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Chapter 24- Industry Comes of Age

Chapter 24

Transcontinental railroad

  • Promontory point UT transcontinental railroad connects there

  • 1192 continuous miles of a railroad stretching from coast to coast

    • Constructed from 1863-1869

    • Built by thousands of immigrants

      • Irish

      • Chinese

        • earn less more dangerous jobs

        • expected to come here work and die

    • Initiated by Lincone with the Pacific Railway Act while still in the civil war

    • 2 companies competed to build, large payouts

    • 6 miles a day

  • through the Sierra Nevada mountains

  • made of granite

  • nitroglycerin had to be made on the spot

  • 1500 Chinese die

  • 2 billion

    • companies paid in land

    • Central pacific forge east starting in Sacramento California

    • had 15 years to complete or no paycheck

  • The Union Pacific Railroad law from the council of bluff Iowa to the west

  • Government and the RailRoads

  • Funded by government bonds

  • Dhamer party was just 20 years earlier they went through it

Andrew Carnegie

  • Led expansion of the steel industry

  • Super rich

  • Philanthropy, funded libraries, church organs,

  • Carnegie steel Company

  • Workers made 1.18 a day for 10-hour days

  • Created vertical combination by owning rails and mines


  • Legal relationship

  • Stockholders of multiple companies transfer shares to a single set of trustees in exchange for shares of consolidated earnings (creates monopolies)

  • Allows assets to stay private

Sherman Antitrust Act

  • 1890

  • Named for senator John Sherman of OH

  • Authorized the federal government to dissolve trusts

  • Failed because it failed to define trust and monopoly

  • Dismantled in the supreme court case United States v. E. C. Knight Company

Industrial Revolution’s Impact on the US

  • Changed economic focus from agriculture to large-scale industry

  • New machines and new industries

  • Child labor and unions

  • Increase in wealth, goods, and standards of living (took a while to reach the lower class)

  • Women are paid less than men

  • Women’s independence grew

American Federation of Labor

  • Federation of labor unions

  • Founded in Columbus in 1866

  • Disappointed in knights of labor

  • Alliance of craft unions

Cornelius Vanderbilt

  • Made the first railway between New York and Chicago

  • Monopolized the transportation business

  • Accessory transit company

  • Replaced iron rails with steel rails

  • Made millions in the steamboat industry

  • Made a land transit line across Nicargarua cause of the gold rush

  • gave away 1% of the money to start Vanderbilt University

  • integrity was important

  • competitive

  • sold all his ships to invest in railroads

JP Morgan

  • Financed industrial consolidations

  • Reorganized railroad companies

  • Gained stock through his reorganization and became one of the most powerful businessmen in America

  • active in choices businesses make even though just an investor

  • helped with the panic of 1907 by donating 25mil

  • bought carnage’s steel company which is now protect(among others)

Jonh D Rockefeller

  • Owned ¾ of the American oil industry

  • Standard oil company

  • Widely considered the richest man in modern history

  • World first billionaire

  • goal in life make 100,000 and live to 100 (died at 98)

  • forced to disband because of monopoly but still around as Exxon Mobile, BP,

  • researched and figured out refining oil instead of mining

  • got rid of the middleman

Gospel of Wealth

  • Book by Andrew Carnegie

  • Also known as just wealth

  • Discarded the upper classes responsibility of philanthropy

  • give to society not family

Interstate Commerce Act

  • Designed to regulate the monopolistic railroad industry

  • The act required railroads to have fair and just rates but did not specify any power to fix rates

  • Helped farmers who were using railroads to transport goods

Knights of Labor

  • In US, Canada, Britain, and Australia

  • Led by Terrance v powderly

  • Supported the Chinese Exclusion Act

  • Saw Asian immigrants as competition

  • Aspired for a society in which laborers owned the industries in which they worked

  • Campaigned for 8h work day

  • Made up of skilled and unskilled workers

  • women and African Americans were allowed to join

  • organized strikes that were really effective

  • participated in the Haymarket square riot which dramatically decreased popularity

