Indian Ocean trade include the use of new types of ships such as Chinese junk ships and Arab dhow, an increased understanding of monsoon winds, improvements in the magnetic compass, and new ways to determine latitude and longitude such as the astrolabe

Explain the impact that Indian Ocean trade had on the Swahili city-states: Indian Ocean trade had a large impact on Swahili city states as it brought the art of writing to a group of people whose history up until that point had been entirely oral. Many of the city states adopted some form of Arabic either as their writing form, either as their writing form or incorporated parts into their spoken language. It also brought Islam, and the area rapidly became predominantly Muslim

Learning Objective
Explain the effects of the growth of networks of exchange after 1200.

Historical Developments
In key places along important trade routes, merchants set up diasporic communities where they introduced their own cultural traditions into the indigenous cultures and, in turn, indigenous cultures influenced merchant cultures.
Interregional contacts and conflicts between states and empires encouraged significant technological and cultural transfers, including during Chinese maritime activity led by Ming Admiral Zheng He.
Diasporic communities:Arab and Persian communities in East AfricaChinese merchant communities in Southeast AsiaMalay communities in the Indian Ocean basin

How did the Indian Ocean trade networks spread culture throughout the region? Indian Ocean trade networks spread culture throughout the region by allowing for religions and different aspects of cultures to travel along with the traders to their destinations. Because of this, Indonesia became a dominantly Islamic country whereas other places became fond of Buddhism which originated in India.

Describe a diasporic community that resulted from the Indian Ocean trade: An example of a diasporic community that resulted from the Indian ocean trade would be Chinese merchant communities in Southeast Asia. They would travel from China for trade and set up small communities where they could take part in their own culture while also integrating with the local culture. In many cases, both cultures influenced each other and they brought certain parts back to their people.

Learning Objective
Explain the role of environmental factors in the development of networks of exchange in the period from c. 1200 to c. 1450.

Historical Developments
The expansion and intensification of long distance trade routes often depended on environmental knowledge, including advanced knowledge of the monsoon winds.

What role did (specific) environmental factors play in the development of the Indian Ocean trade network? Merchants had to wait in ports for months and time their voyages carefully due to the monsoon winds and what direction they originated from.

Topic 2.4 Trans-Saharan Trade Routes

Learning Objective
Explain the causes and effects of the growth of trans-Saharan trade.

Historical Developments
The growth of interregional trade was encouraged by innovations in existing transportation technologies.
Improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes, including the trans-Saharan trade network.
Technologies encouraging interregional trade:Camel saddle**Caravans**

Explain the various factors that led to the growth of the Trans-Saharan trade networks in the 1200 - 1450 time period: Pastoral groups were key in the growth of the Trans-Saharan trade networks. As well, the pre-existing routes and newly developed ones led to the trade routes growing and strengthening. Improved transportation technology and commercial practices were another factor that led to the increase in trade.

What effects did this trade route have on the African continent (and beyond)? This trade route built the economies of the African city-states, spread African culture, and helped in the diffusion of religions. Written language was spread using the routes, and so were regions such as Islam. As well, many of the city states built their economies off of the trade from the routes, and they allowed for goods and culture to make it from one place to another.

What technologies facilitated trade along the trans-Saharan trade networks? Improved camel saddles and caravans were some of the technologies that facilitated trade along the Trans-Saharan trade networks. They made it easier to transport larger amounts of goods further distances to be traded.

Learning Objective
Explain how the expansion of empires influenced trade and communication over time.

Historical Developments
The expansion of empires—including Mali in West Africa–facilitated Afro-Eurasian trade and communication as new people were drawn into the economies and trade networks.

Explain the connection between Mali in West Africa and trade and communication. Mali was a major city-state at the time. As people were drawn to the economies and trade in Mali, they became a major facilitator of Afro-Eurasian trade and communication.

TOPIC 2.5 Cultural Consequences of Connectivity

Learning Objective
Explain the intellectual and cultural effects of the various networks of exchange in Afro-Eurasia from c. 1200 to c. 1450.

