Science 1-2 Notes

**How do scientists choose their methods?**

Different problem or question is unique and requires a unique method and the proper tools.

***By the Tools Available***

            You can’t learn about cells without the invention of the microscope.

            You can’t learn about the moon without a telescope.

                        ***By the Subject under Study***

                                    Two types of investigations: experiments and field work

__Experiments__ - involve scientist s controlling different variables and usually done under very precise and controlled conditions in a lab.

__Fieldwork__ – scientists making observation of what is around them there are no variables to control.


**How do scientific theories become accepted?**

A scientific theory is system of ideas that explains many related observation and is supported by a large body of evidence.

Theories are supported by evidence and new evidence can be incorporated.


**How Can You Know Who is Right?**

            The most reliable scientific information is found in professional science journals. 

            Information found here has been checked and rechecked by experts in the field.

Scientists attempt to provide an explanation that agrees with results of observation and testing.
