Emergency resolution

  • Who is comprised in the women international displacement

    • Interests, people involved, action, procedures, means of judging who to give passport

    • Based on situation and legal documents provided, give opinion and assess whether a passport is necessary


The delegate of Botswana would like to advocate for all member states to strongly support this amendment. Freedom of movement is often a given in many countries, however, as seen in the resolution, in Saudi Arabia, that is not the case for women. They are being restricted and essentially bound to the male figures due to them not being able to acquire a passport without male consent. This is clearly a violation to the fundamental human rights and the core reason why all member states are all gathered here today. With women unable to decide their own actions, this can be extremely dangerous, especially when Saudi Arabia has had frequent cases of domestic violence. With males having complete control over women, calls for help and necessary assistance can be easily overlooked. Thus, a solution must be acquired. Therefore, the delegate of Botswana would like to promote the establishment of the  Women’s international displacement unit(WIDU). This is an organization responsible for providing legal consent for women to obtain a passport and travel abroad, without the need for male recognition or allowance of this action. This unit would have women’s rights and and the freedom of movement for all at the centre of it’s purpose and UN members would also be integrated into the organization to ensure that a world wide and well rounded view is present. With this in mind, the WIDU would assess whether a passport is able to be given based upon the situation and need of the women seeking for help, such as prescience of domestic violence, environment within their homes and the condition of their overall family lives. Investigations would be set out to ensure that the situation of women looking for consent regarding passports is investigated fully. Therefore, the delegate of Botswana strongly encourages member states to vote for this amendment, not only with the granting of women’s basic rights and freedom in mind, but also with the goal of human rights and the sole reason we are all gathered here today in perspective too.