Historical Developments
Increased cross-cultural interactions resulted in the diffusion of literary, artistic, and cultural traditions, as well as scientific and technological innovations
Diffusion of cultural traditions:The influence of Buddhism in East AsiaThe spread of Hinduism and Buddhism into Southeast AsiaThe spread of Islam in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia
Diffusion of scientific or technological innovations:Gunpowder from ChinaPaper from China
The fate of cities varied greatly, with periods of significant decline and periods of increased urbanization, buoyed by rising productivity and expanding trade networks.
As exchange networks intensified, an increasing number of travelers within AfroEurasia wrote about their travels.
Travelers:Ibn BattutaMargery KempeMarco Polo

Give a few examples of cultural transfers that occurred as a result of trade networks in the 1200-1450 time period: Some examples of cultural transfers that occurred as a result of trade networks in the 1200-1450 time period were the spread of religions. Buddhism, and more specifically Mahayana Buddhism, spread through the Silk Roads and the Indian Ocean trade networks. As well, Hinduism made its way all the way from India to Cambodia, as seen by the massive Angkor Wat
Give examples of the diffusion of scientific/technological innovations that occurred as a result of trade networks in the 1200-1450 time period. Examples of scientific/technological innovations that occurred during this time include the spread of medical knowledge, gunpowder from China, and improvements upon the magnetic compass. Other examples include new types of sails, ships, and saddles that could be used to transport people and goods along the routes. Paper and silk were also examples of technological innovations at the time

TOPIC 2.6 Environmental Consequences of Connectivity

Learning Objective
Explain the environmental effects of the various networks of exchange in Afro-Eurasia from c. 1200 to c. 1450.

Historical Developments
There was continued diffusion of crops and pathogens, with epidemic diseases, including the bubonic plague, along trade routes.
Diffusion of crops:Bananas in AfricaNew rice varieties in East AsiaSpread of citrus in the Mediterranean

Describe some positive environmental effects of the various networks of exchange from c. 1200 to 1450. A positive environmental effect of the various trade networks was the diffusion of crops. Fast-ripening, drought-resistant Champa rice was one of these crop diffusions. It allowed for a guaranteed crop yield and encouraged terrace farming. Another example would be chinampas or floating gardens that aided in irrigation in the Americas
Describe some negative environmental effects of the various networks of exchange from c. 1200 to 1450. Some negative environmental effects included the spread of the plague and various depletion of resources. The Black Death made its way from China to Europe and devastated the population. New farming techniques led to deforestation, overgrazing, and soil erosion.

TOPIC 2.7 Comparison of Economic Exchange

The final topic in this unit focuses on the skill of argumentation and so provides an opportunity for your students to draw upon the key concepts and historical developments they have studied in this unit. Using evidence relevant to this unit’s key concepts, students should practice the suggested skill for this topic.

Learning Objective
Explain the similarities and differences among the various networks of exchange in the period from c. 1200 to c. 1450.

Historical Developments
A deepening and widening of networks of human interaction within and across regions contributed to cultural, technological, and biological diffusion within and between various societies.Improved commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes—including the Silk Roads—promoting the growth of powerful new trading cities.The growth of interregional trade in luxury goods was encouraged by innovations in previously existing transportation and commercial technologies, including the caravanserai, forms of credit, and the development of money economies.
Changes in trade networks resulted from and stimulated increasing productive capacity, with important implications for social and gender structures and environmental processesDemand for luxury goods increased in Afro-Eurasia. Chinese, Persian, and Indian artisans and merchants expanded their production of textiles and porcelains for export; manufacture of iron and steel expanded in China.


Instructions:  Write a contextual statement for each of the prompts below. This will not only help you review content from Unit 1 (1200-1450), but also help you practice writing context statements which, if done successfully, can earn you one point on both the DBQ and LEQ essays.

To earn this point, the response must relate the topic of the prompt to broader historical events, developments, or processes that occur before, during, or continue after the time frame of the question. This point is not awarded for merely a phrase or reference.

The final sentence of your context should narrow down to the topic of the prompt, tying your contextual statement to your thesis statement.

