Apes unit 6a

  1. Know the following terms:

    1. Aerobic

    2. Anaerobic

    3. Nonrenewable energy

    4. Renewable energy

    5. Cogeneration

    6. Fusion

    7. Fission

    8. Meltdown 

    9. Thermal pollution

    10. Reserves 

    11. Fracking 

    12. Anthracite

    13. Bituminous

    14. Lignite

    15. Peat

  2. Know:

    1. Advantages and disadvantages of:

      1. Coal

      2. Oil

      3. Natural gas

      4. Fracking 

      5. Nuclear

    2. The major energy sources used in the world today

    3. The role of fossil fuels in the production of energy

    4. Conditions needed for peat to form

    5. Conditions needed for coal to form

    6. Order of grades of coal from lowest energy content to highest energy content 

    7. Anthracite is the highest grade of coal and is often used for domestic heating

    8. Which countries have the largest coal reserves

    9. Where in the U.S. there are lots of coal mines

    10. Why the use of coal has been decreasing

    11. Conditions needed for oil to form

    12. That oil and gas need a rock layer porous and permeable enough for the oil and gas to accumulate in order to form a deposit

    13. Oil and gas deposits accumulate under rock layers with little to no permeability

    14. Which region in the world has been the  largest exporter of petroleum for the last 4 decades

    15. Why oil use has increased

    16. How fracking fluid is used to access oil and natural gas during the fracking process

    17. A negative geologic effect in an area where fracking occurs

    18. The fuel used in nuclear power

    19. Why nuclear energy is considered nonrenewable

    20. Steps necessary to generate electricity from nuclear power

    21. Where heat is produced in a diagram of a nuclear power plant

    22. The impact of releasing the coolant water from a nuclear power plant into the environment will have on water quality

    23. Where radiation comes from at a power plant during a nuclear meltdown

    24. Where high level and low radioactive waste is stored