Haymarket Square

  • A bomb was thrown  at policemen

  • Police were trying to break up a peaceful labor union rally

  • Police responded with gunfire killing multiple people

  • Counterproductive for labor unions

Chapter 24- Industry Comes of Age

Chapter 24

Transcontinental railroad

  • Promontory point UT transcontinental railroad connects there

  • 1192 continuous miles of a railroad stretching from coast to coast

    • Constructed from 1863-1869

    • Built by thousands of immigrants

      • Irish

      • Chinese

        • earn less more dangerous jobs

        • expected to come here work and die

    • Initiated by Lincone with the Pacific Railway Act while still in the civil war

    • 2 companies competed to build, large payouts

    • 6 miles a day

  • through the Sierra Nevada mountains

  • made of granite

  • nitroglycerin had to be made on the spot

  • 1500 Chinese die

  • 2 billion

    • companies paid in land

    • Central pacific forge east starting in Sacramento California

    • had 15 years to complete or no paycheck

  • The Union Pacific Railroad law from the council of bluff Iowa to the west

  • Government and the RailRoads

  • Funded by government bonds

  • Dhamer party was just 20 years earlier they went through it

Andrew Carnegie

  • Led expansion of the steel industry

  • Super rich

  • Philanthropy, funded libraries, church organs,

  • Carnegie steel Company

  • Workers made 1.18 a day for 10-hour days

  • Created vertical combination by owning rails and mines


  • Legal relationship

  • Stockholders of multiple companies transfer shares to a single set of trustees in exchange for shares of consolidated earnings (creates monopolies)

  • Allows assets to stay private

Sherman Antitrust Act

  • 1890

  • Named for senator John Sherman of OH

  • Authorized the federal government to dissolve trusts

  • Failed because it failed to define trust and monopoly

  • Dismantled in the supreme court case United States v. E. C. Knight Company

Industrial Revolution’s Impact on the US

  • Changed economic focus from agriculture to large-scale industry

  • New machines and new industries

  • Child labor and unions

  • Increase in wealth, goods, and standards of living (took a while to reach the lower class)

  • Women are paid less than men

  • Women’s independence grew

American Federation of Labor

  • Federation of labor unions

  • Founded in Columbus in 1866

  • Disappointed in knights of labor

  • Alliance of craft unions

Cornelius Vanderbilt

  • Made the first railway between New York and Chicago

  • Monopolized the transportation business

  • Accessory transit company

  • Replaced iron rails with steel rails

  • Made millions in the steamboat industry

  • Made a land transit line across Nicargarua cause of the gold rush

  • gave away 1% of the money to start Vanderbilt University

  • integrity was important

  • competitive

  • sold all his ships to invest in railroads

JP Morgan

  • Financed industrial consolidations

  • Reorganized railroad companies

  • Gained stock through his reorganization and became one of the most powerful businessmen in America

  • active in choices businesses make even though just an investor

  • helped with the panic of 1907 by donating 25mil

  • bought carnage’s steel company which is now protect(among others)

Jonh D Rockefeller

  • Owned ¾ of the American oil industry

  • Standard oil company

  • Widely considered the richest man in modern history

  • World first billionaire

  • goal in life make 100,000 and live to 100 (died at 98)

  • forced to disband because of monopoly but still around as Exxon Mobile, BP,

  • researched and figured out refining oil instead of mining

  • got rid of the middleman

Gospel of Wealth

  • Book by Andrew Carnegie

  • Also known as just wealth

  • Discarded the upper classes responsibility of philanthropy

  • give to society not family

Interstate Commerce Act

  • Designed to regulate the monopolistic railroad industry

  • The act required railroads to have fair and just rates but did not specify any power to fix rates

  • Helped farmers who were using railroads to transport goods

Knights of Labor

  • In US, Canada, Britain, and Australia

  • Led by Terrance v powderly

  • Supported the Chinese Exclusion Act

  • Saw Asian immigrants as competition

  • Aspired for a society in which laborers owned the industries in which they worked

  • Campaigned for 8h work day

  • Made up of skilled and unskilled workers

  • women and African Americans were allowed to join

  • organized strikes that were really effective

  • participated in the Haymarket square riot which dramatically decreased popularity

Haymarket Square

  • A bomb was thrown  at policemen

  • Police were trying to break up a peaceful labor union rally

  • Police responded with gunfire killing multiple people

  • Counterproductive for labor unions