Prompt 1: Evaluate the extent to which new transportation technologies changed economic activity in the period circa 1200 to 1450.

Caravanserai’s made travel safer and easier, there was more room/ more goods could be transported because of “junks”. In the sea/ ocean the Lateen sail helped combat winds, and the compass helped for navigation in both water and on land. Along with water inventions the astrolabe told sailors their latitude which also helped with navigation. Back on land camels helped with travel across deserts because they could last a long time without water. Buddhist monasteries also helped with providing merchants with a place to stay during their voyages. 

Prompt 2: Evaluate the extent to which networks of exchange impacted religious activities in the period 1200 to 1450 CE.

During the period of 1200 to 1450, religions were spreading via the trade routes. As the Mongols built their empire and controlled the Silk Road, the spread of religions was also facilitated. Islam spreads via the Indian Ocean trade route to India, and Southeast Asia was introduced to Buddhism and Hinduism.

Prompt 3: Evaluate the extent to which trade networks influenced the expansion of empires in the 1200 to 1450 time period.

During the time period of 1200 to 1450, trade networks influenced the expansion of empires by determining the rank of each empire. For example, the Mongols took control of the majority of the trade routes along the Silk Road, allowing them to spread and influence parts of Eurasia. This meant that the better the economy was in an empire, the larger and more powerful it became.

Prompt 4: Evaluate the extent to which trade networks facilitated cultural and technological transfers in the 1200 to 1450 time period.

Trade networks influenced the expansion of networks to a moderate extent. Trade brought communication and influenced many to join the empires because of the draw of booming economies and trade. They also brought an increase in revenue to the developing empires which allowed them to build their economies and increase their strength. Examples of this include the city-states in Africa. Mali, one of those city-states, based its economy on trade, and without it they would not have been able to reach the strength that they had. On top of this, the trade routes connected different empires that were able to work together to reach a common goal such as the removal of another empire. These are some of the influences that trade had on the expansion of empires, and these examples give insight into the extent of the influence.

Ap World Unit 2

Unit 2: Networks of Exchange Exam Study Guide

C. 1200 - c. 1450

Topic 2.1 Silk Roads

Learning Objective
Explain the causes and effects of growth of networks of exchange after 1200.

Historical Developments
Improved commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes— including the Silk Roads—promoting the growth of powerful new trading cities
Trading cities: KashgarSamarkand
The growth of interregional trade in luxury goods was encouraged by innovations in previously existing transportation and commercial technologies, including the caravanserai, forms of credit, and the development of money economies.
New forms of credit and money economies:Bills of exchangeBanking housesUse of paper money 
Demand for luxury goods increased in AfroEurasia. Chinese, Persian, and Indian artisans and merchants expanded their production of textiles and porcelains for export; manufacture of iron and steel expanded in China.

Explain the various factors that led to the growth of the Silk Road trade networks in the 1200 - 1450 time period:           Improved commercial practices, caravanserai, forms of credit, and the n        development of money economies  
What luxury goods were often traded along the Silk Roads? Silk, cotton, porcelain, and spices 

What transportation technologies facilitated trade along the Silk Roads? The horse stirrup, saddle fir horses and cattle. The caravan along trade routes

What commercial technology facilitated trade along the Silk Roads? The forms of credit, the use of paper money, making trade mre streamlined. Eliminating 

Topic 2.2 The Mongol Empire and the Making of the Modern World

Learning Objective
Explain the process of state building and decline in Eurasia over time.

Historical Developments
Empires collapsed in different regions of the world and in some areas were replaced by new imperial states, including the Mongol khanates.

Explain how the Mongol Khanates developed: Following the death of Möngke Khan, the 4 Khanates developed due to a lack of a declared successor. Many of his kin declared themselves the Great Khan and none were widely accepted, so they split into 4 khanates. The lack of a strong unifying leader caused the Mongols to lose some of their power as they were no longer the great force that they had been under Ghengis Khan.

Learning Objective
Explain how the expansion of empires influenced trade and communication over time.

Historical Developments
The expansion of empires—including the Mongols—facilitated Afro-Eurasian trade and communication as new people were drawn into their conquerors’ economies and trade networks.

Explain how the Mongol Khanates facilitated trade in Afro-Eurasia: The Mongol Khanates facilitated trade in Afro-Eurasia by encouraging it. As well, they protected travelers and traders using the trade routes and developed travel documents which made it so that one had to get permission to travel from place to place

**Learning Objective

**Explain the significance of the Mongol Empire in larger patterns of continuity and change.

Historical Developments
Interregional contacts and conflicts between states and empires, including the Mongols, encouraged significant technological and cultural transfers
Technological and cultural transfers:Transfer of Greco– Islamic medical knowledge to western EuropeTransfer of numbering systems to EuropeAdoption of Uyghur script

Describe some of the cultural transfers that resulted from the Mongol khanates: Some cultural transfers during the Mongol Khanates were the transfer of religions such as Buddhism and Christianity, the transfer of medical knowledge to western Europe, and the adoption of the Uyghur script. They also adopted many aspects of Indian culture both in the way that they ruled and religiously

Topic 2.3 Exchange in the Indian Ocean

Learning Objective
Explain the causes of the growth of networks of exchange after 1200.

Historical Developments
Improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes, including the Indian Ocean, promoting the growth of powerful new trading cities.
The growth of interregional trade in luxury goods was encouraged by significant innovations in previously existing transportation and commercial technologies, including the use of the compass, the astrolabe, and larger ship designs (junk and dhow ships).
The Indian Ocean trading network fostered the growth of states such as: City-states of the Swahili-CoastGujaratSultanate of Malacca

Explain the various factors that led to the growth of the Indian Ocean trade networks in the 1200 - 1450 time period: 
Factors that led to the growth of the Indian Ocean trade networks include developments in luxury goods, innovations in technology for travel/transport, and new forms of credit/monetization. As well, the reliability of the monsoon winds was another factor that led to the growth of this market

What technologies facilitated trade in the Indian Ocean during the 1200-1450 time period? Technologies that facilitated Indian Ocean trade include the use of new types of ships such as Chinese junk ships and Arab dhow, an increased understanding of monsoon winds, improvements in the magnetic compass, and new ways to determine latitude and longitude such as the astrolabe

Explain the impact that Indian Ocean trade had on the Swahili city-states: Indian Ocean trade had a large impact on Swahili city states as it brought the art of writing to a group of people whose history up until that point had been entirely oral. Many of the city states adopted some form of Arabic either as their writing form, either as their writing form or incorporated parts into their spoken language. It also brought Islam, and the area rapidly became predominantly Muslim

Learning Objective
Explain the effects of the growth of networks of exchange after 1200.

Historical Developments
In key places along important trade routes, merchants set up diasporic communities where they introduced their own cultural traditions into the indigenous cultures and, in turn, indigenous cultures influenced merchant cultures.
Interregional contacts and conflicts between states and empires encouraged significant technological and cultural transfers, including during Chinese maritime activity led by Ming Admiral Zheng He.
Diasporic communities:Arab and Persian communities in East AfricaChinese merchant communities in Southeast AsiaMalay communities in the Indian Ocean basin

How did the Indian Ocean trade networks spread culture throughout the region? Indian Ocean trade networks spread culture throughout the region by allowing for religions and different aspects of cultures to travel along with the traders to their destinations. Because of this, Indonesia became a dominantly Islamic country whereas other places became fond of Buddhism which originated in India.

Describe a diasporic community that resulted from the Indian Ocean trade: An example of a diasporic community that resulted from the Indian ocean trade would be Chinese merchant communities in Southeast Asia. They would travel from China for trade and set up small communities where they could take part in their own culture while also integrating with the local culture. In many cases, both cultures influenced each other and they brought certain parts back to their people.

Learning Objective
Explain the role of environmental factors in the development of networks of exchange in the period from c. 1200 to c. 1450.

Historical Developments
The expansion and intensification of long distance trade routes often depended on environmental knowledge, including advanced knowledge of the monsoon winds.

What role did (specific) environmental factors play in the development of the Indian Ocean trade network? Merchants had to wait in ports for months and time their voyages carefully due to the monsoon winds and what direction they originated from.

Topic 2.4 Trans-Saharan Trade Routes

Learning Objective
Explain the causes and effects of the growth of trans-Saharan trade.

Historical Developments
The growth of interregional trade was encouraged by innovations in existing transportation technologies.
Improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes, including the trans-Saharan trade network.
Technologies encouraging interregional trade:Camel saddle**Caravans**

Explain the various factors that led to the growth of the Trans-Saharan trade networks in the 1200 - 1450 time period: Pastoral groups were key in the growth of the Trans-Saharan trade networks. As well, the pre-existing routes and newly developed ones led to the trade routes growing and strengthening. Improved transportation technology and commercial practices were another factor that led to the increase in trade.

What effects did this trade route have on the African continent (and beyond)? This trade route built the economies of the African city-states, spread African culture, and helped in the diffusion of religions. Written language was spread using the routes, and so were regions such as Islam. As well, many of the city states built their economies off of the trade from the routes, and they allowed for goods and culture to make it from one place to another.

What technologies facilitated trade along the trans-Saharan trade networks? Improved camel saddles and caravans were some of the technologies that facilitated trade along the Trans-Saharan trade networks. They made it easier to transport larger amounts of goods further distances to be traded.

Learning Objective
Explain how the expansion of empires influenced trade and communication over time.

Historical Developments
The expansion of empires—including Mali in West Africa–facilitated Afro-Eurasian trade and communication as new people were drawn into the economies and trade networks.

Explain the connection between Mali in West Africa and trade and communication. Mali was a major city-state at the time. As people were drawn to the economies and trade in Mali, they became a major facilitator of Afro-Eurasian trade and communication.

TOPIC 2.5 Cultural Consequences of Connectivity

Learning Objective
Explain the intellectual and cultural effects of the various networks of exchange in Afro-Eurasia from c. 1200 to c. 1450.

Historical Developments
Increased cross-cultural interactions resulted in the diffusion of literary, artistic, and cultural traditions, as well as scientific and technological innovations
Diffusion of cultural traditions:The influence of Buddhism in East AsiaThe spread of Hinduism and Buddhism into Southeast AsiaThe spread of Islam in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia
Diffusion of scientific or technological innovations:Gunpowder from ChinaPaper from China
The fate of cities varied greatly, with periods of significant decline and periods of increased urbanization, buoyed by rising productivity and expanding trade networks.
As exchange networks intensified, an increasing number of travelers within AfroEurasia wrote about their travels.
Travelers:Ibn BattutaMargery KempeMarco Polo

Give a few examples of cultural transfers that occurred as a result of trade networks in the 1200-1450 time period: Some examples of cultural transfers that occurred as a result of trade networks in the 1200-1450 time period were the spread of religions. Buddhism, and more specifically Mahayana Buddhism, spread through the Silk Roads and the Indian Ocean trade networks. As well, Hinduism made its way all the way from India to Cambodia, as seen by the massive Angkor Wat
Give examples of the diffusion of scientific/technological innovations that occurred as a result of trade networks in the 1200-1450 time period. Examples of scientific/technological innovations that occurred during this time include the spread of medical knowledge, gunpowder from China, and improvements upon the magnetic compass. Other examples include new types of sails, ships, and saddles that could be used to transport people and goods along the routes. Paper and silk were also examples of technological innovations at the time

TOPIC 2.6 Environmental Consequences of Connectivity

Learning Objective
Explain the environmental effects of the various networks of exchange in Afro-Eurasia from c. 1200 to c. 1450.

Historical Developments
There was continued diffusion of crops and pathogens, with epidemic diseases, including the bubonic plague, along trade routes.
Diffusion of crops:Bananas in AfricaNew rice varieties in East AsiaSpread of citrus in the Mediterranean

Describe some positive environmental effects of the various networks of exchange from c. 1200 to 1450. A positive environmental effect of the various trade networks was the diffusion of crops. Fast-ripening, drought-resistant Champa rice was one of these crop diffusions. It allowed for a guaranteed crop yield and encouraged terrace farming. Another example would be chinampas or floating gardens that aided in irrigation in the Americas
Describe some negative environmental effects of the various networks of exchange from c. 1200 to 1450. Some negative environmental effects included the spread of the plague and various depletion of resources. The Black Death made its way from China to Europe and devastated the population. New farming techniques led to deforestation, overgrazing, and soil erosion.

TOPIC 2.7 Comparison of Economic Exchange

The final topic in this unit focuses on the skill of argumentation and so provides an opportunity for your students to draw upon the key concepts and historical developments they have studied in this unit. Using evidence relevant to this unit’s key concepts, students should practice the suggested skill for this topic.

Learning Objective
Explain the similarities and differences among the various networks of exchange in the period from c. 1200 to c. 1450.

Historical Developments
A deepening and widening of networks of human interaction within and across regions contributed to cultural, technological, and biological diffusion within and between various societies.Improved commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade and expanded the geographical range of existing trade routes—including the Silk Roads—promoting the growth of powerful new trading cities.The growth of interregional trade in luxury goods was encouraged by innovations in previously existing transportation and commercial technologies, including the caravanserai, forms of credit, and the development of money economies.
Changes in trade networks resulted from and stimulated increasing productive capacity, with important implications for social and gender structures and environmental processesDemand for luxury goods increased in Afro-Eurasia. Chinese, Persian, and Indian artisans and merchants expanded their production of textiles and porcelains for export; manufacture of iron and steel expanded in China.


Instructions:  Write a contextual statement for each of the prompts below. This will not only help you review content from Unit 1 (1200-1450), but also help you practice writing context statements which, if done successfully, can earn you one point on both the DBQ and LEQ essays.

To earn this point, the response must relate the topic of the prompt to broader historical events, developments, or processes that occur before, during, or continue after the time frame of the question. This point is not awarded for merely a phrase or reference.

The final sentence of your context should narrow down to the topic of the prompt, tying your contextual statement to your thesis statement.

Prompt 1: Evaluate the extent to which new transportation technologies changed economic activity in the period circa 1200 to 1450.

Caravanserai’s made travel safer and easier, there was more room/ more goods could be transported because of “junks”. In the sea/ ocean the Lateen sail helped combat winds, and the compass helped for navigation in both water and on land. Along with water inventions the astrolabe told sailors their latitude which also helped with navigation. Back on land camels helped with travel across deserts because they could last a long time without water. Buddhist monasteries also helped with providing merchants with a place to stay during their voyages. 

Prompt 2: Evaluate the extent to which networks of exchange impacted religious activities in the period 1200 to 1450 CE.

During the period of 1200 to 1450, religions were spreading via the trade routes. As the Mongols built their empire and controlled the Silk Road, the spread of religions was also facilitated. Islam spreads via the Indian Ocean trade route to India, and Southeast Asia was introduced to Buddhism and Hinduism.

Prompt 3: Evaluate the extent to which trade networks influenced the expansion of empires in the 1200 to 1450 time period.

During the time period of 1200 to 1450, trade networks influenced the expansion of empires by determining the rank of each empire. For example, the Mongols took control of the majority of the trade routes along the Silk Road, allowing them to spread and influence parts of Eurasia. This meant that the better the economy was in an empire, the larger and more powerful it became.

Prompt 4: Evaluate the extent to which trade networks facilitated cultural and technological transfers in the 1200 to 1450 time period.

Trade networks influenced the expansion of networks to a moderate extent. Trade brought communication and influenced many to join the empires because of the draw of booming economies and trade. They also brought an increase in revenue to the developing empires which allowed them to build their economies and increase their strength. Examples of this include the city-states in Africa. Mali, one of those city-states, based its economy on trade, and without it they would not have been able to reach the strength that they had. On top of this, the trade routes connected different empires that were able to work together to reach a common goal such as the removal of another empire. These are some of the influences that trade had on the expansion of empires, and these examples give insight into the extent of the influence.